April 23, 2012
#FreeAnons: Solidarity with R3DH4CK
Solidarity with R3DH4CK.
April 18, 2012
TeaMp0isoN owns doxbin

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| | / _ \/ _` | |\/| | '_ \| | | | / __|/ _ \| \| |
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|_| \___|\__,_|_| |_| .__/ \___/|_|___/\___/|_| \_|
@TeaMp0isoN__ |_|[irc.tsukihi.me #retaliation]
.: TriCk - f0rsaken - MLT - Phantom - aXioM - d3tonate - 2Root - iN^SaNe - vetr0 :.
We will not stand by and let you walk over us. This is for our fallen comrades.
Doxbin Source Code: http://klanfriedchicken.dongforc.es/Doxbin_Code_and_Dox.tgz
Picture: http://doxbinumfxfyytnh.onion.to/me_smiling.jpg
Name: David
Nickname(s): Nachash, Daovonnaex
D.O.B.: April 5, 1985 (27)
Location: Antigo, Wisconsin, US, 54409
Body type: 6' 0" / Athletic
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Occupation: Sales engineer
Hobbies: Hunting, skiing, backpacking, canoing, history, economics, PC games, and I suppose more or less anything--I have diverse interests.
Blend in.
Get trusted.
Trust no one.
Own everyone.
Disclose nothing.
Destroy everything.
Take back the scene.
Never sell out, never surrender.
Get in as anonymous, leave with no trace.
th3j35t3r/Tom Ryan: The final dox #TickTock #told #ya
To th3j35t3r/Tom Ryan: you are one and the same person. You have been well and truly doxed. If by some miracle I am wrong, by all means enlighten me. I’d love to hear you explain these coincidences away. Go on – do it faggot: either prove me wrong or GTFO.
On 11th April, I posted the following lengthy dox on Jester: http://pastebin.com/A5iiTAJS
It contains 20 separate connections between the pair. In the ensuing days, @TomRyanBlog fielded questions on Twitter from various parties who were pressing him about his dox as @ th3j35t3r. I was planning to post a follow-up dox, exposing the lameness of Tom’s rebuttals, but when I went to look back over Jester and TR’s timelines, I found something interesting: many of the tweets in response to my dox had been deleted. That’s right, Jester – who’s previously railed against @atopiary and @anonymouSabu for deleting tweets – had gone and done just that – and so had his real life persona, Tom Ryan.
Y U delete your shit bro?
In line 356 of my previous dox, I posted the following:
take a look at the timeline for Jester and Tom Ryan’s tweets. Notice how they often tweet at almost exactly the same time as one another? For example, take Tuesday 10th April. After two hours without activity from either account, Thomas posts the following at 15:30pm:
“Now I feel really special. Someone created a hidden stream about me and monitors it.”
One minute later, at 15:31, Jester tweets “@alemarahweb – http://www.alemara1.com – TANGO DOWN - أنا كنت”
Observe any two Twitter accounts for long enough and you’ll find timing coincidences of course. However, compare Jester and Tom Ryan’s accounts on any given day and you’ll spot a predictable pattern: they always broadly correlate i.e. there is a short burst of tweets, followed by a 45 minute break while Jester/Ryan goes for a wank or to chow down some beef jerky.
Look through Jester’s timeline for 10th April now, however, and you’ll find that his tweet from 15:31 has been deleted. Scared that you’ve been spotted tweeting at the same time as Thomas, perhaps?
But wait, there’s more...
Check this Twitter conversation TR had on 13th April, beginning with a tweet from @kennethlipp:
“@TomRyanBlog but the hack that supposedly d0xxed him as you did not match the mobile API you tweet from. @RepDan_Gordon”
“@TomRyanBlog so I suspect the d0x is bunk. wish I'd never heard of a d0x. fuck, I was once an academic.”
“@kennethlipp yes I know. Anthropology correct?”
“@TomRyanBlog yeah. I do believe in this, so I don't mind. But I miss it sometimes. Living wages to read and chase muff.”
Click on the above link and you’ll see @kennethlipp’s initial tweet. Click on the following tweet and you should see TR’s response to his dox:
Only you won’t find it, because that tweet has been deleted. What about the following tweet, in which TR also discusses his dox:
Strange, that appears to have been deleted as well. Someone trying to cover their tracks?
Tom’s few surviving tweets in which he discusses his dox are completely fatuous i.e he doesn’t debunk any of the damning similarities I raised, but instead tries to sidetrack the argument:
@TomRyanBlog it does state different phones used, and different time line's, even so... some points do hit home.
@maxmousedll I know of 20 other males and females that fit the same grouping too. It's called contextual analysis for counter intelligence !
@TomRyanBlog yea... I gave that a read, and although much of it is bull (trailing periods... etc) some of it hits home.. sup jester ;)
@maxmousedll then you didn't do as the document told you. The analysis would show different phones used. Different timelines besides the few
@agentdarkapple @AsherahResearch@TheYearof2525 @bitchiest @revmagdalen@LauraWalkerKC why do they always rule out that@th3j35t3r = female?
I’m not even gonna waste my breath bothering to prove that th3j35t3r is male. However, I will address TR’s previous tweet, in which he suggests that our gruesome twosome have ‘different timelines’. (His earlier comment about ‘different phones used’ can be discounted – my first dox explained why Jester and TR use separate phones.)
If Jester and Tom Ryan *do* share different timelines, then could someone please explain this conundrum to me: there follows a list of the only days when Tom Ryan *hasn’t* tweeted since he opened his account three months ago. Alongside each ‘silent’ date, I’ve noted what Jester was up to at the same time:
Jan: 14, 15, 16–25: Tom Ryan only posts RTs. Jester is silent.
Feb 17-20: Tom Ryan is silent. So is Jester.
March 2-4: There are only RTs from both accounts. (Suggesting they’re too busy to post their own tweets).
March 5: Tom Ryan is silent. So is Jester.
March 18-22: Tom Ryan is silent. For two of these days – 19th & 20th – Jester is also silent.
March 24-25: Tom Ryan is silent. Jester is also silent on the 24th.
March 28 & 31: Tom Ryan is silent. Jester tweets once on each of those days.
So there you have it: 85% of the time when TR is off Twitter, so is Jester. Curious...
On 11th April when I dropped Tom Ryan’s dox, the following log was published, detailing a recent chat with Jester:
Note this extract:
VVookie Or you could be Robin Sage....
th3j35t3r Robin Sgae was created by Tom Ryan, another fine operator.
In my first dox, I made the following observation:
“Tom Ryan has form for assuming false identities – such as ‘Robin Sage’. See here for the full story:
INTERESTING FACT: @RobinSage joined Twitter on 26th December 2009 – exactly one week after @th3j35t3r joined.”
Notice Jester patting Tom Ryan on the back when asked whether he could be the same character as Robin Sage?
I’ve also discovered that on 17th June 2011, @RobinSage tweeted @ th3j35t3r – who retweeted it:
“@th3j35t3r looks like you hit the @LulzSec button. No word for 13 hours. The pastebin explains why their account was created May 6th.”
So now we have a direct connection between Tom Ryan, Robin Sage and Jester. In my previous dox, I suggested that Jester chose the Twitter nick ‘Boondock Saint’ because of his Irish connections. Here’s a few tweets involving Tom Ryan that reiterate that Irish affinity:
@TomRyanBlog btw, we'll be in the City around the 1st. First round's on me, know a great Irish pub a few blocks from Zuccotti. cc @sabzbrach
Hope Everyone Has A Great Saint Patty's Day! Time to go celebrate, you know how to get me! Erin Go Bragh!
#Anonymous Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Here's a Gift since You wanted proof TOR was insecure, ;)@LibertyLynx
OK, one final point before I stop obsessing over the Jester and go do something useful with my life, like take a shit:
On 11th April, Jester tweeted the following:
“@th3raptor A few months back, a follower dedicated this to me >>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ky3krLTLrY<< I dedicate it to u. Take 5 mins 33 seconds out.”
The video in question is called 21st Century Superheroes. A day later, Tom Ryan tweeted the following:
“What a week the internet has @th3raptorhttp://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/11/patriot-hacker-raptor-gains-flock-followers-after-foxnewscom-report/ and NYC has SnackManhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br9L7nyoAhAthe country is turning superhero!!!!”
The video he links to depicts a real-life vigilante superhero.
For the 9,000th time, coincidence much?
I’ve no wish to keep assailing a dead horse here, but please, for the love of God: Jester! Thomas! Robin! Can one of you please tell set the record straight here? Of course, you’re under no obligation to deny your dox – the uncanny links between your Twitter absences, your identical writing styles, your similar tweeting times and numerous other idiosyncrasies. Your silence on this matter, however, will prove to be your downfall.
You don’t have to say a word; you can let the public decide for themselves if you like. I’ve laid the evidence out. Now let’s leave it to the internet to decide:
Tom Ryan = Jester. Y/N?
Original dox here: http://pastebin.com/A5iiTAJS
pwned by @spoolfiend
Hey Thomas – I got your dox. U jelly bro?
#TickTock ;)
PS: If you really mad, feel free to dox me back. I ain't in this for the glory, but IDGAF if my name ends up linked to this. I got nothing to hide. You? I'm not so sure...
http://pastebin.com/HaT42sig th3j35t3r/Tom Ryan: The final dox
On 11th April, I posted the following lengthy dox on Jester: http://pastebin.com/A5iiTAJS
It contains 20 separate connections between the pair. In the ensuing days, @TomRyanBlog fielded questions on Twitter from various parties who were pressing him about his dox as @ th3j35t3r. I was planning to post a follow-up dox, exposing the lameness of Tom’s rebuttals, but when I went to look back over Jester and TR’s timelines, I found something interesting: many of the tweets in response to my dox had been deleted. That’s right, Jester – who’s previously railed against @atopiary and @anonymouSabu for deleting tweets – had gone and done just that – and so had his real life persona, Tom Ryan.
Y U delete your shit bro?
In line 356 of my previous dox, I posted the following:
take a look at the timeline for Jester and Tom Ryan’s tweets. Notice how they often tweet at almost exactly the same time as one another? For example, take Tuesday 10th April. After two hours without activity from either account, Thomas posts the following at 15:30pm:
“Now I feel really special. Someone created a hidden stream about me and monitors it.”
One minute later, at 15:31, Jester tweets “@alemarahweb – http://www.alemara1.com – TANGO DOWN - أنا كنت”
Observe any two Twitter accounts for long enough and you’ll find timing coincidences of course. However, compare Jester and Tom Ryan’s accounts on any given day and you’ll spot a predictable pattern: they always broadly correlate i.e. there is a short burst of tweets, followed by a 45 minute break while Jester/Ryan goes for a wank or to chow down some beef jerky.
Look through Jester’s timeline for 10th April now, however, and you’ll find that his tweet from 15:31 has been deleted. Scared that you’ve been spotted tweeting at the same time as Thomas, perhaps?
But wait, there’s more...
Check this Twitter conversation TR had on 13th April, beginning with a tweet from @kennethlipp:
“@TomRyanBlog but the hack that supposedly d0xxed him as you did not match the mobile API you tweet from. @RepDan_Gordon”
“@TomRyanBlog so I suspect the d0x is bunk. wish I'd never heard of a d0x. fuck, I was once an academic.”
“@kennethlipp yes I know. Anthropology correct?”
“@TomRyanBlog yeah. I do believe in this, so I don't mind. But I miss it sometimes. Living wages to read and chase muff.”
Click on the above link and you’ll see @kennethlipp’s initial tweet. Click on the following tweet and you should see TR’s response to his dox:
Only you won’t find it, because that tweet has been deleted. What about the following tweet, in which TR also discusses his dox:
Strange, that appears to have been deleted as well. Someone trying to cover their tracks?
Tom’s few surviving tweets in which he discusses his dox are completely fatuous i.e he doesn’t debunk any of the damning similarities I raised, but instead tries to sidetrack the argument:
@TomRyanBlog it does state different phones used, and different time line's, even so... some points do hit home.
@maxmousedll I know of 20 other males and females that fit the same grouping too. It's called contextual analysis for counter intelligence !
@TomRyanBlog yea... I gave that a read, and although much of it is bull (trailing periods... etc) some of it hits home.. sup jester ;)
@maxmousedll then you didn't do as the document told you. The analysis would show different phones used. Different timelines besides the few
@agentdarkapple @AsherahResearch@TheYearof2525 @bitchiest @revmagdalen@LauraWalkerKC why do they always rule out that@th3j35t3r = female?
I’m not even gonna waste my breath bothering to prove that th3j35t3r is male. However, I will address TR’s previous tweet, in which he suggests that our gruesome twosome have ‘different timelines’. (His earlier comment about ‘different phones used’ can be discounted – my first dox explained why Jester and TR use separate phones.)
If Jester and Tom Ryan *do* share different timelines, then could someone please explain this conundrum to me: there follows a list of the only days when Tom Ryan *hasn’t* tweeted since he opened his account three months ago. Alongside each ‘silent’ date, I’ve noted what Jester was up to at the same time:
Jan: 14, 15, 16–25: Tom Ryan only posts RTs. Jester is silent.
Feb 17-20: Tom Ryan is silent. So is Jester.
March 2-4: There are only RTs from both accounts. (Suggesting they’re too busy to post their own tweets).
March 5: Tom Ryan is silent. So is Jester.
March 18-22: Tom Ryan is silent. For two of these days – 19th & 20th – Jester is also silent.
March 24-25: Tom Ryan is silent. Jester is also silent on the 24th.
March 28 & 31: Tom Ryan is silent. Jester tweets once on each of those days.
So there you have it: 85% of the time when TR is off Twitter, so is Jester. Curious...
On 11th April when I dropped Tom Ryan’s dox, the following log was published, detailing a recent chat with Jester:
Note this extract:
VVookie Or you could be Robin Sage....
th3j35t3r Robin Sgae was created by Tom Ryan, another fine operator.
In my first dox, I made the following observation:
“Tom Ryan has form for assuming false identities – such as ‘Robin Sage’. See here for the full story:
INTERESTING FACT: @RobinSage joined Twitter on 26th December 2009 – exactly one week after @th3j35t3r joined.”
Notice Jester patting Tom Ryan on the back when asked whether he could be the same character as Robin Sage?
I’ve also discovered that on 17th June 2011, @RobinSage tweeted @ th3j35t3r – who retweeted it:
“@th3j35t3r looks like you hit the @LulzSec button. No word for 13 hours. The pastebin explains why their account was created May 6th.”
So now we have a direct connection between Tom Ryan, Robin Sage and Jester. In my previous dox, I suggested that Jester chose the Twitter nick ‘Boondock Saint’ because of his Irish connections. Here’s a few tweets involving Tom Ryan that reiterate that Irish affinity:
@TomRyanBlog btw, we'll be in the City around the 1st. First round's on me, know a great Irish pub a few blocks from Zuccotti. cc @sabzbrach
Hope Everyone Has A Great Saint Patty's Day! Time to go celebrate, you know how to get me! Erin Go Bragh!
#Anonymous Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Here's a Gift since You wanted proof TOR was insecure, ;)@LibertyLynx
OK, one final point before I stop obsessing over the Jester and go do something useful with my life, like take a shit:
On 11th April, Jester tweeted the following:
“@th3raptor A few months back, a follower dedicated this to me >>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ky3krLTLrY<< I dedicate it to u. Take 5 mins 33 seconds out.”
The video in question is called 21st Century Superheroes. A day later, Tom Ryan tweeted the following:
“What a week the internet has @th3raptorhttp://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/11/patriot-hacker-raptor-gains-flock-followers-after-foxnewscom-report/ and NYC has SnackManhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br9L7nyoAhAthe country is turning superhero!!!!”
The video he links to depicts a real-life vigilante superhero.
For the 9,000th time, coincidence much?
I’ve no wish to keep assailing a dead horse here, but please, for the love of God: Jester! Thomas! Robin! Can one of you please tell set the record straight here? Of course, you’re under no obligation to deny your dox – the uncanny links between your Twitter absences, your identical writing styles, your similar tweeting times and numerous other idiosyncrasies. Your silence on this matter, however, will prove to be your downfall.
You don’t have to say a word; you can let the public decide for themselves if you like. I’ve laid the evidence out. Now let’s leave it to the internet to decide:
Tom Ryan = Jester. Y/N?
Original dox here: http://pastebin.com/A5iiTAJS
pwned by @spoolfiend
Hey Thomas – I got your dox. U jelly bro?
#TickTock ;)
PS: If you really mad, feel free to dox me back. I ain't in this for the glory, but IDGAF if my name ends up linked to this. I got nothing to hide. You? I'm not so sure...
http://pastebin.com/HaT42sig th3j35t3r/Tom Ryan: The final dox
The final dox,
Tom Ryan
April 16, 2012
#Android Security LegionJJ Anonymous Iberoamerica

- First you will want to start your phone to allow root access to a handful of applications that we will be talking in this guide. You can find tutorials on how to do this looking for a way to root your phone model on Google.
- With the roots of your phone and overclock your phone, or add new ROMs to further customize or by phone or get better performance, but for this guide is to be used only for the safety of the entire system.
- Before the following:
- Backup everything that is not saved in your Google Profile. You can check your Gmail contact list at gmail.com to see if your contacts are backed up. Also look at the settings to confirm that your media (images, videos and music [If you are not using Google Music would be a good time to join him music.google.com /]) The process of rooting your phone will result in the deletion of all data. Payment applications can be redownloaded after signing in your Google profile.
- Always encrypt first:
- The sandwich stock of gingerbread and vanilla ice cream, Google has given an option to encrypt all the phone with a four-pin or password. I highly recommend using a password composed of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, punctuation marks and symbols that is easy to remember for yourself, but it seems random. A sample password: LW0 (1b * E (V
- Path to encrypt the phone in action gingerbread and vanilla ice cream sandwich:
- Settings> Security> Encryption phone. This process takes about an hour, you must be logged in and have your PIN or password has been done to even begin. You can find this option whenever you change your lock screen. The sandwich stock of gingerbread and vanilla ice cream you can find this in Settings> Security> Lock screen.
- If your operator or manufacturer, for whatever reason, such as disabled this option with a cover (as MOTOBLUR Motorola, Samsung TouchWiz, Sprint ID or some Android phones Sprint) to install a new ROM that offers this option. You can easily find ROMs available and how to install it on your phone through Google.
- The first wave of shock after root:
- After his appearance rooted phone for root application. It looks like a gray skull and bones, but with a head of Android. If you see this you have access to the root and proceed with downloading the following applications, if you have this then you will have to try to get root again with the tutorial I had found.
- (We will use long URLs in this guide to be transparent with the links are pointing and showing that it is not tracking code in the links)
- Download:
- Rom Mod Manager by mechanical -
- Titanium Backup:
- (Optional) Backup Pro Titanium Key:
- Use Mod Manager Rom mechanics to back up your stock rom so if you ever want to return to the rom. This is important if you ever want to uproot the phone. After doing this backup titanium use to schedule backups on your phone. In the settings you can raise levels of encryption and storage of encrypted files on DropBox and if you lose your phone.
- Second wave of shock after root:
- In the next wave of downloads will protect your data connection at the grassroots level using Tor and Google Open DNS. Like the web version of Tor, you will see a slower response time for any use of data, since Tor is working.
- Download:
- Orbot: Tor on Android -
- Orweb: Proxy + Browser Privacy -
- Set DNS:
- First open Orbot: Tor on Android and follow the instructions to allow root access then you have coverage throughout the system. Next open set DNS and make sure you are using Google Open DNS DNS or anything else that you feel comfortable using. After you're done with that, open a link in Twitter or anther web-based application and you will see a system that prompts the browser to use. For optimum security you can set the Orweb: Proxy + Browser privacy as your default browser at this point.
- Other uses of the safety-minded fun:
- TextSecure -
- NoteCiper -
- Gibberbot -
original in spanish http://pastebin.com/5av0kLJF
TeaMp0isoN Retaliation

_____ __ __ ___ _ _ _
|_ _|___ __ _| \/ |_ __ / _ \(_)___ ___ | \ | |
| | / _ \/ _` | |\/| | '_ \| | | | / __|/ _ \| \| |
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|_| \___|\__,_|_| |_| .__/ \___/|_|___/\___/|_| \_|
@TeaMp0isoN__ |_|[irc.tsukihi.me #retaliation]
.: TriCk - f0rsaken - MLT - Phantom - aXioM - d3tonate - 2Root - iN^SaNe - vetr0 :.
We've lost the first and most important member of our team; our founder, our brother, our family member. Most importantly we lost a fighter for freedom, a fighter against corruption.
He strived for justice, and constantly fought against oppression and corruption, to help spread awareness on humanitarian causes, and now, he is no longer with us.
Most of you think that this is end of TeaMp0isoN and that this is end of our fight.
We're glad to shout:
I ask you, a fellow hacker, as a blackhat, to rise, to unite and to fight. For years the hacking scene for the most part has been misrepresented by skids, who have inevitably led to the copious amounts of faggotry and butthurt which currently pollutes the scene. Whitehats continue to lurk and grow, and nothing is preventing them from disclosing exploits.
As a collective we have to stop this, to ascend out of the underground and show the world we are not fucking around, something which TriCk firmly believed in. We, as hackers, have to unite to revive the blackhat scene, for TriCk... and everything that we stand for.
Do you support TeaMp0isoN? Help out via:
root@TeaMp0isoN:~# rm -rf skids/*
root@TeaMp0isoN:~# rm -rf whitehats/*
root@TeaMp0isoN:~# rm -rf governments/*
root@TeaMp0isoN:~# rm -rf justicesystem/*
root@TeaMp0isoN:~# rm -rf police/*
Blend in.
Get trusted.
Trust no one.
Own everyone.
Disclose nothing.
Destroy everything.
Take back the scene.
Never sell out, never surrender.
Get in as anonymous, leave with no trace.
TL;DR Blackhats unite, fuck some shit up, in the name of TriCk.
Hacked by Xeemsoft & Independencia Mexico #Team Sector404

Twitter: @IndependenciaMe & @Xeemsoft
Anonymous Mexico en apoyo a Anonymous Colombia
Somos anonymous , EL INTERNET ES LIBRE!!
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WEB PAGE: http://www.bogota.gov.co/
Server: Unix
Host IP:
Data Base: bogota
Database: bogota
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| ab_suit_respuesta |
| ab_suit_seguimiento |
| ab_suit_tramites |
| administracion_copia_estadisticas |
| administracion_copia_rankes_ubicaciones |
| afb_accounts |
| afb_accounts_has_perms |
| afb_blacklist_dirs |
| afb_blacklist_ext |
| afb_blacklist_files |
| afb_log |
| afb_settings |
| afb_shares |
| aplicaciones |
| archivo |
| banco |
| bl |
| carga |
| cate |
| clima |
| colores |
| dabs_administrador |
| dabs_coloresciclos |
| dabs_contenido |
| dabs_huellas |
| dabs_tertulia |
| dabs_tertuliapreguntas |
| dictionary |
| doccate |
| edi |
| enti |
| entidad |
| esta |
| exeptionary |
| foro |
| foro_auth_access |
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| foro_user_group |
| foro_users |
| foro_vote_desc |
| foro_vote_results |
| foro_vote_voters |
| foro_words |
| guia_anexos |
| guia_ayuda |
| guia_campana_evento |
| guia_ciudadanos |
| guia_estadisticas |
| guia_log |
| guia_log_ultima_actualizacion |
| guia_macropocesos |
| guia_mensajes |
| guia_nav |
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| guia_pertenecia_puntos_servicio |
| guia_pertenencia_anexos_campanas_servicios |
| guia_pertenencia_campanas_servicios |
| guia_pertenencia_ciudadanos_campanas_servicios |
| guia_pertenencia_ciudadanos_mensajes |
| guia_pertenencia_mapa_servicio |
| guia_pertenencia_pasos_servicios |
| guia_pertenencia_poblacion_servicios |
| guia_pertenencia_puntos_mapas_campanas_servicios |
| guia_pertenencia_servicios_servicios |
| guia_pertenencia_temas_campanas_servicios |
| guia_poblacion |
| guia_programacion |
| guia_servicios |
| guia_temas |
| guia_tipo_campanas_servicios |
| guia_tipo_medio |
| guia_vinculacion_observaciones |
| guia_vinculacion_temporadas |
| imgcate |
| indi |
| indice |
| linkionary |
| links |
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| livehelp_transcripts |
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| masslinks |
| medios |
| menu |
| mod_for |
| moderador |
| msg |
| msgalc |
| msggen |
| new |
| perfil |
| permisos |
| pico |
| poll |
| poll_opt |
| portal_administracion_aplicacion |
| portal_administracion_aplicacion_ayuda |
| portal_administracion_contacto |
| portal_administracion_contacto_bak20111108 |
| portal_administracion_cuentas |
| portal_administracion_enviolog |
| portal_administracion_estadisticas |
| portal_administracion_estadisticas_2011 |
| portal_administracion_fuente |
| portal_administracion_globales |
| portal_administracion_listas |
| portal_administracion_mensajes |
| portal_administracion_pertenencia_aplicacion_contacto |
| portal_administracion_pertenencia_categoria_contacto |
| portal_administracion_pertenencia_contacto_envio |
| portal_administracion_pertenencia_contactos_lista_envio |
| portal_administracion_pertenencia_contactos_lista_envio_broad |
| portal_administracion_pertenencia_fuente_contacto |
| portal_administracion_pertenencia_listas_categorias |
| portal_administracion_ranker |
| portal_administracion_ranker_ubicaciones |
| portal_administracion_ranker_ubicaciones_2011 |
| portal_administracion_registro |
| portal_cades_ubicaciones |
| portal_contenido_categoria |
| portal_contenido_categoria_alias |
| portal_contenido_foto_y_medios |
| portal_contenido_foto_y_medios_clase |
| portal_contenido_fuentes_contenido |
| portal_contenido_idioma |
| portal_contenido_links |
| portal_contenido_links_archivo |
| portal_contenido_links_perfil |
| portal_contenido_links_tipo |
| portal_contenido_links_traduccion |
| portal_contenido_pertenencia_categoria_links |
| portal_contenido_pertenencia_enlace_links |
| portal_contenido_pertenencia_foto_categoria |
| portal_contenido_pertenencia_foto_links |
| portal_contenido_pertenencia_links_links |
| portal_contenido_pertenencia_ubicaciones_links |
| portal_copia_administracion_estadisticas |
| portal_copia_administracion_ranker_ubicaciones |
| portal_crm_casos |
| portal_crm_data |
| portal_crm_pertenencia_casos_contactos |
| portal_crm_pertenencia_casos_contenido |
| portal_crm_pertenencia_casos_respuestas |
| portal_crm_pertenencia_casos_respuestas_contenido |
| portal_crm_pertenencia_crm_datosext |
| portal_cuenta_crm |
| portal_cuentas |
| portal_diccionario_excepcion |
| portal_feria |
| portal_feria_servicio |
| portal_formas_datosext |
| portal_formas_datosext_formularios |
| portal_formas_datosext_opcion |
| portal_formas_datosext_respuestas |
| portal_formas_datosext_respuestas_contenido |
| portal_formas_encuesta |
| portal_formas_encuesta_opcion |
| portal_formas_foro |
| portal_formas_pertenencia_foro_contacto |
| portal_mapa_layer |
| portal_mapa_loses |
| portal_mapa_pertenencia_foto_puntos |
| portal_mapa_puntos |
| portal_older_contenido_links |
| portal_presentacion_css |
| portal_presentacion_formato |
| portal_presentacion_formato_alias |
| portal_presentacion_formato_alias_tipo |
| portal_suit_conversion_tramites |
| portal_suit_documentos |
| portal_suit_periodos |
| portal_suit_rac |
| portal_suit_requisitos |
| portal_suit_respuesta |
| portal_suit_seguimiento |
| portal_suit_tramites |
| portal_votacion_2010 |
| prueba |
| puntos_digi |
| ranker |
| |
| relacion_formato_tramite |
| relacion_punto_tramite |
| scanned |
| temas |
| temp |
| temp2 |
| templates |
| templinkionary |
| tempscan |
| usuario |
| usuario_detalle |
| ws_sds_tramite_0001 |
Database: bogota
Table: ab_administracion_aplicacion
[4 columns]
| Column | Type |
| aplicacion_id | int(10) unsigned |
| aplicacion_idapp | int(10) unsigned |
| aplicacion_link | text |
| aplicacion_nombre | text |
Table: ab_administracion_aplicacion_ayuda
[6 columns]
| Column | Type |
| aplicacion_ayuda_accion | varchar(10) |
| aplicacion_ayuda_archivo | varchar(200) |
| aplicacion_ayuda_id | int(10) unsigned |
| aplicacion_ayuda_idapp | varchar(10) |
| aplicacion_ayuda_nombre | varchar(200) |
| aplicacion_ayuda_texto | text |
Table: ab_administracion_contacto
[19 columns]
| Column | Type |
| contacto_archivo_anexo | varchar(200) |
| contacto_cc | varchar(45) |
| contacto_ciudad | varchar(45) |
| contacto_correo | varchar(200) |
| contacto_estado | int(10) unsigned |
| contacto_fax | varchar(45) |
| contacto_id | int(10) unsigned |
| contacto_id_supervisor | int(10) unsigned |
| contacto_nombre | varchar(100) |
| contacto_ocupacion | varchar(100) |
| contacto_pais | varchar(45) |
| contacto_password | varchar(100) |
| contacto_perfil | int(10) unsigned |
| contacto_telefono | varchar(45) |
| contacto_texto | text |
| contacto_tipo | int(10) unsigned |
| contacto_ubicacion | varchar(100) |
| contacto_url | varchar(200) |
| contacto_user | varchar(45) |
Table: ab_administracion_contacto
[5 entries]
| contacto_correo |
| luisivlz.20@gmail.com |
| nicorey2001@gmail.com |
| aealejo@alcaldiabogota.gov.co |
| felipepolog@gmail.com |
Table: ab_administracion_contacto
[85 entries]
| contacto_password |
| 2bb346eae2b1646f3ab52319842612ccae6b25a9e18577ec38d21d911422a898 |
| 8be5771256a9a14a586bc992ba40d9fdaf94614c785843abf947d5aeb995f0c7 |
| cc29e3e9533120dcbe64e9575a4ad8da564c970c95e3853d9f81de0026bca10e |
| 2046b330980029e8f15657382cd4728414e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291 |
| c1a07244fe9783b768d714dbba776d9c12ba7117523d897df6d5b62d34d1310f |
| 1f52307853b27a8d65d8a69b554b311bbe9756b76c9096641e3dbf1add18eaf9 |
| e47e7e620ca794c01efda20eba38c6980fa83e2240e76d10f44ae32d33c4adcc |
| e36cbcffea5e1b612f12843dcca932ae224cf2b695a5e8ecaecfb9015161fa4b |
| e22cc348520410103ca4c94cd07faa7f39356522399acf5ff87614d41dc9a5e4 |
| 71216cc517327966c787af3e53aa8e3314e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291 |
| fa7fd73556e6f17d263ee258b73253e8a84d615f8af1f1b9b9319b469e41260e |
| 895871567662c3f6704d224139b6a19514e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291 |
| 20a2bd8a1e723e2e0fc3b23c0ba5e354db95b877c50ee427b88aafc6a24929be |
| 8d885c1709db0d6262365c6370ca2cccf76f1774c9d7e32ca004959db2e24d24 |
| 69679c238b35b07a294407b1cb0cfe0a69679c238b35b07a294407b1cb0cfe0a |
| 6779d5cc111746db6aea1e3536f6e0eab7b9c552244d7452600c926f84fa44bd |
| 94ad2250f2d042a2e506c59cde9d8eb8163d2ed8682b85f08da9d7a34d26d1a1 |
| 49f61f58a26f133d4d787679428e3673aa5909496f16161b304d5288899bbc45 |
| 9bef703a9dc6ec4147a9f14a542cf8024a6629303c679cfa6a5a81433743e52c |
| d90bb7a3e878273a6aeabfb8808ce25d782875a032fb12fe61c4b0e7cc7941c8 |
| 480091e9b354602103adec57ba4050be3083a1432f18775bf5b4caf2d1cfbb09 |
| 93c60d28bbba0e58d10a947e17608296c974a1154204c2a6bfa19599a8c3920c |
| 5f0dd87a57bfceaa6e7da0fff61f14f10b2b2491604992ee68f3ad0a6af1ff8a |
| 7d9bb01fb2c4729d4782c41bc3ff6a921f32aa4c9a1d2ea010adcf2348166a04 |
| 50bf04a875383a8c2f3b5bc9c29889fd779a6dfdcc0e338d645bdedf9ed0b27b |
| e4f067e75cdf9044c5aa43ef6377202127e45b888df7ff4462607b5371e27664 |
| caf9e95e85c0e5a0524064b6f04c6869fec80fb83a60388284c55746086467a3 |
| 1c5f40f9886a0b79e7512fb2e31a49d355bbc4be445cadb864323fa0f67f4128 |
| 72990a57af098dc244c4b81fd59a31802fc4ee86a4b3feeab486c139e84d5fc1 |
| dfbb1c2c7192123f25a7e12f551aecb743d9e9a9eb80f6fa495320e28ad22457 |
| 82b18d4c1cf1e66bbf1c47ce80e6735282b18d4c1cf1e66bbf1c47ce80e67352 |
| fb26cf06e62b4d85da3e9a474bdde7638ef2f37af173e55ddb69b8c5a613005b |
| f4709c09789518789da9407ef8c292eb71db09b9f678a72d8e0e1b344c93690b |
| 09c70c720c8f5663e156218db94acacf14e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291 |
| 76c784c00d4bce6bc7a9d39b79e7dba6355f464f774e21ff4df2eea5166034f4 |
| 182abafec2f02cef5a8cfa428936d8566d2414a59047875ff715ef7193b968c0 |
| 32a0e4216a4615c0720c817757bcd99712d7360f36eae0c366c96bfc9259c621 |
| d0bbb659f34a6dd855102c4e37124b19cd90fe5dbe546be0dd784840d0ac3ff5 |
| f273fcc494a49067042d3353da7c0f7014e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291 |
| 295e30e57a7d852b8594041c78cf2e5514e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291 |
| cc19e45bc6618275e60cc47a9ac6f62514e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291 |
| fdc33aea69d581dba10e83dd6960db424a6629303c679cfa6a5a81433743e52c |
| c6591237a43ad3abaf36a6082692728dcd709046bbec9cc3e2542d0106f7a69b |
| 8acef2b6a433162f65f7464558c708fede4d0262e3710d2957dca09f2aff9a77 |
| f1ab2d6c9e87f70264513cc274cadbd0c0d18f06fcf9dcf8ed8fd810815e0c80 |
| 23ec8b7fdddfeaa08716d5c63745f06048d934abf9fb8149697c52562b1d01cb |
| cd7f8bc28220403de9206bfc67b16733ccdf91398b616526f485f7e9e32b89ce |
| f138079ff33152c90e90605de63b3b228b11e318f508ea4daa6c4f98fa747f2e |
| 0895ae8731c27845efff1e10b3beec816087531dcd8bf233a239a93114e7b4dc |
| b25445032ec63163f2a80018a0dfa542fc03b2495f0b19fa4351a33c6c3b52b8 |
| 68dfe52cfb99a39cae39d6c85f644588f00836a84bea3b340b8ff2d15fc589c5 |
| fa2a63e3a6a10c9df1efc5fdd5c9cc80c27c49de0407ae9f29fbf2e092bfb28c |
| a44340d679d983c77005eca165c03db45fe19f239fff95ea5eb5b72b1f34b911 |
| b07f985a938dab08a98ca2619ca1c42d6a2d76f4d3fd4a0e7106efd0451cf30a |
| 7dc0442bebf87dfd9dfaa5a4145f606514e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291 |
| 8ed157bd8300abe39e1716b568f07b41604ec2f711580047eb2241a0dce8a2b4 |
| 88d11ea565362ec1d7a035ee05b8f872b0f20224e99d01a44abe17d8f0b486c5 |
| 0cf979bf4d9b56851b93f1b5d0033821c97d994dc0c666ec9eac034634682886 |
| aa9b4b28b043e79de8f185e0fae2a339e6d3f3f86790fa44dbb6ec34bdf6382b |
| 790f20e941ff601b04083b9f71a8da99d46547a2900940ed581ffe9f0fef1b1e |
| f2169aeda11e731366aaebe27c1dedc4686ac8bc2e602df23c5dead93abe4493 |
| fe04b0349d16ddd6464c4ee43c2fdc061689632edbea7f931f3e23abe0ebb5ff |
| 752805be6739b091f0fdce16d794e1a7752805be6739b091f0fdce16d794e1a7 |
| 94e7d5cbf8c372d5947a99040d8d3be23fd57513faaabf08f49b256d9b326c64 |
| a93696baabb849ea35657731d2d00ad6113ca252bb4c290682a41ffacee7af0f |
| 635162e416722eda7ddf43b270dc1a3789d8bf8f76f9bfb583b9416cc14e3176 |
| dd95026efac57e1fd83b3a176a93951f224cf2b695a5e8ecaecfb9015161fa4b |
| 268d589146b477f66629900283361a05dabf2594072ae56dbe5d3fe09e2b0dac |
| 25603ccd17e776cb980df6fcb5343d1811c3ac028cc4bf83bba1d549ec599811 |
| a7cf3058f5a108ea0b0ac2932ffc5d15915d4eccd83c35dd4733c1c542b63f30 |
| 1338af56f31651a4579344ba8ed92e1d14e1b600b1fd579f47433b88e8d85291 |
| 89916f8ca62c07394efac313ee25ae65341b67195250ce46e2281e52cf875141 |
| b7ef5c88ddfafcd0319b9cced33be7329a0a0ab30d6e38cadde484f00f16778e |
| b6a7b9d2348337d57846e99ce40b9591b03c5f069fdad07cc0d279b5c8158a9e |
| e6ce67d9746009b62b0b1b82af44fe536198712f4352750e770e35dd7b225e73 |
| 1e933de0b65a6c25fa99b97dcfdb9eb02bb969a7ced0f68537f472e5cafba8bc |
| b2c36027ae2e77ac37a7e250f242f187a6c7d1e6b456e269be9b48fe5c03e5c3 |
| 145fff7cd8735a35fe79e1eee3508f57c7500c06b8adddf515cab5c3e2161528 |
| 0269cac857a227b6c1fbfa551c09970b83f7c89661c084fdc90485a64bb3883b |
| b550d49d96d18624859bf21ac43686ad422c2b95d4f354f119450812ff5d113a |
| 2dbb5928c23891a51fafa9a16374d28567616a8df930273ce11a7d085431288e |
| 94276d71d8cf4a1635856981b3a7adbb507ba10da37297bbbd6f0fc923bdcaed |
| 27ea7bc9881ea2c4b386251c4035b0bb9399d72f770b77ccffe12365c949c7cc |
| 3501e587175d7b14e43a4bec0876c92e19fd1977cf0d0a60db69482675ce7ea0 |
| 43ef4cccc8124797ee77fcedadc066e6bdb37259fa21c80d6710e6a5877cd86a |
Table: ab_administracion_cuentas
[3 columns]
| Column | Type |
| cuenta_casilla | varchar(200) |
| cuenta_from | varchar(200) |
| cuenta_id | int(11) |
Table: ab_administracion_enviolog
[8 columns]
| Column | Type |
| contacto_id | int(11) |
| envio_broad | int(11) |
| envio_tipo | int(11) |
| fecha_upd | datetime |
| lista_id | int(11) |
| log_id | int(11) |
| mensaje_id | int(11) |
| status_envio | int(11) |
Table: ab_administracion_estadisticas
[4 columns]
| Column | Type |
| categoria_tema_id | varchar(200) |
| estadisticas_fecha | datetime |
| estadisticas_ip | varchar(30) |
| estadisticas_numero | int(11) |
Table: ab_administracion_fuente
[16 columns]
| Column | Type |
| contacto_id | int(10) unsigned |
| fuente_ciudad | varchar(100) |
| fuente_correo | varchar(200) |
| fuente_escala_prioridad | int(10) unsigned |
| fuente_estado | int(10) unsigned |
| fuente_fax | varchar(45) |
| fuente_id | int(10) |
| fuente_logo_imagen | varchar(100) |
| fuente_nit | varchar(45) |
| fuente_nombre | varchar(250) |
| fuente_pais | varchar(45) |
| fuente_propiedades | text |
| fuente_telefono | varchar(45) |
| fuente_tipo | int(10) unsigned |
| fuente_ubicacion | varchar(200) |
| fuente_url | varchar(200) |
Table: ab_administracion_globales
[3 columns]
| Column | Type |
| global_id | int(11) |
| global_nombre | varchar(25) |
| global_valor | varchar(200) |
Table: ab_administracion_listas
[6 columns]
| Column | Type |
| cuenta_id | int(11) |
| lista_estado | int(11) |
| lista_id | int(11) |
| lista_nombre | varchar(200) |
| lista_numero_mensajes | int(11) |
| lista_periodicidad | varchar(20) |
Table: ab_administracion_mensajes
[8 columns]
| Column | Type |
| lista_id | int(11) |
| mensaje_asunto | text |
| mensaje_cuerpo | text |
| mensaje_estado | int(11) |
| mensaje_formato | int(11) |
| mensaje_id | int(11) |
| mensaje_orden | int(11) |
| mensaje_tipo | int(11) |
Table: ab_administracion_registro
[8 columns]
| Column | Type |
| aplicacion_id | int(10) unsigned |
| contacto_user | varchar(200) |
| registro_accion | varchar(45) |
| registro_datos | text |
| registro_fecha | datetime |
| registro_id | int(10) unsigned |
| registro_id_afectado | int(10) unsigned |
| registro_nombre_tabla | varchar(100) |
Table: dabs_administrador
[3 columns]
| Column | Type |
| clave | varchar(55) |
| id | int(11) |
| nombre | varchar(55) |
Table: dabs_huellas
[8 columns]
| Column | Type |
| ciclo | int(11) |
| fecha | varchar(55) |
| id | int(11) |
| localidad | varchar(55) |
| loquehace | text |
| loquepiensa | text |
| loquesiente | text |
| nombre | varchar(70) |
Table: registro
[9 columns]
| Column | Type |
| data | text |
| fecha | date |
| hora | time |
| id | int(11) |
| id_afectado | varchar(100) |
| id_aplicacion | int(11) |
| id_usuario | varchar(45) |
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| carmago67@hotmail.com | 97304e7e50e01b86d8280a6dfe8f9a7a | Carlos Ignacio |
| carolunita@terra.com.co | 17013b6ef441bb257b0fc6f98cc148b8 | CaRoLuNiTa |
| kurtcobain@007mundo.com | 7242d6c91121f8e2e87803855c028e55 | Moderador Linea 195 - 1 |
| ingenestor@hotmail.com | fb60d411a5c5b72b2e7d3527cfc84fd0 | NESTOR NARCISO ARIAS VARG |
| linea195_3@alcaldiabogota.gov.co | 5eddcae6cf88dd701a953eff0b78c96d | Moderador L\ednea 195 - 3 |
| lfmartinez@alcaldiabogota.gov.co | cdf36d60149d701ea004753ecbd80f79 | Luis Francisco Mart\ednez |
| andrubal@latinmail.com | fbf5f839bf16f0f3c8e03b9e8bc2e5c2 | andrubal gonzalez |
| stergomalista@hotmail.com | b824b2f65ab727d8e646f88041f1a2b0 | Jaqueline Araguren Pire |
| msanchez@camericas.com | 5ca4e2edf1e6fb5cc7f8de51394c64ea | MSG |
| smark7@bk.ru | 9b123c011c80c3ed43555ddcafac00a9 | Cabana64 |
| epabcol@yahoo.com | 1d8f8f7ee439917f15624078a8d0b9aa | Erika Abril |
| comandomillonario@hotmail.com | 776e6e96ee1f286387248f1c6608d046 | COMANDO MILLONARIO |
| bogo77aesdelgallinero@yahoo.com.ar | 776e6e96ee1f286387248f1c6608d046 | SOMOS BOGOTA |
| homerojoens@latinmail.com | 362f07dd6e22ebb33846bf540a9bd08e | juan solano |
| epabcol1@yahoo.com | 067f829fff3e8706e8af2936cbef4e63 | Subsecretario T\e9cnico |
| portalbogota@alcaldiabogota.gov.co | 8f5bd266c21c252ca603b0d82d44a4f4 | Prensa |
| diloju@colombiaaprende.edu.co | 8d6ae46460d5269ddfe2ca433332c27c | DILOJU |
| alcaldesuba2@hotmail.com | b55153e95f6f884fd6b26fa4b89cd411 | Alcalde Local de Suba |
| shutther@yahoo.com | 42946c20eeafa89d07d18a37fea7004b | shutther gonzalez rosso |
| lupachoguerra@etb.net.co | 7a1e27bc63ed664635a440ba0ab6b02e | Luis Francisco Guerra G. |
| milealarc@geomundos.com | 84fb8432800a8fbddb8a9ba2626bb48b | milealarc |
| caleonb@etb.net.co | 24a9e2777be9a0ff42ed59b90deeb5a5 | CARLOS ALBERTO LEON BAQUE |
| sarinconv@dane.gov.co | 0e84aea36c3b7f389e3df166612d0dc6 | seal |
| giovannigantivagarcia@hotmail.com | 037c70dbc1c812f6b2091688804d7b17 | GIOVANNI |
| catodix@hotmail.com | e18900207d2584a1c7615316e28a2443 | Carlos Enrique Toloza D. |
| maotsetung3866@hotmail.com | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e | mauropaso |
| alarcon368@hotmail.com | 4ed662e2f364214735d99e04fba35f99 | alarcon368 |
| prensa@transitobogota.gov.co | 7588b80b93864348b103ab67c6e4b2b7 | Heriberto Triana |
| tatanoriega@yahoo.com | 04092ec1195dd964cb8e9246b48ff0ce | Fundama |
| manvil2@hotmail.com | a52e3943a5455bce70720e26e2c1e399 | Manolo |
| adriyomora@yahoo.com | 4263c7adb19dfdd33a49a23d16060eb8 | Adrianita |
| linaresmati@hotmail.com | cebdd715d4ecaafee8f147c2e85e0754 | Moderador Linea 195 - 2 |
| alexcrazy@gmail.com | 93279e3308bdbbeed946fc965017f67a | Alexander |
| danimonroy@yahoo.es | c2b592488a765722513420108c466524 | juan daniel monroy |
| NULL | NULL | Anonymous |
| nrippe@dapd.gov.co | ee62961b05e19e79583393dbbec14c75 | Nathalia Rippe Sierra |
| nicorey2001@yahoo.com | 474170811d884817b9c1f76b6716014c | nicorey |
| erojasg@sedbogota.edu.co | 8ca7418bc7c0ebac7b28d867bd960f5b | Edicson Rojas |
| perez@hotmail.com | 432652555d38b0f1d115d9356b96c949 | perez |
| alex_torres79@hotmail.com | 9c70933aff6b2a6d08c687a6cbb6b765 | alexander torres |
| infoservicio@alcaldiabogota.gov.co | 1aa88d194011ecd7ea5f4928bc2eb5b8 | Juan Carlos Rodriguez Ara |
| edulica15@hotmail.com.co | 84d6bb70c60928c6845e970eeb2e4baf | edwin libardo cardenas |
| miltonchaparrojuli@etb.net.co | 7b08b9eb96845b169b713669020f6be4 | milton chaparro |
| alcaldesuba@hotmail.com | 3fcc5cc7e32da9cb44c0b50a0e89c64a | Eduardo Arias |
| centrocontacto@alcaldiabogota.gov.co | bc6051917079845723191f8444d4c3d6 | Moderador Linea 195 - 4 |
| josediav@etb.net.co | f428c8eec21acac4e93b0a4a516e6c26 | josediav |
| andreasalam@hotmail.com | e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e | ANDREA SALAMANCA |
| carolinaleon21@hotmail.com | 4a6f93feab73fbe7b10942a4a4e4b83c | Moderador Linea 195 - 5 |
| rd_tv@hotmail.co | 15fa672549a3c6bb57af22fbb5bc73ba | armando |
| carlincastillo@hotmail.com | 671f0311e2754fcdd37f70a8550379bc | CARLOS ARTURO CASTILLO GA |
| alcaldesuba1@hotmail.com | 7234afe2fb9108706fdd1df4d58ae0ca | Edward Arias |
| intervsalud@colombia.com | be5ceaf8eb81cf7e8b709331072d1013 | Jos\e9 Nelson Vela Romero |
| prensa1@transitobogota.gov.co | 97a7347b350e14b20f9f98920bb8f0b0 | Subsecretario de Operacio |
| lui@etb.net.co | cda590a127cadc76b47a040da167457d | LUISA FERNANDA PINZON |
| jennlo666@hotmail.com | 8b79b8526b6e9fb0366d607b44f3d7bc | Jennlo |
| cristina@uesp.gov.co | 52f85010a4cee7cbb9cfced49de631f9 | Directora Reciclaje-UESP |
| jhansdemerak@hotmail.com | 847d9852397446f8df4f5d2665109ef3 | JHANS MONTILLA |
| elkivilc@etb.net.co | 01d966f0888027ebfd1a3f23e03143ea | elkin alberto villalba ca |
| linea195@alcaldiabogota.gov.co | a5bfe7361393551bf31ea3108f16b2ee | Moderador Linea 195 |
| luislcl@yahoo.es | fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759 | agente |
| cezar09@hotmail.com | c90b664d7cc1c02738d2a5b02b9e2d82 | camilo |
| caritoortiz@hotmail.com | b947d08459cbbf407633f0e0c7398745 | Carolina Ortiz Gonz\e1lez |
| JMONCADA80@HOTMAIL.COM | ef561e6d56b3bc5f502f9996f6434289 | JOSE ARCENIO MONCADA |
accounts_username --- accounts_password --- accounts_name
admin --- rsl98700 --- Administrator
[#] usuario [#]
nombre clave login
Alejandra Ortz 511b1cde32b13dbe46bbb16e18a978bd alejaortiz
Angela Maria Pardo Castro 71266d5aa99ddcefe1b4cfe85c981197 angelampardo
Angela Morales ebbc42089f207fa3f19ee14aa4887a66 angelamo
Cesar Marin 4fbf4ae213ac2fe8945535b75a996d73 cemarinca
Erika Abril 11b8f30ae02d791e9e04410fc3ec48bd erikabril
Fernando 7f83bc873fdf92a1eec0051350f923f frodriguez
Invitado 4c17c84f21e31cfb3138a29eb6381e77 invitado
Javier Cortes 6dc91198496fb9ce752e15df37f7956b jacortes
Jhon Fredy Perdomo 8e67cdacddd9c31863f91defd2f8823b jhonfperdomo
Jhon Gomez 2cf82ae0d28b0f737987f6d64185e36a jhogomez
Jose Camacho Fallon a503fd90130946612f79328add3212f1 josecama
Juan Carlos Cely 9595bcf35d5f04e6ec8503cb37ef3763 jcely2005
Lila Rodriguez 88f2f0cd6ce16e4852f756a3447fce79 lilaluzro
Liz Katerine Dussan 291c4bda493bed623e7ae44e88e35094 lkdussan
Myriam Suarez 896a3103fbdbe3eb88aad4bc3bb92d30 mysuarez
Nayibe Perdomo 4a3603df6d0a54eeb7b5a3875db92c80 nperdomo
Nicolas Rey 4ffa7d8cb7ae50f92ec882374a052144 nicorey00
Olga Parias f7a7a89c5e7f9b593333aca3dc2f9202 olparias
Omar Nieto f3dec724af3e7f44005cfea0b59fe276 omnietoo
Raquel Caputo 6cabd5482569df33a80d81b07b603d46 racaputo
Rolf Perea Cuervo ee01b990c35fa6f8901ccfc57212a42e rolfperea
Ruby Aponte dbb68ca54bcda7eadb51924eeeb0958a rubyaponte
Virginia Delgado a9aafd317e5bdc353f49484870e1f223 virginia
#Team Sector404
AntiSec. Exposed
####### ##### # # ####### # ####### # # | Since 2003
# # # # # # # # # ## # | Vigilance & Intelligence is Primary
# # # # # # # # # # # | ~~~~~~~~~| HAX0R ATTACK |~~~~~~~~~
##### # ####### ##### # # # # # # | ~~~~~~~~~~~| AntiSec. |~~~~~~~~~~
# # # # # # # # # # # | ~ #OpKage4Access | @Echelon101 ~
# # # # # # # # # # ## |
####### ##### # # ####### ####### ####### # # |
David Morgan and his associates (AntiSec.) have decided that the only way to stop Echelon was to physically harm Kree Love, a high ranking officer of Echelon. He also decided it would be best to destroy Kree Love's connections within Occupy London with false claims of being a informant and snitch, with the help of a couple of Liverpool.
> http://www.picvalley.net/u/2235/86944310416625120701334453675StW5O2pWhPWaDehEwkvI.JPG <
[4/14/12 8:34:01 PM] Callum Smith: Hello there kree, are you there?
[4/14/12 8:34:43 PM] Kree Love: Yes.
[4/14/12 8:34:53 PM] Kree Love: I hear you have intel.
[4/14/12 8:35:48 PM] Callum Smith: Heya kree
[4/14/12 8:35:51 PM] Callum Smith: Well to put it simply
[4/14/12 8:36:03 PM] Callum Smith: I'm the person who they've "Hired" to come and take you down
[4/14/12 8:36:35 PM] Kree Love: And you're wiresharking me right now?
[4/14/12 8:36:43 PM] Callum Smith: And by that I mean I know you go to occupy liverpool, went to a squat rave, have contacts there who recognise you as well as the fact you have fake american ID, and they expect me to end you, which I would do, if antisec wasn't a lump of shit.
[4/14/12 8:36:51 PM] Callum Smith: Wireshark? Nope, basic skype, Im not into that shit
[4/14/12 8:37:02 PM] Kree Love: I've never been to Liverpool*
[4/14/12 8:37:04 PM] Callum Smith: I'm a friend of the "Fag hag"
[4/14/12 8:37:09 PM] Kree Love: I met people from Liverpool in London
[4/14/12 8:37:10 PM] Kree Love: Occuoy
[4/14/12 8:37:20 PM] Callum Smith: I know you havn't you have however been to occupy london, which I have contacts at
[4/14/12 8:37:26 PM] Kree Love: Sam?
[4/14/12 8:37:26 PM] Callum Smith: Basically speaking, I have a proposition
[4/14/12 8:37:37 PM] Kree Love: head of tech team...
[4/14/12 8:37:43 PM] Callum Smith: You scratch my back, I help you make antisec look like utter fools while similtanously giving me the opportunity to implant my self into them.
[4/14/12 8:38:21 PM] Callum Smith: can we call? I'll explain it in detail, there was a momentous sport occasion in liverpool today so im a bit drunk so bear with me, but I still have my wits about me
[4/14/12 8:38:29 PM] Kree Love: Okay
[4/14/12 8:38:36 PM] Kree Love:
[4/14/12 8:43:32 PM] Callum Smith: Basically what they want me to do is "Send you message"
[4/14/12 8:56:08 PM] Kree Love:
[4/14/12 9:58:27 PM] Kree Love: May I ask the names of the people who told you about me in Occupy London?
[4/14/12 10:00:06 PM] Callum Smith: No because they are innocent parties in this situation and not related to antisec, they are just a part (Unknowingly) in my intelligence network.
[4/14/12 10:00:20 PM] Kree Love: Well, I have a right to know...
[4/14/12 10:01:27 PM] Callum Smith: And if you go running your mouth then my intelilgence links get comprimised . . . If we can sort something out then we can probably talk about it, but until we have our meeting, sorry.
[4/14/12 10:01:45 PM] Kree Love: Could you come to London tomorrow?
[4/14/12 10:01:45 PM] Callum Smith: But, if things go well in the meeting, then it should be fine to tell you.
[4/14/12 10:02:24 PM] Callum Smith: Tomorrow, short notice, too short notice, If you can get a liverpool to london ticket, sure yeah, but if not you'll have to wait until after the 20th when I get paid
[4/14/12 10:03:49 PM] Kree Love: http://uk.megabus.com/JourneyResults.aspx
[4/14/12 10:03:52 PM] Kree Love: It's only £13
[4/14/12 10:04:02 PM] Kree Love: and £9 return
[4/14/12 10:05:30 PM] Kree Love: How about I pay your return.
[4/14/12 10:05:31 PM] Callum Smith: And I'm skint financially while my finances get torn apart by the benefit system for going to a family funeral instead of a meeting with the job center ¬_¬
[4/14/12 10:05:48 PM] Kree Love: I thought you got paid already?
[4/14/12 10:06:19 PM] Callum Smith: i did, half of it anyway, the other half for dealing with you, I spent my current half getting me out of debt
[4/14/12 10:06:32 PM] Callum Smith: £220 pound away from reaching that target so far
[4/14/12 10:06:56 PM] Kree Love: Well, I think if we could talk about this tomorrow in person
[4/14/12 10:07:00 PM] Kree Love: that would be a lot better.
[4/14/12 10:08:02 PM] Kree Love: There is a starbucks just outside of the coach stattion
[4/14/12 10:08:05 PM] Callum Smith: Of course we could, but bank wise, im fucked, I mean I could re-imburse you in person no worries but, ticket wise that would have to be sorted by your end if thats the method of communication you prefer.
[4/14/12 10:08:05 PM] Kree Love: we could talk there.
[4/14/12 10:08:10 PM] Callum Smith: Gladly.
[4/14/12 10:08:22 PM] Kree Love: You can pay at the station
[4/14/12 10:08:28 PM] Kree Love: if you're working with cash.
[4/14/12 10:09:59 PM] Callum Smith: Oh? that's usefull, but to be quite honest my anonymity is key, if you buy a ticket, I will oblige and meet you there, otherwise, im skint, literally skint, you could give me £200 in a transfer, and i'd still be skint, which is utterly shit ¬_¬
[4/14/12 10:10:12 PM] Callum Smith: but I mean, I could video conferance you if tickets are a problem?
[4/14/12 10:10:22 PM] Kree Love: I would rather meet you in person.
[4/14/12 10:10:31 PM] Kree Love: I meet all of my team in person.
[4/14/12 10:10:47 PM] Kree Love: and I think it would be more than respectful for you to come to London.
[4/14/12 10:10:59 PM] Callum Smith: That makes sense, security and such, I would coem to london gladly if you fund the ticket.
[4/14/12 10:11:09 PM] Kree Love: You could say you beat me up, and take the photos with the AntiSec.
[4/14/12 10:11:14 PM] Kree Love: say you went with the second option.
[4/14/12 10:12:00 PM] Callum Smith: Mmm, that would be handy, fund me a ticket and I'll be there, if not, video conference, im skint money wise, I will reitterate that to you agian, im skint money wise, skint, that means nothing
[4/14/12 10:12:33 PM] Kree Love: But if you could remburst me the money when you come here, can't you afford to buy the ticket at the station?
[4/14/12 10:12:35 PM] Kree Love: in cash.
[4/14/12 10:13:06 PM] Callum Smith: Well by re-imburse you I mean stay at occupy london until my money comes through and pay you from there
[4/14/12 10:13:40 PM] Kree Love: This is the problem you see, I leave London on Wednesday
[4/14/12 10:14:06 PM] Callum Smith: I'm not really interested in that, it is you who wants to speak with me in person, I can do a video conference if the tickets are a problem?
[4/14/12 10:14:24 PM] Callum Smith: Its the information thats key, not me, Jen is helping me get a fbi contact to go further from there
[4/14/12 10:14:24 PM] Kree Love: I'll see about getting you a ticket for tomorrow.
[4/14/12 10:14:36 PM] Kree Love: Jen?
[4/14/12 10:14:39 PM] Callum Smith: Thank you, that is appreciated, I'm free for the forseeable future, bar the 20th
[4/14/12 10:14:40 PM] Kree Love: Julie?
[4/14/12 10:15:00 PM] Callum Smith: Sorry, im still a bit innebriated, julie, she claims she works alone, but I feel she's using that as an excuse to protect her self
[4/14/12 10:15:06 PM] Callum Smith: the one called "mom" on skype
[4/14/12 10:15:11 PM] Kree Love: lol
[4/14/12 10:15:33 PM] Kree Love: Let me just see about getting you, your ticket.
[4/14/12 10:15:51 PM] Callum Smith: Thank you, need anything from my end I'm more than willing to oblige
[4/14/12 10:18:42 PM] Kree Love: Ah, we'll have to wait until Friday then
[4/14/12 10:18:52 PM] Callum Smith: but . . . fridays the 20th
[4/14/12 10:19:01 PM] Callum Smith: which is my birthday =/
[4/14/12 10:19:07 PM] Callum Smith: sure you can' do thursday or saturday? =/
[4/14/12 10:19:08 PM] Kree Love: I can do Thursday
[4/14/12 10:19:12 PM] Callum Smith: That's fine then
[4/14/12 10:19:14 PM] Kree Love: but you would have to buy the ticket
[4/14/12 10:19:24 PM] Callum Smith: Then that's problematic
[4/14/12 10:19:25 PM] Callum Smith: saturday?
[4/14/12 10:19:30 PM] Kree Love: Ok, caturday it is.
[4/14/12 10:19:40 PM] Callum Smith: Mhmm
[4/14/12 10:20:27 PM] Callum Smith: btw, I'm supposed to like, order my contacts to attack you or kick your ass and antisec rely on me to do this so, let's think of something fun to inpliment a infiltrator in them while simultanoiously rediculing them :)
[4/14/12 10:20:51 PM] Kree Love: Indeed.
[4/14/12 10:22:06 PM] Callum Smith: Awesomeness, I'll keep you posted in the meantime
[4/14/12 10:22:30 PM] Kree Love: Ok
[4/14/12 10:22:36 PM] Kree Love: So the meeting is off for tonight?
[4/14/12 10:22:41 PM] Kree Love: we'll talk later during the weekend?
[4/14/12 10:23:50 PM] Callum Smith: well if you want the meeting, sure, if you wanna talk at the meeting on the weekend instead, sure
[4/14/12 10:23:55 PM] Callum Smith: whatever, balls in your court
[4/14/12 10:24:03 PM] Kree Love: I'd rather wait until Saturday
[4/14/12 10:24:25 PM] Kree Love: I'm going to have a nice smoke now, and rest. So I'll speak to you later.
[4/14/12 10:24:29 PM] Kree Love: BTW: What is your number?
[4/14/12 10:26:18 PM] Callum Smith: Haha, I don't use mobiles, their . . . problematic
[4/14/12 10:26:21 PM] Callum Smith: you can contact me through the followign though
[4/14/12 10:26:34 PM] Callum Smith: callum49@gmail.com this skype account, and well . . . that's pretty much it
[4/14/12 10:26:40 PM] Callum Smith: or 0151 652 0435 - home number
[4/14/12 10:26:49 PM] Callum Smith: im not assed about my home adress, i have nothign to hide, im not scared of antisec
[4/14/12 10:30:02 PM] Kree Love: Ok, thanks
[4/14/12 10:31:04 PM] Kree Love: So how old are you Callum?
[4/14/12 10:31:09 PM] Kree Love: What else do you know about me?
[4/14/12 10:37:20 PM] Callum Smith: I'm 19, I know your a kid, I know your still in the london area, I know you like your weed, I know you go to O london, I know you go to the squat party's they have, I know that you and ryan are the same (or I believe so) and I know your house location
[4/14/12 10:37:29 PM] Callum Smith: it's fortunate i'm not the person antisec thinks I am
[4/14/12 10:37:45 PM] Kree Love: Can you confirm my address>
[4/14/12 10:37:46 PM] Kree Love: ?
[4/14/12 10:40:28 PM] Kree Love: Also why do you want to infilirate AntiSec.?
[4/14/12 10:40:35 PM] Kree Love: You know that they're not apart of proper AnonyOps?
[4/14/12 10:42:47 PM] Callum Smith: That's exactly why I want to infiltrate them
[4/14/12 10:42:51 PM] Callum Smith: mainly because their assholes
[4/14/12 10:42:56 PM] Callum Smith: and Im bored and get money for it
[4/14/12 10:42:58 PM] Callum Smith: im not gonna lie
[4/14/12 10:43:02 PM] Callum Smith: I really fucking love money
[4/14/12 10:43:13 PM] Kree Love: Ha!
[4/14/12 10:43:34 PM] Callum Smith: honesty is the best policy (y)
[4/14/12 10:43:46 PM] Kree Love: So what I get my flight, if I agree to this?
[4/14/12 10:44:54 PM] Callum Smith: I'm not sure, we can sort that out in person, I just know that we can really fuck over anon ops and the fbi pay for us to spy on anon ops
[4/14/12 10:45:18 PM] Callum Smith: so, ergo, help me, I help you with a ticket by getting you one that doesn't cost the rediculous cost of $1500
[4/14/12 10:45:30 PM] Callum Smith: and try get you one more around the $500 mark and try put money towards it
[4/14/12 10:45:33 PM] Kree Love: My ticket costs £450.
[4/14/12 10:45:46 PM] Callum Smith: well $500 is still less than £450
[4/14/12 10:45:57 PM] Kree Love: I would need to leave via Ireland.
[4/14/12 10:46:01 PM] Callum Smith: Anyway, rewards are to be discussed in person after I know what I can actually commit too
[4/14/12 10:46:02 PM] Kree Love: or the Netherlands.
[4/14/12 10:46:07 PM] Kree Love: Ok.
[4/14/12 10:46:18 PM] Callum Smith: Would you rather leave from england for a cheaper ticket?
[4/14/12 10:46:23 PM] Callum Smith: Its lovely having family who work with british airways
[4/14/12 10:46:41 PM] Kree Love: I wouldn't have the choice, I would have to leave via Ireland on American Airlines.
[4/14/12 10:47:31 PM] Callum Smith: Why? are you on a no fly list or something O.o
[4/14/12 10:47:31 PM] Callum Smith: or financial problems?
[4/14/12 10:47:45 PM] Kree Love: Let's just go with the 'no fly list'
[4/14/12 10:48:00 PM] Kree Love: I'm already working with some people in the U.S. Gov't.
[4/14/12 10:48:08 PM] Callum Smith: I see, hmm, drug traficking?
[4/14/12 10:48:17 PM] Kree Love: Computer related activities
[4/14/12 10:48:20 PM] Callum Smith: I mean if you like weed that much I can get a contact for you wherever you wanna go
[4/14/12 10:48:34 PM] Callum Smith: Oh, understandable
[4/14/12 10:48:42 PM] Kree Love: Personally, between you and me, I only like weed on the weekends.
[4/14/12 10:48:52 PM] Kree Love: I'm not a huge fan of it.
[4/14/12 10:49:05 PM] Callum Smith: Oh? Fair enough.
[4/14/12 10:49:19 PM] Kree Love: I haven't smoked weed in 3 weeks.
[4/14/12 10:49:52 PM] Callum Smith: That's a lie, you smoked it when my friend was talking with you O.o
[4/14/12 10:49:58 PM] Callum Smith: Or at least he seems to think
[4/14/12 10:49:59 PM] Kree Love: And when was that.
[4/14/12 10:50:03 PM] Kree Love: Callum...
[4/14/12 10:50:08 PM] Callum Smith: Between 2-3 weeks ago
[4/14/12 10:50:10 PM] Kree Love: or those two people from Liverpool
[4/14/12 10:50:25 PM] Callum Smith: There was more than 2 who were my contacts XD
[4/14/12 10:50:28 PM] Callum Smith: I'm not that naieve
[4/14/12 10:51:06 PM] Callum Smith: Tutini was helpfull like, as was a friend from LSX's tech team
[4/14/12 10:51:30 PM] Kree Love: Who is she...
[4/14/12 10:51:39 PM] Kree Love: Do you know Devin?
[4/14/12 10:51:42 PM] Kree Love: A female lass from the U.S.
[4/14/12 10:51:46 PM] Kree Love: who lives in Camden
[4/14/12 10:51:49 PM] Kree Love: attends uni, here.
[4/14/12 10:51:56 PM] Kree Love: European Business School?
[4/14/12 10:52:21 PM] Callum Smith: Nope, I know tutuni however, devin is more of a friend of a friend of a friend, no direct contact from my self
[4/14/12 10:52:36 PM] Kree Love: Tutuni, is she from Liverpool?
[4/14/12 10:52:47 PM] Callum Smith: Nope, just a O London contact I have
[4/14/12 10:52:57 PM] Kree Love: Ah
[4/14/12 10:53:24 PM] Kree Love: So, I just want to know
[4/14/12 10:53:33 PM] Kree Love: what would you do, if I didn' cooporate?
[4/14/12 10:55:10 PM] Callum Smith: I'd feel a bit sad for you for missing out on an opportunity, then I'd talk with ms Larson about you not co-operating like we hoped you would then look for other ways to bring down antisec
[4/14/12 10:55:23 PM] Callum Smith: I mean, Im not a vindictive asshole who goes on petty vendeta's on people who don't trust me, that would be fucking moronic
[4/14/12 10:55:40 PM] Kree Love: So what did Julie say?
[4/14/12 10:56:29 PM] Callum Smith: Basically that I she's surprised antisec wants me to attack a kid, but hopefully you would be able to help me use that to the advantage of anti-antisec people basically.
[4/14/12 10:56:38 PM] Callum Smith: she did say however not to do anything that could cause you harm
[4/14/12 10:56:45 PM] Callum Smith: which I have no intention of doing anyway so, alls good
[4/14/12 10:56:54 PM] Kree Love: Ah.
[4/14/12 10:57:46 PM] Kree Love: So, what do you know about David Morgan?
[4/14/12 10:57:59 PM] Callum Smith: Not gonna Bs you, nope I don't
[4/14/12 10:58:13 PM] Kree Love: He is the admin of the page
[4/14/12 10:58:21 PM] Kree Love: Everyone listed in his dox
[4/14/12 10:58:23 PM] Kree Love: is apart of it
[4/14/12 10:58:47 PM] Kree Love: So what good would come out, with infilitrating AntiSec.?
[4/14/12 10:58:51 PM] Callum Smith: aah I see, hmm, then getting him "Sorted" would be a big blow?
[4/14/12 10:59:16 PM] Kree Love: He's already getting sorted.
[4/14/12 10:59:22 PM] Kree Love: I think that's the reason they've hired you.
[4/14/12 10:59:34 PM] Kree Love: The Bikers of Melbourne are after him
[4/14/12 10:59:42 PM] Callum Smith: Each and every operation of theirs of significant importance would be foiled as well as giving me, (And you for helping) cash rewards while simultaniously making you (I wish to remain anonymous) look better for "singlehandedly" killing antisec, or as a group with your friends, wahtever I dont care
[4/14/12 11:00:09 PM] Callum Smith: He's no longer in melbourne he moved a while back, he's in brisbane now
[4/14/12 11:00:23 PM] Kree Love: David?
[4/14/12 11:00:36 PM] Kree Love: I know he is in NSW.
[4/14/12 11:00:44 PM] Kree Love: But someone has paid them to get him
[4/14/12 11:00:53 PM] Kree Love: once they've got an address confirmed.
[4/14/12 11:00:59 PM] Kree Love: Do you know who paid you and how they did it?
[4/14/12 11:01:04 PM] Kree Love: Was it WU ?
[4/14/12 11:02:25 PM] Callum Smith: Nope I don't know, they paid via direct mail cash, which I have since recieved
[4/14/12 11:02:34 PM] Callum Smith: they said £1000 at first but they only send about £890
[4/14/12 11:02:36 PM] Callum Smith: i let it go though
[4/14/12 11:02:40 PM] Callum Smith: 890 quid is good money
[4/14/12 11:02:48 PM] Kree Love: Did it come to you from AU or the US?
[4/14/12 11:02:51 PM] Kree Love: because they have a stamp
[4/14/12 11:02:53 PM] Callum Smith: Us
[4/14/12 11:02:58 PM] Callum Smith: Definately us
[4/14/12 11:02:58 PM] Kree Love: Which state?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CHAT LOG BETWEEN ANTISEC. & CALLUM SMITH (AGENT)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
do what you can but do not get involved to much so your "account" would be to associated remember people are really watching everything ...
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Of course, thanks for the talk, interesting times lay ahead for us all that's for sure, be wary though as I believe facebook is planning a mass removal of activist pages over time, It already started with our anonymous liverpool page, instantly deleted and no trace of it even existing anymore, had to set up a new one, but I'm sure you guys have a back up ready if that's the case but I thought I'd warn you just to be on the safe side.
10 AprilAntiSec.
we have our backs ups... with time facebook will not even be necessary
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Wonderfull, that last sentence makes my day. Looking towards antisecs future with wide eyes, and Kree's with maniacal laughter
10 AprilAntiSec.
hahahaha lulz! win.
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Is kree still in the UK at present? and is it true he is active in occupy london?
10 AprilAntiSec.
yes, he is present in UK....he is a kid he cant travel... and the latter no... i think its just bs...
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Aah that's a large shame, I have friends down there who support antisec, and let me tell you, scoucers do NOT like rats, and I mean, REALLY do not like rats, Im actually hoping he does go to OL.
10 AprilAntiSec.
hahahahaha lol make him go.... hahahahaha SE him to go.. lulz!!!
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Hmm I mean I'm from england my self, and coaches around the country cost like less than a nights worth of weed, who needs friends when your perfectly capable of doing it your self address pl0x and expect results before the end of the month, with pictures
Verified from my friend at OL that they have seen him at a few of the party's and stuff that people tend to end up organising at OL, apparently he likes his weed a lot too, but he's not an organizer at OL, but if he goes to the party's it's likely that he's in contact with people in OL or attends there occasionally, will report more as available
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
And I have his address sorry, didn't notice the home pic in the dox *facepalm*
He's a part of LSX's tech team, should I allert the tech team that he's an infiltrator, pay him a visit personally, or get my OL contacts to sort it?
10 AprilAntiSec.
yes, if you can make sure you get proof of "what happened" to him.. make sure they contact him
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Of course, I'm getting an email address from a friend from occupy london for a person who was in the tech team who will be able to verify his identity so he can't claim to others that him and ryan are a seperate entity etc etc, Finding out if he still attends too as Im guessing it's likely that he doesn't since this situation, but if he does, happy days, if not, I give you my guarentee that I will see to it personally.
10 AprilAntiSec.
perfect brother. thank you.
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Anything to help the purge, I feel that maniacal laughter growing as I realize just how lucky it is that he's so moronic to leave such information left on his twitter XD This shall be fun.
Email sent, I shall inform you of the reply as soon as I receive one, if I don't have one by the 13th I'll start planning for a lovely day trip to london/oxford
10 AprilAntiSec.
ok brother.... lulz! major win.
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Most certainly
FridayCallum Philip Smith
It's confirmed, kree and ryan are 100% the same people.
FridayCallum Philip Smith
"lad i have seen him his name is "kree love" he has been showing us fake ID from USA like driving licences and birth certificuts etc he also said he was "missing" or summit but was verry cagey about y and what he was wanted for
he came to a squatted pub rave in south london ... dodgey kid but not seen him in a coupple of weeks ... have u personly met him how do u know him" <-- From my friend at occ london.
FridayCallum Philip Smith
There's also a reward out (Amount unconfirmed) for anyone who can oust him in public and get evidence of it I believe, so if you see him again and want to make some dollar then I can pass you what anti sec have on him if you want?
I've also offered the contact a unknown amount cash reward if he can oust kree in public if he is ever seen again and make a public debacle of it, further information and plans to follow as soon as further information is available.
Oh shit sorry I sent the reward info to you guys instead XD fail
Oh and btw cagey means Weirdly secretive/dodgy/
alright bro... very well done..... this most certainly is awesome...this guy has been a headache....but confirmation of identity was good nuff
15 hours agoCallum Philip Smith
Your welcome, I don't fuck about
[4/15/12 2:22:51 AM] Callum Smith: Aah I see, I've tried to be as active and as helpful with antisec as a supporter and member of anonymous, but I feel that well . . . you guys seem to get shit done, would you mind me asking how I can get involved with ops and irc with antisec directly? I am more than willing to do anything neccasary to prove I'm not a rat of course, I'm just sick of sitting on the side lines when I know I have the time and resources to be of a much more help to the movement since I left camping at occupy when the liverpool camp closed.
10 AprilAntiSec.
...in time.. we have problems with a ex-member...now we are reorganizing around we are trying to set up a irc...anonnets is not secure...and once the ops set up... well we will try to prove ur not a rat...and also...we need to know your TRUE technical abilities...
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Wonderfull, I have experience In setting up VPN's as well as setting up Secure forms of communication, Rainbow table based brute force hacking, packet sniffing and various decoding methods, fair experience with social engineering (However I understand thats not exactly "Technical") and basic experience in SQL injection, and minor experience in XSS, I understand that this is not near the technical level of most anti sec members but I'm constantly learning and hope to use antisec to improve upon my skills, my Father is also a Senior network engineer who while not a direct support, as sympathetic to the movement and has no problems giving me advice, also I'm not really scared of serving jail time for doing something I believe in so being a patsy or such would not be much of an issue with me as long as of course that if I was to be used for such a purpose that it would be a last resort to protect people whos skills and capabilities are neccasary to the vital functions of the movement. At the moment I'd say that my skills probably lie above the average skript kiddy, but I'm by no means at the level of a real hacker I wont lie but I guarantee you that you will be hard pressed to find someone as dedicated to helping various causes such as antisec, and of course as explained I would have no problem proving I'm not a rat by whatever methods you ask for, and of course I can DDOS but well, any 5 year old who can google loic can do that now, I'm UK based and can pretty much spare as much time as neccasary due to the whole unemployed thing. Just, want to help, and will do anything I can to do so, and I have no problem taking orders as long as the cause is good.
10 AprilAntiSec.
ok brother we will take it under consideration... (: we need to get resolved some issues... after those....we'll have more time to plan out somethings... ok? patience btw is a virtue... this might take time.
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Completely understandable, I realize this is not an overnight thing, with snitch problems and constant threat of infiltration It's a security measure that I not only understand, but I support, in the meantime if there is anything I can do to help just let me know, you have my unwavering support, I wish you all the luck in the current ops and in dealing with the current problems and I hope that whichever one of you personally is reading this, has a lovely evening, stay safe brother.
10 AprilAntiSec.
always... we are purging everything we can, as in that post we put last, this traitor, which apart from slanders our friends and people who we know, as a fact and also we know Mai which is untouchable. try to pry more info and known associations of the jason steele a bit, lets connect him to our known enemies beside whats stated in the pastebay
# # # # # # # # # ## # | Vigilance & Intelligence is Primary
# # # # # # # # # # # | ~~~~~~~~~| HAX0R ATTACK |~~~~~~~~~
##### # ####### ##### # # # # # # | ~~~~~~~~~~~| AntiSec. |~~~~~~~~~~
# # # # # # # # # # # | ~ #OpKage4Access | @Echelon101 ~
# # # # # # # # # # ## |
####### ##### # # ####### ####### ####### # # |
David Morgan and his associates (AntiSec.) have decided that the only way to stop Echelon was to physically harm Kree Love, a high ranking officer of Echelon. He also decided it would be best to destroy Kree Love's connections within Occupy London with false claims of being a informant and snitch, with the help of a couple of Liverpool.
> http://www.picvalley.net/u/2235/86944310416625120701334453675StW5O2pWhPWaDehEwkvI.JPG <
[4/14/12 8:34:01 PM] Callum Smith: Hello there kree, are you there?
[4/14/12 8:34:43 PM] Kree Love: Yes.
[4/14/12 8:34:53 PM] Kree Love: I hear you have intel.
[4/14/12 8:35:48 PM] Callum Smith: Heya kree
[4/14/12 8:35:51 PM] Callum Smith: Well to put it simply
[4/14/12 8:36:03 PM] Callum Smith: I'm the person who they've "Hired" to come and take you down
[4/14/12 8:36:35 PM] Kree Love: And you're wiresharking me right now?
[4/14/12 8:36:43 PM] Callum Smith: And by that I mean I know you go to occupy liverpool, went to a squat rave, have contacts there who recognise you as well as the fact you have fake american ID, and they expect me to end you, which I would do, if antisec wasn't a lump of shit.
[4/14/12 8:36:51 PM] Callum Smith: Wireshark? Nope, basic skype, Im not into that shit
[4/14/12 8:37:02 PM] Kree Love: I've never been to Liverpool*
[4/14/12 8:37:04 PM] Callum Smith: I'm a friend of the "Fag hag"
[4/14/12 8:37:09 PM] Kree Love: I met people from Liverpool in London
[4/14/12 8:37:10 PM] Kree Love: Occuoy
[4/14/12 8:37:20 PM] Callum Smith: I know you havn't you have however been to occupy london, which I have contacts at
[4/14/12 8:37:26 PM] Kree Love: Sam?
[4/14/12 8:37:26 PM] Callum Smith: Basically speaking, I have a proposition
[4/14/12 8:37:37 PM] Kree Love: head of tech team...
[4/14/12 8:37:43 PM] Callum Smith: You scratch my back, I help you make antisec look like utter fools while similtanously giving me the opportunity to implant my self into them.
[4/14/12 8:38:21 PM] Callum Smith: can we call? I'll explain it in detail, there was a momentous sport occasion in liverpool today so im a bit drunk so bear with me, but I still have my wits about me
[4/14/12 8:38:29 PM] Kree Love: Okay
[4/14/12 8:38:36 PM] Kree Love:
[4/14/12 8:43:32 PM] Callum Smith: Basically what they want me to do is "Send you message"
[4/14/12 8:56:08 PM] Kree Love:
[4/14/12 9:58:27 PM] Kree Love: May I ask the names of the people who told you about me in Occupy London?
[4/14/12 10:00:06 PM] Callum Smith: No because they are innocent parties in this situation and not related to antisec, they are just a part (Unknowingly) in my intelligence network.
[4/14/12 10:00:20 PM] Kree Love: Well, I have a right to know...
[4/14/12 10:01:27 PM] Callum Smith: And if you go running your mouth then my intelilgence links get comprimised . . . If we can sort something out then we can probably talk about it, but until we have our meeting, sorry.
[4/14/12 10:01:45 PM] Kree Love: Could you come to London tomorrow?
[4/14/12 10:01:45 PM] Callum Smith: But, if things go well in the meeting, then it should be fine to tell you.
[4/14/12 10:02:24 PM] Callum Smith: Tomorrow, short notice, too short notice, If you can get a liverpool to london ticket, sure yeah, but if not you'll have to wait until after the 20th when I get paid
[4/14/12 10:03:49 PM] Kree Love: http://uk.megabus.com/JourneyResults.aspx
[4/14/12 10:03:52 PM] Kree Love: It's only £13
[4/14/12 10:04:02 PM] Kree Love: and £9 return
[4/14/12 10:05:30 PM] Kree Love: How about I pay your return.
[4/14/12 10:05:31 PM] Callum Smith: And I'm skint financially while my finances get torn apart by the benefit system for going to a family funeral instead of a meeting with the job center ¬_¬
[4/14/12 10:05:48 PM] Kree Love: I thought you got paid already?
[4/14/12 10:06:19 PM] Callum Smith: i did, half of it anyway, the other half for dealing with you, I spent my current half getting me out of debt
[4/14/12 10:06:32 PM] Callum Smith: £220 pound away from reaching that target so far
[4/14/12 10:06:56 PM] Kree Love: Well, I think if we could talk about this tomorrow in person
[4/14/12 10:07:00 PM] Kree Love: that would be a lot better.
[4/14/12 10:08:02 PM] Kree Love: There is a starbucks just outside of the coach stattion
[4/14/12 10:08:05 PM] Callum Smith: Of course we could, but bank wise, im fucked, I mean I could re-imburse you in person no worries but, ticket wise that would have to be sorted by your end if thats the method of communication you prefer.
[4/14/12 10:08:05 PM] Kree Love: we could talk there.
[4/14/12 10:08:10 PM] Callum Smith: Gladly.
[4/14/12 10:08:22 PM] Kree Love: You can pay at the station
[4/14/12 10:08:28 PM] Kree Love: if you're working with cash.
[4/14/12 10:09:59 PM] Callum Smith: Oh? that's usefull, but to be quite honest my anonymity is key, if you buy a ticket, I will oblige and meet you there, otherwise, im skint, literally skint, you could give me £200 in a transfer, and i'd still be skint, which is utterly shit ¬_¬
[4/14/12 10:10:12 PM] Callum Smith: but I mean, I could video conferance you if tickets are a problem?
[4/14/12 10:10:22 PM] Kree Love: I would rather meet you in person.
[4/14/12 10:10:31 PM] Kree Love: I meet all of my team in person.
[4/14/12 10:10:47 PM] Kree Love: and I think it would be more than respectful for you to come to London.
[4/14/12 10:10:59 PM] Callum Smith: That makes sense, security and such, I would coem to london gladly if you fund the ticket.
[4/14/12 10:11:09 PM] Kree Love: You could say you beat me up, and take the photos with the AntiSec.
[4/14/12 10:11:14 PM] Kree Love: say you went with the second option.
[4/14/12 10:12:00 PM] Callum Smith: Mmm, that would be handy, fund me a ticket and I'll be there, if not, video conference, im skint money wise, I will reitterate that to you agian, im skint money wise, skint, that means nothing
[4/14/12 10:12:33 PM] Kree Love: But if you could remburst me the money when you come here, can't you afford to buy the ticket at the station?
[4/14/12 10:12:35 PM] Kree Love: in cash.
[4/14/12 10:13:06 PM] Callum Smith: Well by re-imburse you I mean stay at occupy london until my money comes through and pay you from there
[4/14/12 10:13:40 PM] Kree Love: This is the problem you see, I leave London on Wednesday
[4/14/12 10:14:06 PM] Callum Smith: I'm not really interested in that, it is you who wants to speak with me in person, I can do a video conference if the tickets are a problem?
[4/14/12 10:14:24 PM] Callum Smith: Its the information thats key, not me, Jen is helping me get a fbi contact to go further from there
[4/14/12 10:14:24 PM] Kree Love: I'll see about getting you a ticket for tomorrow.
[4/14/12 10:14:36 PM] Kree Love: Jen?
[4/14/12 10:14:39 PM] Callum Smith: Thank you, that is appreciated, I'm free for the forseeable future, bar the 20th
[4/14/12 10:14:40 PM] Kree Love: Julie?
[4/14/12 10:15:00 PM] Callum Smith: Sorry, im still a bit innebriated, julie, she claims she works alone, but I feel she's using that as an excuse to protect her self
[4/14/12 10:15:06 PM] Callum Smith: the one called "mom" on skype
[4/14/12 10:15:11 PM] Kree Love: lol
[4/14/12 10:15:33 PM] Kree Love: Let me just see about getting you, your ticket.
[4/14/12 10:15:51 PM] Callum Smith: Thank you, need anything from my end I'm more than willing to oblige
[4/14/12 10:18:42 PM] Kree Love: Ah, we'll have to wait until Friday then
[4/14/12 10:18:52 PM] Callum Smith: but . . . fridays the 20th
[4/14/12 10:19:01 PM] Callum Smith: which is my birthday =/
[4/14/12 10:19:07 PM] Callum Smith: sure you can' do thursday or saturday? =/
[4/14/12 10:19:08 PM] Kree Love: I can do Thursday
[4/14/12 10:19:12 PM] Callum Smith: That's fine then
[4/14/12 10:19:14 PM] Kree Love: but you would have to buy the ticket
[4/14/12 10:19:24 PM] Callum Smith: Then that's problematic
[4/14/12 10:19:25 PM] Callum Smith: saturday?
[4/14/12 10:19:30 PM] Kree Love: Ok, caturday it is.
[4/14/12 10:19:40 PM] Callum Smith: Mhmm
[4/14/12 10:20:27 PM] Callum Smith: btw, I'm supposed to like, order my contacts to attack you or kick your ass and antisec rely on me to do this so, let's think of something fun to inpliment a infiltrator in them while simultanoiously rediculing them :)
[4/14/12 10:20:51 PM] Kree Love: Indeed.
[4/14/12 10:22:06 PM] Callum Smith: Awesomeness, I'll keep you posted in the meantime
[4/14/12 10:22:30 PM] Kree Love: Ok
[4/14/12 10:22:36 PM] Kree Love: So the meeting is off for tonight?
[4/14/12 10:22:41 PM] Kree Love: we'll talk later during the weekend?
[4/14/12 10:23:50 PM] Callum Smith: well if you want the meeting, sure, if you wanna talk at the meeting on the weekend instead, sure
[4/14/12 10:23:55 PM] Callum Smith: whatever, balls in your court
[4/14/12 10:24:03 PM] Kree Love: I'd rather wait until Saturday
[4/14/12 10:24:25 PM] Kree Love: I'm going to have a nice smoke now, and rest. So I'll speak to you later.
[4/14/12 10:24:29 PM] Kree Love: BTW: What is your number?
[4/14/12 10:26:18 PM] Callum Smith: Haha, I don't use mobiles, their . . . problematic
[4/14/12 10:26:21 PM] Callum Smith: you can contact me through the followign though
[4/14/12 10:26:34 PM] Callum Smith: callum49@gmail.com this skype account, and well . . . that's pretty much it
[4/14/12 10:26:40 PM] Callum Smith: or 0151 652 0435 - home number
[4/14/12 10:26:49 PM] Callum Smith: im not assed about my home adress, i have nothign to hide, im not scared of antisec
[4/14/12 10:30:02 PM] Kree Love: Ok, thanks
[4/14/12 10:31:04 PM] Kree Love: So how old are you Callum?
[4/14/12 10:31:09 PM] Kree Love: What else do you know about me?
[4/14/12 10:37:20 PM] Callum Smith: I'm 19, I know your a kid, I know your still in the london area, I know you like your weed, I know you go to O london, I know you go to the squat party's they have, I know that you and ryan are the same (or I believe so) and I know your house location
[4/14/12 10:37:29 PM] Callum Smith: it's fortunate i'm not the person antisec thinks I am
[4/14/12 10:37:45 PM] Kree Love: Can you confirm my address>
[4/14/12 10:37:46 PM] Kree Love: ?
[4/14/12 10:40:28 PM] Kree Love: Also why do you want to infilirate AntiSec.?
[4/14/12 10:40:35 PM] Kree Love: You know that they're not apart of proper AnonyOps?
[4/14/12 10:42:47 PM] Callum Smith: That's exactly why I want to infiltrate them
[4/14/12 10:42:51 PM] Callum Smith: mainly because their assholes
[4/14/12 10:42:56 PM] Callum Smith: and Im bored and get money for it
[4/14/12 10:42:58 PM] Callum Smith: im not gonna lie
[4/14/12 10:43:02 PM] Callum Smith: I really fucking love money
[4/14/12 10:43:13 PM] Kree Love: Ha!
[4/14/12 10:43:34 PM] Callum Smith: honesty is the best policy (y)
[4/14/12 10:43:46 PM] Kree Love: So what I get my flight, if I agree to this?
[4/14/12 10:44:54 PM] Callum Smith: I'm not sure, we can sort that out in person, I just know that we can really fuck over anon ops and the fbi pay for us to spy on anon ops
[4/14/12 10:45:18 PM] Callum Smith: so, ergo, help me, I help you with a ticket by getting you one that doesn't cost the rediculous cost of $1500
[4/14/12 10:45:30 PM] Callum Smith: and try get you one more around the $500 mark and try put money towards it
[4/14/12 10:45:33 PM] Kree Love: My ticket costs £450.
[4/14/12 10:45:46 PM] Callum Smith: well $500 is still less than £450
[4/14/12 10:45:57 PM] Kree Love: I would need to leave via Ireland.
[4/14/12 10:46:01 PM] Callum Smith: Anyway, rewards are to be discussed in person after I know what I can actually commit too
[4/14/12 10:46:02 PM] Kree Love: or the Netherlands.
[4/14/12 10:46:07 PM] Kree Love: Ok.
[4/14/12 10:46:18 PM] Callum Smith: Would you rather leave from england for a cheaper ticket?
[4/14/12 10:46:23 PM] Callum Smith: Its lovely having family who work with british airways
[4/14/12 10:46:41 PM] Kree Love: I wouldn't have the choice, I would have to leave via Ireland on American Airlines.
[4/14/12 10:47:31 PM] Callum Smith: Why? are you on a no fly list or something O.o
[4/14/12 10:47:31 PM] Callum Smith: or financial problems?
[4/14/12 10:47:45 PM] Kree Love: Let's just go with the 'no fly list'
[4/14/12 10:48:00 PM] Kree Love: I'm already working with some people in the U.S. Gov't.
[4/14/12 10:48:08 PM] Callum Smith: I see, hmm, drug traficking?
[4/14/12 10:48:17 PM] Kree Love: Computer related activities
[4/14/12 10:48:20 PM] Callum Smith: I mean if you like weed that much I can get a contact for you wherever you wanna go
[4/14/12 10:48:34 PM] Callum Smith: Oh, understandable
[4/14/12 10:48:42 PM] Kree Love: Personally, between you and me, I only like weed on the weekends.
[4/14/12 10:48:52 PM] Kree Love: I'm not a huge fan of it.
[4/14/12 10:49:05 PM] Callum Smith: Oh? Fair enough.
[4/14/12 10:49:19 PM] Kree Love: I haven't smoked weed in 3 weeks.
[4/14/12 10:49:52 PM] Callum Smith: That's a lie, you smoked it when my friend was talking with you O.o
[4/14/12 10:49:58 PM] Callum Smith: Or at least he seems to think
[4/14/12 10:49:59 PM] Kree Love: And when was that.
[4/14/12 10:50:03 PM] Kree Love: Callum...
[4/14/12 10:50:08 PM] Callum Smith: Between 2-3 weeks ago
[4/14/12 10:50:10 PM] Kree Love: or those two people from Liverpool
[4/14/12 10:50:25 PM] Callum Smith: There was more than 2 who were my contacts XD
[4/14/12 10:50:28 PM] Callum Smith: I'm not that naieve
[4/14/12 10:51:06 PM] Callum Smith: Tutini was helpfull like, as was a friend from LSX's tech team
[4/14/12 10:51:30 PM] Kree Love: Who is she...
[4/14/12 10:51:39 PM] Kree Love: Do you know Devin?
[4/14/12 10:51:42 PM] Kree Love: A female lass from the U.S.
[4/14/12 10:51:46 PM] Kree Love: who lives in Camden
[4/14/12 10:51:49 PM] Kree Love: attends uni, here.
[4/14/12 10:51:56 PM] Kree Love: European Business School?
[4/14/12 10:52:21 PM] Callum Smith: Nope, I know tutuni however, devin is more of a friend of a friend of a friend, no direct contact from my self
[4/14/12 10:52:36 PM] Kree Love: Tutuni, is she from Liverpool?
[4/14/12 10:52:47 PM] Callum Smith: Nope, just a O London contact I have
[4/14/12 10:52:57 PM] Kree Love: Ah
[4/14/12 10:53:24 PM] Kree Love: So, I just want to know
[4/14/12 10:53:33 PM] Kree Love: what would you do, if I didn' cooporate?
[4/14/12 10:55:10 PM] Callum Smith: I'd feel a bit sad for you for missing out on an opportunity, then I'd talk with ms Larson about you not co-operating like we hoped you would then look for other ways to bring down antisec
[4/14/12 10:55:23 PM] Callum Smith: I mean, Im not a vindictive asshole who goes on petty vendeta's on people who don't trust me, that would be fucking moronic
[4/14/12 10:55:40 PM] Kree Love: So what did Julie say?
[4/14/12 10:56:29 PM] Callum Smith: Basically that I she's surprised antisec wants me to attack a kid, but hopefully you would be able to help me use that to the advantage of anti-antisec people basically.
[4/14/12 10:56:38 PM] Callum Smith: she did say however not to do anything that could cause you harm
[4/14/12 10:56:45 PM] Callum Smith: which I have no intention of doing anyway so, alls good
[4/14/12 10:56:54 PM] Kree Love: Ah.
[4/14/12 10:57:46 PM] Kree Love: So, what do you know about David Morgan?
[4/14/12 10:57:59 PM] Callum Smith: Not gonna Bs you, nope I don't
[4/14/12 10:58:13 PM] Kree Love: He is the admin of the page
[4/14/12 10:58:21 PM] Kree Love: Everyone listed in his dox
[4/14/12 10:58:23 PM] Kree Love: is apart of it
[4/14/12 10:58:47 PM] Kree Love: So what good would come out, with infilitrating AntiSec.?
[4/14/12 10:58:51 PM] Callum Smith: aah I see, hmm, then getting him "Sorted" would be a big blow?
[4/14/12 10:59:16 PM] Kree Love: He's already getting sorted.
[4/14/12 10:59:22 PM] Kree Love: I think that's the reason they've hired you.
[4/14/12 10:59:34 PM] Kree Love: The Bikers of Melbourne are after him
[4/14/12 10:59:42 PM] Callum Smith: Each and every operation of theirs of significant importance would be foiled as well as giving me, (And you for helping) cash rewards while simultaniously making you (I wish to remain anonymous) look better for "singlehandedly" killing antisec, or as a group with your friends, wahtever I dont care
[4/14/12 11:00:09 PM] Callum Smith: He's no longer in melbourne he moved a while back, he's in brisbane now
[4/14/12 11:00:23 PM] Kree Love: David?
[4/14/12 11:00:36 PM] Kree Love: I know he is in NSW.
[4/14/12 11:00:44 PM] Kree Love: But someone has paid them to get him
[4/14/12 11:00:53 PM] Kree Love: once they've got an address confirmed.
[4/14/12 11:00:59 PM] Kree Love: Do you know who paid you and how they did it?
[4/14/12 11:01:04 PM] Kree Love: Was it WU ?
[4/14/12 11:02:25 PM] Callum Smith: Nope I don't know, they paid via direct mail cash, which I have since recieved
[4/14/12 11:02:34 PM] Callum Smith: they said £1000 at first but they only send about £890
[4/14/12 11:02:36 PM] Callum Smith: i let it go though
[4/14/12 11:02:40 PM] Callum Smith: 890 quid is good money
[4/14/12 11:02:48 PM] Kree Love: Did it come to you from AU or the US?
[4/14/12 11:02:51 PM] Kree Love: because they have a stamp
[4/14/12 11:02:53 PM] Callum Smith: Us
[4/14/12 11:02:58 PM] Callum Smith: Definately us
[4/14/12 11:02:58 PM] Kree Love: Which state?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CHAT LOG BETWEEN ANTISEC. & CALLUM SMITH (AGENT)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
do what you can but do not get involved to much so your "account" would be to associated remember people are really watching everything ...
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Of course, thanks for the talk, interesting times lay ahead for us all that's for sure, be wary though as I believe facebook is planning a mass removal of activist pages over time, It already started with our anonymous liverpool page, instantly deleted and no trace of it even existing anymore, had to set up a new one, but I'm sure you guys have a back up ready if that's the case but I thought I'd warn you just to be on the safe side.
10 AprilAntiSec.
we have our backs ups... with time facebook will not even be necessary
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Wonderfull, that last sentence makes my day. Looking towards antisecs future with wide eyes, and Kree's with maniacal laughter
10 AprilAntiSec.
hahahaha lulz! win.
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Is kree still in the UK at present? and is it true he is active in occupy london?
10 AprilAntiSec.
yes, he is present in UK....he is a kid he cant travel... and the latter no... i think its just bs...
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Aah that's a large shame, I have friends down there who support antisec, and let me tell you, scoucers do NOT like rats, and I mean, REALLY do not like rats, Im actually hoping he does go to OL.
10 AprilAntiSec.
hahahahaha lol make him go.... hahahahaha SE him to go.. lulz!!!
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Hmm I mean I'm from england my self, and coaches around the country cost like less than a nights worth of weed, who needs friends when your perfectly capable of doing it your self address pl0x and expect results before the end of the month, with pictures
Verified from my friend at OL that they have seen him at a few of the party's and stuff that people tend to end up organising at OL, apparently he likes his weed a lot too, but he's not an organizer at OL, but if he goes to the party's it's likely that he's in contact with people in OL or attends there occasionally, will report more as available
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
And I have his address sorry, didn't notice the home pic in the dox *facepalm*
He's a part of LSX's tech team, should I allert the tech team that he's an infiltrator, pay him a visit personally, or get my OL contacts to sort it?
10 AprilAntiSec.
yes, if you can make sure you get proof of "what happened" to him.. make sure they contact him
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Of course, I'm getting an email address from a friend from occupy london for a person who was in the tech team who will be able to verify his identity so he can't claim to others that him and ryan are a seperate entity etc etc, Finding out if he still attends too as Im guessing it's likely that he doesn't since this situation, but if he does, happy days, if not, I give you my guarentee that I will see to it personally.
10 AprilAntiSec.
perfect brother. thank you.
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Anything to help the purge, I feel that maniacal laughter growing as I realize just how lucky it is that he's so moronic to leave such information left on his twitter XD This shall be fun.
Email sent, I shall inform you of the reply as soon as I receive one, if I don't have one by the 13th I'll start planning for a lovely day trip to london/oxford
10 AprilAntiSec.
ok brother.... lulz! major win.
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Most certainly
FridayCallum Philip Smith
It's confirmed, kree and ryan are 100% the same people.
FridayCallum Philip Smith
"lad i have seen him his name is "kree love" he has been showing us fake ID from USA like driving licences and birth certificuts etc he also said he was "missing" or summit but was verry cagey about y and what he was wanted for
he came to a squatted pub rave in south london ... dodgey kid but not seen him in a coupple of weeks ... have u personly met him how do u know him" <-- From my friend at occ london.
FridayCallum Philip Smith
There's also a reward out (Amount unconfirmed) for anyone who can oust him in public and get evidence of it I believe, so if you see him again and want to make some dollar then I can pass you what anti sec have on him if you want?
I've also offered the contact a unknown amount cash reward if he can oust kree in public if he is ever seen again and make a public debacle of it, further information and plans to follow as soon as further information is available.
Oh shit sorry I sent the reward info to you guys instead XD fail
Oh and btw cagey means Weirdly secretive/dodgy/
alright bro... very well done..... this most certainly is awesome...this guy has been a headache....but confirmation of identity was good nuff
15 hours agoCallum Philip Smith
Your welcome, I don't fuck about
[4/15/12 2:22:51 AM] Callum Smith: Aah I see, I've tried to be as active and as helpful with antisec as a supporter and member of anonymous, but I feel that well . . . you guys seem to get shit done, would you mind me asking how I can get involved with ops and irc with antisec directly? I am more than willing to do anything neccasary to prove I'm not a rat of course, I'm just sick of sitting on the side lines when I know I have the time and resources to be of a much more help to the movement since I left camping at occupy when the liverpool camp closed.
10 AprilAntiSec.
...in time.. we have problems with a ex-member...now we are reorganizing around we are trying to set up a irc...anonnets is not secure...and once the ops set up... well we will try to prove ur not a rat...and also...we need to know your TRUE technical abilities...
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Wonderfull, I have experience In setting up VPN's as well as setting up Secure forms of communication, Rainbow table based brute force hacking, packet sniffing and various decoding methods, fair experience with social engineering (However I understand thats not exactly "Technical") and basic experience in SQL injection, and minor experience in XSS, I understand that this is not near the technical level of most anti sec members but I'm constantly learning and hope to use antisec to improve upon my skills, my Father is also a Senior network engineer who while not a direct support, as sympathetic to the movement and has no problems giving me advice, also I'm not really scared of serving jail time for doing something I believe in so being a patsy or such would not be much of an issue with me as long as of course that if I was to be used for such a purpose that it would be a last resort to protect people whos skills and capabilities are neccasary to the vital functions of the movement. At the moment I'd say that my skills probably lie above the average skript kiddy, but I'm by no means at the level of a real hacker I wont lie but I guarantee you that you will be hard pressed to find someone as dedicated to helping various causes such as antisec, and of course as explained I would have no problem proving I'm not a rat by whatever methods you ask for, and of course I can DDOS but well, any 5 year old who can google loic can do that now, I'm UK based and can pretty much spare as much time as neccasary due to the whole unemployed thing. Just, want to help, and will do anything I can to do so, and I have no problem taking orders as long as the cause is good.
10 AprilAntiSec.
ok brother we will take it under consideration... (: we need to get resolved some issues... after those....we'll have more time to plan out somethings... ok? patience btw is a virtue... this might take time.
10 AprilCallum Philip Smith
Completely understandable, I realize this is not an overnight thing, with snitch problems and constant threat of infiltration It's a security measure that I not only understand, but I support, in the meantime if there is anything I can do to help just let me know, you have my unwavering support, I wish you all the luck in the current ops and in dealing with the current problems and I hope that whichever one of you personally is reading this, has a lovely evening, stay safe brother.
10 AprilAntiSec.
always... we are purging everything we can, as in that post we put last, this traitor, which apart from slanders our friends and people who we know, as a fact and also we know Mai which is untouchable. try to pry more info and known associations of the jason steele a bit, lets connect him to our known enemies beside whats stated in the pastebay
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