October 2, 2012



Anonymous@An0nylulz  Too late, your time has come http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbjAXFwbcMg #OpPirateBay #MessageToSweden #TPB #PRQ #svpol #ExpectUs Always #Anonymous

Anonymous@LegionNET 15 websites DEFACED FOR + more coming #TANGO DOWN

The Pirate Bay is Down, Locally!
The Pirate Bay thepiratebay.se is down because of a raid by Swedish police.
#1 Pirate bay is down due to power failure
#2 Swed's raided PRQ which effects torrent sites but was not a direct attack on tpb and as far as I can tell would not really effect tpb at all
Let's start attack on Swedish Sites!

TARGET: www.gotahovratt.se
TARGET: www.svea.se
TARGET: www.polisen.se
TARGET: www.socialstyrelsen.se
TARGET: www.myndigheterna.se
TARGET: www.forsvarsmakten.se
TARGET: www.antipiratbyran.se/
TARGET: www.domstol.se
TARGET: www.fra.se
TARGET: www.sverige.se
TARGET: www.spray.se
TARGET: www.sweden.se
TARGET: www.kriminalvarden.se/
TARGET: www.riksdagen.se/
TARGET: www.regeringen.se
TARGET: www.sweden.gov.se/
TARGET: www.sakerhetspolisen.se/
TARGET: www.säpo.se
TARGET: http://www.securityservice.se/

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