@LAMurderCop d0x – He is d0xxing Anonymous
Message to Sal LaBarbera @LAMurderCop////////////////////////////////
We are the the d0xxing master. Do you know you share the same name as a mob boss? It fits, you aren't any better. You are a dirty dirty cop. You have shown that you do not care about the citizens on either side of the law. What about that man you snapped photos of, you know, ? What about his family? You didn't fucking care because you are a sociopath. Do you think by posting violent images, you can stop violence? Seeing gore de-sensitizes, and makes it normal to see or commit acts of violence.
But this isn’t what this is about. This is about your attempts to d0xx hackers. That really wasn’t a good idea. Now you have the attention of Anonymous. You’re fucked sir. Truly fucked. Does the L.A.P.D know that you are committing illegal acts online? Just because you are a “Peace Officer” does not mean you can pick and choose what laws to follow. For now I shall post this d0x. Step down, because we will make your life hell. You are a homicide detective, not a Cyber “Crimes” detective.
Sal LaBarbera
For the irresponsible posting of a crime scene photo, laughing at protesters while they were being arrested at #OccupyLA Raid, and being part of the LAPD/FBI. While you can operate in “grey” areas, so can we. Enjoy
————Personal Info
Los Angeles Police Dept 30 years,24 years as a Homicide investigator and supervisor. Currently Squad Leader of FBI/LAPD SOS ll Homicide Task Force.
Los Angeles Police Dept
September 1981 – Present (30 years 4 months)
CGHD Detective III
Criminal Gang Homicide Division, 213-485-4341
DOB: MAY 1959
Hometown: New York
Current: LA (Orange County, California)
————-Last known Locations
6238 E Peabody St, Long Beach, CA, US (562) 420-1864
803, Hermosa Beach, CA, US
311 Po Box 803, Hermosa Beach, CA, US
Palmer Ave, Larchmont, NY, US
33 New St, Purchase, NY, US
Country Haven Ln, Tustin, CA, US
Jean M Fiola-labarbera (Sister)
Rob D La Barbera
Marie D Labarbera (Mother)
Raymond R Labarbera (Brother)
Robert Iren Labarbera (Brother)
—————————-“We are the new digital race” -@CabinCr3w
| Addition: |
| |
| |
| SALVATORE LABARBERA (Potential New Address?)|
| LONG BEACH, CA 90804 (562) 494-0358 |
| |
No Facebook Profile could be located.
Thanks to @CabinCr3w for the d0x with the exception to the Additions.
New Post Courtesy of @InNumerals
Suck my Lulz Bitch!@
Greetings, dear people. We would like to ask a mere minute of your most valuable time to inform you about the upcoming internetcensorship in Holland,issued by a minister that goes under the name of Fred Teeven.We,the 99% in Holland, used to have the freedom to download software, music,and other types of entertainment that benefit mankind in a certain matter. Howver, due to the enormous amount of pressure put on the Dutch government forcing them to stand up against the average man downloading, (seen as criminals!), Holland is going to have download restrictions in the near future. Ofcourse, we take a stance against that. We think the Dutch government is using censorship to control the people, and took one step too far in this.
downloaders now get hunted, complete with secret arrests, secret prisons, unlawful interrogations, and indefinite detainment without ever being charged with a crime. Simply put, we cannot let this happen.
I most certainly hope you realize we are running out of time. Once this becomes law, you have no rights whatsoever regarding the internet.
Fred Teeven, your attempts to take away internet freedom has not been taken lightly. We will fight against it, and will continue to do so till the law passage gets reversed.
How can you help?
-Make people aware of the download restrictions that seem unavoidable
-Make Fred Teeven aware he is making the wrong decision
-Aiming your arrows at Rijksoverheid.nl, or any site affliated/linked to Fred Teeven.
We are anonymous.
We are Legion.
United as ONE.
Divided by zero.
We do not forgive Censorship.
We do not forget Oppression.
Fred Teeven, Expect us!
downloaders now get hunted, complete with secret arrests, secret prisons, unlawful interrogations, and indefinite detainment without ever being charged with a crime. Simply put, we cannot let this happen.
I most certainly hope you realize we are running out of time. Once this becomes law, you have no rights whatsoever regarding the internet.
Fred Teeven, your attempts to take away internet freedom has not been taken lightly. We will fight against it, and will continue to do so till the law passage gets reversed.
How can you help?
-Make people aware of the download restrictions that seem unavoidable
-Make Fred Teeven aware he is making the wrong decision
-Aiming your arrows at Rijksoverheid.nl, or any site affliated/linked to Fred Teeven.
We are anonymous.
We are Legion.
United as ONE.
Divided by zero.
We do not forgive Censorship.
We do not forget Oppression.
Fred Teeven, Expect us!
This Is A Message From Anonymous at OperationBritain
Hello Citizens of the world,
This Is A Message From Anonymous at OperationBritain we need your help with the following.
We have detected what looks like Carrier I.Q. in the UK. We need people to run tests and find out what it does.
You will see in the following video that a program is running, but like carrier I.Q. does not appear in the running menu. It only appears in all applications, It is called field test. It has full permissions like carrier I Q, and cannot be stopped.
This is on an HTC, and many other devices running mobile software. The reasons why this needs investigating include :
The phone is not on any specific network, therefore any field testing of the phone would be done by the mobile operator.
There is no about, privacy policy or any other infomation written about the application.
A google search provides no real clue as to why its on there.
Force Stop fails to terminate the hidden application.
Any application with full access to the device, where force stop does not work.
We all need to research this on all devices and run tests. This is on a 2010 HTC Desire., freshly formatted with all location disabled. Technically no program on the phone should be able to access what this does. It is not used by android to run the phone. There is no stamp to say who made the application, as other HTC apps have there logo at least.
We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect Us.
we can now be found in #opbritain on irc.cryto.net (port 6667 or SSL on 6697) or webchat: http://irc.lc/cryto/opbritain
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Op_Britain
(by OperationBritain)
This Is A Message From Anonymous at OperationBritain we need your help with the following.
We have detected what looks like Carrier I.Q. in the UK. We need people to run tests and find out what it does.
You will see in the following video that a program is running, but like carrier I.Q. does not appear in the running menu. It only appears in all applications, It is called field test. It has full permissions like carrier I Q, and cannot be stopped.
This is on an HTC, and many other devices running mobile software. The reasons why this needs investigating include :
The phone is not on any specific network, therefore any field testing of the phone would be done by the mobile operator.
There is no about, privacy policy or any other infomation written about the application.
A google search provides no real clue as to why its on there.
Force Stop fails to terminate the hidden application.
Any application with full access to the device, where force stop does not work.
We all need to research this on all devices and run tests. This is on a 2010 HTC Desire., freshly formatted with all location disabled. Technically no program on the phone should be able to access what this does. It is not used by android to run the phone. There is no stamp to say who made the application, as other HTC apps have there logo at least.
We are anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect Us.
we can now be found in #opbritain on irc.cryto.net (port 6667 or SSL on 6697) or webchat: http://irc.lc/cryto/opbritain
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Op_Britain
(by OperationBritain)
#OpGreece Press Release
#OpGreece Press Release

Greetings world, this is the first press release by #OpGreece. We want to raise awareness of the critical situation in Greece, and about our existence. We want to raise the awareness not only of Greeks within Greece, but Greek expatriates, you who are of Greek descent and the entire world.
We all saw the UC spray cop right? And the Tony Bologna spraying of young women in New York Yes? Well if that shocked you, here it is a daily routine. Greek citizens who peacefully protest receive this treatment almost EVERY week yet no one is responding to the acts of violence happening in this country.
Last month Greek police sprayed disabled people in wheel chairs, two months ago they attacked civilians who were only protesting peacefully – just walking and not even shouting – The police were throwing tear gas and stones and hitting them with sticks and iron rods. Three months ago the same thing and even hit reporters and whoever held a camera.
Now, as we write these words, the internet is being threatened by Makis Voridis, a person who in the 70′s and 80′s belonged into a group similar to KKK and is currently a member of the fascist party in Greece. Voridis is now in charge of the internet. A week after his “election” (he was elected by politicians and not by the people), blogs for freedom of speech were shut down, accounts on Facebook – mainly activists, anons, anarchists, communists and trolls – were deleted. Now Voridis and his cronies are planning to censor all the ISP’s so they will know when an “act of terrorism” is being generated by the public. Any political discourse that is not their flavor of fascism is considered “TERRORISM”
So yeah, this is Greece right now.
We need your help!
Here are some links that will help you understand Greece’s curretn situation:
- Athens 29-06-2011 Greek police attack against greek citizens in Syntagma square.
- A man tells the police “get off this square and please don’t hit me” the cop not only hits the guy but breaks his skull on cam.
- The new minister in charge for the internet, the 1st words he says “I agree that fights are being done by the people but not using rods sticks and helmets” the next picture is him holding an axe during his time in the KKK-like group he was. this man is currently in charge for the internet in Greece and is a member of the Fascist party. He wasn’t elected by us but by the government it self.
- More info about Makis Voridis
- Videos by #OpGreece, #OpSupportGreece and people attending the riots and protests
- Pictures of Police brutality during the protests and riots
So what is really going on in Greece right now? Why all this violence?
It all started when the ex Prime-Minister of Greece George Papandreou started to cut off the people’s payments and adding more austerity measures. The media helped spread a propaganda as if the people of Greece really had to do something with the money the government used for their own benefits.
NO. The Greek citizens have been poor for almost 2 years now and they’re getting poorer day by day.
The government spend this money in luxury products such as cars, houses and land.
For more info about this google these words individually: Vatopedi, Siemens scandal in Greece, Greek wiretapping case 2004.
So what is happening right now in Greece?
- People pay more taxes even though they cannot afford it
- Pensions have been cut off, so the elderly cannot even afford their medicine, rent and bills
- People are getting evicted due to loans
- Electricity company forces people to pay a lot more than they’re supposed to, either wise they shut down their power at home
- Banks are in charge
- Media spread propaganda and not covering the true stories such as, protests, riots, deaths, beating, police brutality, political scandals etc
- Getting a job is rare and even if you find one, the payment is not enough
- Stores are shutting down
- Homes are being abandoned
- People are living Greece to find a better life abroad
- Kids are fainting from starvation: http://www.newsit.gr/default.php?pname=Article&art_id=100921&catid=3
- Junkies and homeless people use used up needles to get infected with AIDS so they can get the 700 Euros the state is forced to pay on their expenses: http://parganews.com/2011/11/22/n%CE%B1%CF%81%CE%BA%CE%BF%CE%BC%CE%B1%CE%BD%CE%B5%CE%AF%CF%82-%CE%BA%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%BB%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%B5-aids-%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%B1-%CE%BD%CE%B1-%CE%B5%CE%B9%CF%83%CF%80%CF%81%CE%AC%CF%84%CF%84%CE%BF/
- Protesters die, bleed, suffer
- 70% of the Greek families won’t turn on their heat during the winter cause they can’t afford it
- 1.500.000 Greeks are unemployed
- Families being destroyed
- The average Greek is being treated like dirt by the politicians and people outside Greece who bought on the media spread propaganda
- Censorship took over, blogs are closing, Facebook activists are being targeted, freedom of speech is being threatened (minister Adonis Georgiadis threatened by TV that the political asylum of one of our indymedia sites should feel threatened now that he’s also in charge http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xkqcyi_yyyyyy-yyyyyyyyyy-yyy-indymedia_news )
- Reporters are getting killed ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Sokratis_Giolias )
and many many more.
This is life in Greece nowadays. They try to silence those who are fighting back for their human rights. We need your help to be heard and raise awareness to the world.
for the Greek links, simply use Google translate.
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forget
We do not Forgive
Expect us.
In the name of #OpGreece
USDayofRage : Public Intelligence hosts PDF of DHS bulletin cites US Day of Rage
http://info.publicintelligence.net/NCCIC-AnonOps.pdf excerpt. begin from document: UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYA-0016-NCCIC –120020110901 DISTRIBUTION NOTICE (A): THIS PRODUCT IS INTENDED FOR THE CYBERSECURITY, CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND / OR KEY RESOURCES COMMUNITY AT LARGE. (U//FOUO) “ANONYMOUS” UPCOMING US OPERATIONS, IMPACT, AND LIKELIHOOD E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y(U) The loosely organized hacking collective known as “Anonymous” has announced through several mediums that they plan on conducting cyber attacks, peaceful protests, and other unspecified activity targeting a variety of organizations. The purpose of this product is to judge the likelihood of occurrence for these events, as well as the potential impact. (U//FOUO) Occupy Wall Street (OWS): DHS/NCCIC assesses that it is likely peaceful protests will occur on Wall Street on 17 September 2011. These protests may be accompanied by malicious cyber activity conducted by Anonymous. (U//FOUO) Operation FaceBook (OPFB): DHS/NCCIC assesses that it is unlikely that a coordinated or sophisticated cyber attack will be conducted by Anonymous (at large) targeting FaceBook.com (FB) on 5 November 2011. However, there remains the possibility that low-level or lone-wolf attempts may occur. (U//FOUO) Project Mayhem (PM): DHS/NCCIC assesses that a combination of inconsequential physical mischief and potentially disruptive malicious cyber activity will be conducted leading up to the culmination date of 21 December 2012. At this point, specific tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) are unknown. (U//FOUO) Operation Halliburton: Little is known about this potential upcoming operation. DHS/NCCIC assesses that targeting US corporations is consistent with past Anonymous targets. (U) Anonymous has devoted resources to creating new cyber attack and exploitation tools: (U) Anonymous claimed publicly it will be deploying a new DDoS tool called #RefRef in September. There have been several publicly disclosed tools claiming to be versions of #RefRef however there has been nothing to validate these claims. (U//FOUO) The recent release of a distributed denial of service (DDOS)1 tool known as “Apache Killer,” that could be leveraged by Anonymous poses a significant risk to organizations that are operating vulnerable internet facing Apache web servers. download here as: |
About Silvio Koerich – ENG/PT
About Silvio Koerich,
We have to denounce the federal police, the antisecbrteam ipiratesgroup and made a expolsed with all his data from the full name, ID, Social Security number, mother’s name .. and the like, all that was sent to federal police vehicles through our personal and anonymous .. But unfortunately, there was no satisfactory response from the authorities, we also attacked the same site, butcan not be maintained forever to an attack site that it does not come back in the air, we do not have money and material for it.Frankly, this tactic used by him, is a tactic that consists of mediocre bloggers speak ill of anything to get on top of that sweeps …So worse that who writes the blog, read it and who is released, finding that the fact of passing information to the front will help in any way, such as the seizure of the site server and the arrest of its owner. The citizen is not even in Brazil, he is an engineer atSiemens and lives in Bogota. Let him then falls into oblivion, so he spreads disinformation, will be restricted to the target audience lout he has, and hopefully the police do its job .. But honestly, I find it very difficult to become a relevant case for them.There is so much more macabre by the internet that the police have to solve, and not the more a lout like this, who writes against blacks, makes virtual pedophilia, says that we have involvement with gay pedophilia .. LOL. Anyway, the guy is a mereinsignificant in society, and from the moment he commits a tort in fact, that is not bothering people who do not know what the hellinsist on reading it just to hurt their own morality, police will give due attention to it.
original in portugese:
Sobre Silvio Koerich,
nós já o denunciamos para a policia federal, o antisecbrteam e ipiratesgroup fizeram um expolsed com todos os dados dele, desde de nome completo, rg, cpf, nome da mãe.. e afins, isso tudo foi enviado a polícia federal por meio de nossos veículos pessoais e anonymous.. Mas infelizmente, não houve uma resposta satisfatória por parte das autoridades, nós também atacamos o site do mesmo, mas não é possível manter um ataque eternamente pra que o site dele não volte pro ar, pois não temos verba e material para isso. Sinceramente, essa tática usada por ele, é um tática de blogueiros medíocres que consiste em falar mal de qualquer coisa, para conseguir ibope encima disso… Então, Pior de que quem escreve o blog, é quem o lê e divulga, achando que o fato de passar a informação para a frente vai ajudar em alguma coisa, como por exemplo a apreensão do servidor do site e a prisão de seu dono. O cidadão nem mesmo está no brasil, ele é engenheiro da siemens e mora em bogota. Deixemos que ele cai no esquecimento então, assim, a desinformação que ele propaga, ficará restrita ao público alvo boçal que ele possui, e esperemos que a polícia cumpra seu trabalho.. Mas sinceramente, acho bem difícil isso se tornar um caso relevante pra eles. Existe tanta coisa mais macabra pela internet que a policia tem pra resolver, e não consegue, quanto mais um boçal como este, que escreve contra os negros, comete pedofilia virtual, diz que temos envolvimento com pedofilia gay.. rsrs. Enfim, o cara é um mero insignificante na sociedade, e, a partir do momento que ele cometer um ato ilícito de fato, que não seja incomodar as pessoas que não sei por que diabos insistem em o ler só para ferir a própria moralidade, a policia irá dar a devida atenção para o mesmo.
We have to denounce the federal police, the antisecbrteam ipiratesgroup and made a expolsed with all his data from the full name, ID, Social Security number, mother’s name .. and the like, all that was sent to federal police vehicles through our personal and anonymous .. But unfortunately, there was no satisfactory response from the authorities, we also attacked the same site, butcan not be maintained forever to an attack site that it does not come back in the air, we do not have money and material for it.Frankly, this tactic used by him, is a tactic that consists of mediocre bloggers speak ill of anything to get on top of that sweeps …So worse that who writes the blog, read it and who is released, finding that the fact of passing information to the front will help in any way, such as the seizure of the site server and the arrest of its owner. The citizen is not even in Brazil, he is an engineer atSiemens and lives in Bogota. Let him then falls into oblivion, so he spreads disinformation, will be restricted to the target audience lout he has, and hopefully the police do its job .. But honestly, I find it very difficult to become a relevant case for them.There is so much more macabre by the internet that the police have to solve, and not the more a lout like this, who writes against blacks, makes virtual pedophilia, says that we have involvement with gay pedophilia .. LOL. Anyway, the guy is a mereinsignificant in society, and from the moment he commits a tort in fact, that is not bothering people who do not know what the hellinsist on reading it just to hurt their own morality, police will give due attention to it.
original in portugese:
Sobre Silvio Koerich,
nós já o denunciamos para a policia federal, o antisecbrteam e ipiratesgroup fizeram um expolsed com todos os dados dele, desde de nome completo, rg, cpf, nome da mãe.. e afins, isso tudo foi enviado a polícia federal por meio de nossos veículos pessoais e anonymous.. Mas infelizmente, não houve uma resposta satisfatória por parte das autoridades, nós também atacamos o site do mesmo, mas não é possível manter um ataque eternamente pra que o site dele não volte pro ar, pois não temos verba e material para isso. Sinceramente, essa tática usada por ele, é um tática de blogueiros medíocres que consiste em falar mal de qualquer coisa, para conseguir ibope encima disso… Então, Pior de que quem escreve o blog, é quem o lê e divulga, achando que o fato de passar a informação para a frente vai ajudar em alguma coisa, como por exemplo a apreensão do servidor do site e a prisão de seu dono. O cidadão nem mesmo está no brasil, ele é engenheiro da siemens e mora em bogota. Deixemos que ele cai no esquecimento então, assim, a desinformação que ele propaga, ficará restrita ao público alvo boçal que ele possui, e esperemos que a polícia cumpra seu trabalho.. Mas sinceramente, acho bem difícil isso se tornar um caso relevante pra eles. Existe tanta coisa mais macabra pela internet que a policia tem pra resolver, e não consegue, quanto mais um boçal como este, que escreve contra os negros, comete pedofilia virtual, diz que temos envolvimento com pedofilia gay.. rsrs. Enfim, o cara é um mero insignificante na sociedade, e, a partir do momento que ele cometer um ato ilícito de fato, que não seja incomodar as pessoas que não sei por que diabos insistem em o ler só para ferir a própria moralidade, a policia irá dar a devida atenção para o mesmo.
Target: The 3 main people responsible for the termination of 8 officers in Arizona.
_ _ __ __
__| || |__ _____ _____/ |_|__| ______ ____ ____ #Anonymous
\ __ / \__ \ / \ __\ |/ ___// __ \_/ ___\ #AntiSec
| || | / __ \| | \ | | |\___ \\ ___/\ \___ #StopCorruption
/_ ~~ _\ (____ /___| /__| |__/____ \ \___ \ \___ | #DontSprayMeBro
|_||_| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ #lulz
-Target: The 3 main people responsible for the termination of 8 officers in Arizona.
Police Chief Jeff Gilbert, Town Manager Alex Taft, And Asst. Town Manager Al Johnson. The eight officers filed complaints against Chief Gilbert for misconduct and harassment. When 3/4 of the PD stands up and says there is corruption going on, somebody needs to pay attention. But Gilbert, Alex Taft, and Al Johnson used their political influence on the Town Council to instead terminate the 8 officers. Time and time again you cowards have hid behind your attorneys using money from the taxpayers of a town already in an economic decline. You have harassed it’s citizens time and time again. Violated the Constitution and your own Oath you took as an Officer. We have enough problems with corrupt Police around the globe, we are going to stand up for the ones that stand up for the people.
- Give them a call and let them know we are watching.
Police Chief: Jeff Gilbert – (Cell) (928) 916–9788
(Wife) – Sandra Gilbert
Email: qsite1@ci.quartzsite.az.us
Town Manager: Alex Taft (Cell) – (928) 916–3949
(Office) – (928) 927–3669
Asst. Town Manager: Al Johnson (Cell) – (928) 916-4059
(Office) – (928) 927-3759
Council Member Jerry Lukkasson: (Business) (928)-308-0011
Now the lulz are on you.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
Bivings Corp- Ended By Anonymous
Operation End Monsanto is still very much up and running. Pwnage will continue indefinitely.
First Victim: Bivings Corporation
Bivings Corp is(was) a PR firm of 15+years that worked with some very high profile clients, Monsanto used them heavily.
PASSWORD: surekha1
dev-monsantouk.bivings.com/admin “Maintain Monsanto Documents”
Site Database hacked/dumped
hundreds of emails stolen viewable on i2p eepsite (opmonsanto satori wiki)
Database of Monsanto documents acquired by Anonymous
Servers rooted
Site defaced:
TANGO DOWN: Permanently
1 week after we pwned them:
“Our Cyber Infrastructure has recently been put under attack. We are evaluating the extent of the intrusion, and apologise for any downtime and issues this may cause you. It is not yet determined what the motives behind the attack are, or what, if any data has been compromised. We will continue to keep you up to date, and sicerely apologise for any inconvenience.”
A few days later:
“The Bivings Group Hands Over the Reins to The Brick Factory”
Bivings corp shuts down all servers, liquidates assets, and some former employees move on to start a new company, “The brick factory”.
This is after 15+years of running marketing campaigns and helping some of the most corrupt corporations on the planet, as well as several governmental agencies, cover up their dirt.
We accidently the entire Bivings Group Corporation
That is how you do it, gentlemen.
Random database of Monsanto employee’s/associates, and others. Can be used for SE:
Operation End Monsanto is still very much up and running. Pwnage will continue indefinitely.
First Victim: Bivings Corporation
Bivings Corp is(was) a PR firm of 15+years that worked with some very high profile clients, Monsanto used them heavily.
PASSWORD: surekha1
dev-monsantouk.bivings.com/admin “Maintain Monsanto Documents”
Site Database hacked/dumped
hundreds of emails stolen viewable on i2p eepsite (opmonsanto satori wiki)
Database of Monsanto documents acquired by Anonymous
Servers rooted
Site defaced:
TANGO DOWN: Permanently
1 week after we pwned them:
“Our Cyber Infrastructure has recently been put under attack. We are evaluating the extent of the intrusion, and apologise for any downtime and issues this may cause you. It is not yet determined what the motives behind the attack are, or what, if any data has been compromised. We will continue to keep you up to date, and sicerely apologise for any inconvenience.”
A few days later:
“The Bivings Group Hands Over the Reins to The Brick Factory”
Bivings corp shuts down all servers, liquidates assets, and some former employees move on to start a new company, “The brick factory”.
This is after 15+years of running marketing campaigns and helping some of the most corrupt corporations on the planet, as well as several governmental agencies, cover up their dirt.
We accidently the entire Bivings Group Corporation
That is how you do it, gentlemen.
Random database of Monsanto employee’s/associates, and others. Can be used for SE:
Barack Obama WH.GOV LOGIN
REPOST by @AnonOpsUS
Target: http://www.acnur.org/t3/index.php?id=166&tx_refugiadosamericas_pi1%5Buid%5D=%Inject_Here%COL
DB Detection: MySQL >=5 (Auto Detected)
Method: GET
Type: String (Auto Detected)
Data Base: acnur_typo3Otros
Table: fe_users
Total Rows: 23
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DATOS DEL PRESIDENTE BARACK OBAMA:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CORREO, PASS, USERS, CEL PHONE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+ Obama Barack WEB http://www.whitehouse.gov/ barack.obama@whitehouse.gov Barack USER: Obama
PASS: 6289c5975815012768aefbf9a8d2fd3e
LOGIN: bobama
PHONE PERSONAL: ++1 202-456-1111
Target: http://www.acnur.org/t3/index.php?id=166&tx_refugiadosamericas_pi1%5Buid%5D=%Inject_Here%COL
DB Detection: MySQL >=5 (Auto Detected)
Method: GET
Type: String (Auto Detected)
Data Base: acnur_typo3Otros
Table: fe_users
Total Rows: 23
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DATOS DEL PRESIDENTE BARACK OBAMA:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CORREO, PASS, USERS, CEL PHONE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+ Obama Barack WEB http://www.whitehouse.gov/ barack.obama@whitehouse.gov Barack USER: Obama
PASS: 6289c5975815012768aefbf9a8d2fd3e
LOGIN: bobama
PHONE PERSONAL: ++1 202-456-1111
3639 sites (.nl) Hacked by 1923TURK GROUP
Hacked by 1923TURK GROUP
3639 sites listed so check pastebin1st 20 ill list:
An Open Letter from #OWSHungerStrike
Dear Comrades,
Today, I call on Occupiers across the world to join us on a hunger strike for open spaces. Repressive cities and states have violently shut down peaceful occupations. We need new space. We need fresh air to survive. We need to hear the voices of those who for too long have been voiceless. We need to liberate land for our movement to survive.
This is a call for escalation. A hunger strike is a serious thing. Across the world and throughout history, hunger strikes have liberated countries, communities and individuals from repression, slavery and injustice. From colonial India to modern Turkey; from the Northern Ireland H-Block cells to Palestinian prisons; from 1970s Cuba to present-day California, activists have used the hunger strike to protest political repression, human and animal rights violations and the inhumane treatment of prisoners, revolutionaries, and marginalized classes. A hunger strike amplifies the voices of the oppressed to declare they have been silenced for far too long.
I am here to say that we HAVE been oppressed and silenced for far too long. Our movement is creating space for us to rise up and speak out. We need physical space—not just in New York City, but in all the cities that have been violently evicted or have yet to establish an occupation. We ALL need space now!
Here, we are staging the hunger strike at Duarte Square at Sixth Avenue and Canal Street to request that its owner, Trinity Wall Street, temporarily grant us unrestricted access to this now-vacant space. We have asked the Church time and time again to grant us political sanctuary on their unused lands. It is time for Trinity to decide whether it is a Church or a real estate company. In other cities and communities, go stage hunger strikes in parks, plazas and public spaces to create new occupations and challenge our nation’s institutions to decide whether they work for the people or for the 1%.
Today, I am demanding space for the survival of our movement not with my words, but with my body. A hunger strike is a time for clarity, a time to reevaluate the significance of our movement and its revolutionary potential. It is an opportunity to reaffirm our own commitment. Today, we begin the next stage of this movement. We are THE OWS HUNGER STRIKERS. Join us.
In Love and Solidarity,
#Eu #De #Euro RT @LegionNET: An Open Letter from #OWSHungerStrike: wp.me/p20cHA-cN #OWN #occupywallstreet #anoymous #OWSHungerStrike
Dear Comrades,
Today, I call on Occupiers across the world to join us on a hunger strike for open spaces. Repressive cities and states have violently shut down peaceful occupations. We need new space. We need fresh air to survive. We need to hear the voices of those who for too long have been voiceless. We need to liberate land for our movement to survive.
This is a call for escalation. A hunger strike is a serious thing. Across the world and throughout history, hunger strikes have liberated countries, communities and individuals from repression, slavery and injustice. From colonial India to modern Turkey; from the Northern Ireland H-Block cells to Palestinian prisons; from 1970s Cuba to present-day California, activists have used the hunger strike to protest political repression, human and animal rights violations and the inhumane treatment of prisoners, revolutionaries, and marginalized classes. A hunger strike amplifies the voices of the oppressed to declare they have been silenced for far too long.
I am here to say that we HAVE been oppressed and silenced for far too long. Our movement is creating space for us to rise up and speak out. We need physical space—not just in New York City, but in all the cities that have been violently evicted or have yet to establish an occupation. We ALL need space now!
Here, we are staging the hunger strike at Duarte Square at Sixth Avenue and Canal Street to request that its owner, Trinity Wall Street, temporarily grant us unrestricted access to this now-vacant space. We have asked the Church time and time again to grant us political sanctuary on their unused lands. It is time for Trinity to decide whether it is a Church or a real estate company. In other cities and communities, go stage hunger strikes in parks, plazas and public spaces to create new occupations and challenge our nation’s institutions to decide whether they work for the people or for the 1%.
Today, I am demanding space for the survival of our movement not with my words, but with my body. A hunger strike is a time for clarity, a time to reevaluate the significance of our movement and its revolutionary potential. It is an opportunity to reaffirm our own commitment. Today, we begin the next stage of this movement. We are THE OWS HUNGER STRIKERS. Join us.
In Love and Solidarity,
twitter IDs for senators who voted for/against S1867 Defense
Here is a list of twitter IDs for senators who voted for/against S1867 Defense Authorization act.
Senators who voted for:
@senjohnbarrasso @senronjohnson @senrockefeller @sen_joemanchin @pattymurray @us_sen_cantwell @markwarner @senatorleahy @orrinhatch @kaybaileyhutch @senalexander @senbobcorker @johnthune @senronjohnson @grahamblo @senwhitehouse @sentoomey @senbobcasey @jiminhofe @robportman @sensherrodbrown @senjohnhoeven @kayhagan @senschumer @sengillibrand @tomudall @SenatorMenendez @senatorlautenberg @jeanneshaheen @senatorayotte @senatorreid @deanheller @mike_johanns @senbennelson @clairecmc @rogerwicker @alfranken @stabenow @sencarllevin @johnkerry @scottbrownma @senatorsnowe @senatorcollins @davidvitter @senlandrieu @mcconnellpress @moranforkansas @tomharkin @senatorlugar @sendancoats @senatorkirk @senatordurbin @daniel_inouye @senatorakaka @senatorisakson @saxby08 @senbillnelson @chriscoons @senatorcarper @joelieberman @senblumenthal @markudall @mbennet @barbaraboxer @johnboozman @senjohnmccain @lisamurkowski @senatorbigich @senshelbypress @senatorsessions
Senators who voted for the NDAA who do not have twitter accounts:
Kohl (D-WI) Webb (D-VA) Reed (D-RI) Conrad (D-ND) Bingaman (D-NM) Cochran (R-MS) Klobuchar (D-MN) Cardin (D-MD) Mikulski (D-MD) Roberts (R-KS) Kirk (R-IL) Durbin (D-IL) Feinstein (D-CA) Pryor (D-AR) Kyl (R-AZ)
Following are the senators who voted *against* the act who are on twitter.
@marcorubio @chuckgrassley @senrandpaul @senatorburr @johncornyn @tomcoburn @senmikelee @senatorsanders @jimdemint @senjeffmerkley @ronwyden
Senators who votes against who are *not* on twitter:
Cornyn (R-TX), Crapo (R-ID), Risch (R-ID)
via http://www.tweetdeck.com/twitter/jennnsolo/~atjCA
Senators who voted for:
@senjohnbarrasso @senronjohnson @senrockefeller @sen_joemanchin @pattymurray @us_sen_cantwell @markwarner @senatorleahy @orrinhatch @kaybaileyhutch @senalexander @senbobcorker @johnthune @senronjohnson @grahamblo @senwhitehouse @sentoomey @senbobcasey @jiminhofe @robportman @sensherrodbrown @senjohnhoeven @kayhagan @senschumer @sengillibrand @tomudall @SenatorMenendez @senatorlautenberg @jeanneshaheen @senatorayotte @senatorreid @deanheller @mike_johanns @senbennelson @clairecmc @rogerwicker @alfranken @stabenow @sencarllevin @johnkerry @scottbrownma @senatorsnowe @senatorcollins @davidvitter @senlandrieu @mcconnellpress @moranforkansas @tomharkin @senatorlugar @sendancoats @senatorkirk @senatordurbin @daniel_inouye @senatorakaka @senatorisakson @saxby08 @senbillnelson @chriscoons @senatorcarper @joelieberman @senblumenthal @markudall @mbennet @barbaraboxer @johnboozman @senjohnmccain @lisamurkowski @senatorbigich @senshelbypress @senatorsessions
Senators who voted for the NDAA who do not have twitter accounts:
Kohl (D-WI) Webb (D-VA) Reed (D-RI) Conrad (D-ND) Bingaman (D-NM) Cochran (R-MS) Klobuchar (D-MN) Cardin (D-MD) Mikulski (D-MD) Roberts (R-KS) Kirk (R-IL) Durbin (D-IL) Feinstein (D-CA) Pryor (D-AR) Kyl (R-AZ)
Following are the senators who voted *against* the act who are on twitter.
@marcorubio @chuckgrassley @senrandpaul @senatorburr @johncornyn @tomcoburn @senmikelee @senatorsanders @jimdemint @senjeffmerkley @ronwyden
Senators who votes against who are *not* on twitter:
Cornyn (R-TX), Crapo (R-ID), Risch (R-ID)
via http://www.tweetdeck.com/twitter/jennnsolo/~atjCA
Qorvis info/contacts dump – Y U HELP DICTAT0RS 0PPRE$$?!
#ProjectPM in conjunction with #Antisec #Anonymous #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyKSt #OpBahrain #OpSaudi #OpSyria #OpYemen #OpEgypt
While the employees at @Qorvis are sitting at happy hour drunk off of their asses (https://twitter.com/#!/qorvis/status/142715730557796353) celebrating another 'successful' year of facilitating the oppression of foreign nations at the behest of their leaders who contracted it to them, we have been busy compiling their professional data and pouring through already existing public intel. Apparently, 1/3 of your firm leaving because of your disgust with the firm's actions against the freedom-desiring people of countries such as Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, amongst others is worthy of a celebration. Who knew!
In particular, we would like to single out Qorvis's relationship with the Bahraini regime, who Seth Thomas Pietras apparently trains 'robots' to disseminate propaganda to local media, newspapers and radio to warn Bahraini taxi drivers against giving disparaging quotes about the regime (special props to @subverzo for flushing this scam out: http://tinypic.com/r/zx9sms/5 ). Robots, in this case, likely means twitterbots, fake blogs that @QorvisGPS maintains and the monitoring of Facebook and, in Seth's particular instance, Twitter!
Anybody who wishes to give Seth a call, especially if you are #bahrain-i, to have him explain what's going on, you can reach him at 703-463-1842 or spietras@qorvis.com. He is not at the happy hour but is actually at his parents in the Berkshires for the weekend (https://twitter.com/#!/liketheclock/status/142751228156325888) , which is notorious for shitty reception, at least from mine and my colleagues' personal experience vacationing there.
To the people of #Bahrain: the al-Khalifa regime outsources much of it's propaganda spouting infrastructure to Qorvis. They are the machine that powers the propaganda enabling your oppression to keep you from a democratic state. What you choose to pursue as a result is up to you.
For the lulz: King Hamad & buddy Donald Rumsfeld: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f2/Hamad_in_2003.jpg
في حين أن العاملين في كورفيس @ يجلسون في ساعة سعيدة في حالة سكر الخروج من حميرهم (https://twitter.com/ #! / qorvis/status/142715730557796353) تحتفل آخر "ناجحة" لتسهيل العام اضطهاد الدول الأجنبية بناء على طلب من زعمائهم الذين تعاقدت لهم ، لقد انشغلنا تجميع البيانات الخاصة بهم من خلال المهنية وسكب انتل العامة القائمة بالفعل. على ما يبدو ، 1 / 3 من شركة تركك بسبب الاشمئزاز الخاص مع أعمال الشركة للحرية ضد رغبة شعوب الدول مثل البحرين والسعودية واليمن ، وغيرها يستحق الاحتفال. الذي عرف!
على وجه الخصوص ، نود أن أخص بالذكر العلاقة كورفيس مع النظام البحريني ، الذي سيث توماس Pietras القطارات على ما يبدو "الروبوتات" لنشر الدعاية لالصحف المحلية ووسائل الإعلام والإذاعة لتحذير سائقي سيارات الأجرة البحرينية ضد إعطاء يقتبس تحط حول نظام (خاص الدعائم @ لsubverzo لعملية احتيال من هذا بيغ : http://tinypic.com/r/zx9sms/5). الروبوتات ، في هذه الحالة ، من المحتمل يعني twitterbots ، بلوق وهمية أن يحافظ @ QorvisGPS ورصد الفيسبوك ، وعلى سبيل المثال سيث خاص ، والتغريد!
أي شخص يرغب في إعطاء سيث مكالمة ، خاصة إذا كنت في البحرين # ط ، أن يكون له تفسير ما يجري ، يمكنك الوصول اليه في 703-463-1842 أو spietras@qorvis.com. انه ليس في ساعة سعيدة ولكن هو في الواقع على والديه في بيركشايرز لعطلة نهاية الاسبوع (https://twitter.com/ #! / liketheclock/status/142751228156325888) ، والتي تشتهر استقبال غزر ، على الأقل من الألغام و زملائي "تجربة شخصية اجازته هناك.
لشعب البحرين # : نظام آل خليفة أعطتها الكثير من الدعاية انها تنفث البنية التحتية لكورفيس. فهي آلة الدعاية التي تمكن سلطات القمع الخاص لإبقاء لكم من دولة ديمقراطية. ما اخترت لمتابعة نتيجة متروك لكم.
لlulz : الملك حمد والأصدقاء دونالد رامسفيلد : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f2/Hamad_in_2003.jpg
ملامح الموظف كورفيس / معلومات / التغاريد / بريد الكتروني / تفريغ الهاتف رسائل البريد الإلكتروني # 'ق :
Qorvis Employee Profiles/Info/Twitters/Emails/Phone #'s Emails dump:
Managing Partner & CEO
Michael Petruzzello
Stan Collender
Sam Dealey
Ron Faucheux
Greg Lagana
Matt J. Lauer
Rich Masters
John Reid
Esther Thomas Smith
Karen Vahouny
Chuck Conconi
Abdenbi Abdelmoumen
Vice Chairs
Nader Ayoub
Managing Directors
Jennifer Baskerville
Carrie Blewitt
Lisa Bushey
Elissa Dodge
Cassie Elliot
Jennifer Haber
Karen Hanretty
Michael Hillegass
Cara Lombardi
W. John Moore
Stefan Nagey
Seth Thomas Pietras @liketheclock
Shereen Soghier
Senior Directors
Jessica Bayer @jessbayerDC
Jarrett Bens
Joe Bisagna
Alfred Black
Nicole Chardavoyne
Shane Michael Colella
Jack Deschauer
Sol Levine
David Mayorga
Wyeth Ruthven
Nicole Silverman
Catherine Castro
Chelsea Cummings
Charlotte Fouch
Lindsay Hyman
Tina Jeon
Kathryn Stetz
Senior Associates
Michael Hutshneker
Rebecca McGee
RJ Pittman
David Silverstein
Kaitlin Vignali
Laura Woods
Maria Abad
Jill Grozalsky
Greg Hudson
Megan Kirkpatrick
Nasreen Qureshi
Julie Van Antwerpen
Bella Woo
Michael Petruzzello
“Qorvis represents the best of big and small: the reach and resources of a large agency and the quality services of a boutique firm.”
Instrumental in the formation of Qorvis Communications, Michael Petruzzello continues to lead the company as it develops into the leading integrated communications firm of the Greater Washington, DC area. Petruzzello brings extensive marketing and communications consulting experience to Qorvis on regional, national and global levels.
Pertinent Background
Formerly Chief Executive Officer of Shandwick North America, the largest agency in North America, where he served as a member of the Global Executive Team; Chairman of the Mergers and Acquisition Task Force; Director of Global Marketing and Business Development; and Director of Industry Practice Groups. He was responsible for all aspects of management, including Shandwick’s 22 offices, $175 million in revenue and 1,200 employees.
Prior to being named CEO, Petruzzello was President of Shandwick Public affairs in Washington from 1996 to 1998, transforming it into a Top Ten leader with more than $16 million in billings.
Partner in Bozell Sawyer Miller, where he was responsible for company-wide marketing and business development as well as participating in the overall management of the firm.
Executive Vice President of E. Bruce Harrison Company where he started and managed five regional offices, including New York, Dallas, San Francisco, Monterrey, Mexico and Brussels, Belgium. He served as President of all regional operations and was responsible for marketing and communications consulting programs for the agency’s major accounts.
Previously a political director for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, serving as White House liaison for the Chamber’s Board of Directors, expanding and managing a 75,000 member advocacy organization.
Petruzzello is a graduate of Catholic University.
FN:Michael Petruzzello
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Stan Collender
“Nothing happens by accident.”
Stan Collender’s financial and public affairs communications experience is extensive. During his three decades in communications, he has designed and implemented award-winning communications efforts for financial companies, Wall Street firms, trade associations, nonprofit organizations, and federal agencies. Prior to joining Qorvis, Collender was the general manager of the Washington Office of Financial Dynamics Business Communications, national director of public affairs for Fleishman Hillard, and a senior vice president at Burson-Marsteller. He also served as the director of federal budget policy for two major international accounting firms—Price Waterhouse and Touche Ross—and as president of the Budget Research Group, a private Washington-based consulting organization.
Collender also has extensive experience on Capitol Hill and is considered to be one of the leading experts on the U.S. budget and congressional budget process. He is one of only a handful of people who has worked for the House and Senate Budget Committees and has worked for three U.S. representatives who served on the House Budget and Ways and Means Committees.
Pertinent Background
One of the leading experts on federal fiscal and monetary policies, Congress, and Wall Street’s response to Washington tax and spending policies.
Writes the very popular weekly column, “Fiscal Fitness,” in Roll Call, the very influential Capitol Hill newspaper. He previously wrote, “Budget Battles,” which was published weekly by nationaljournal.com for more than 10 years. He is also the author of The Guide to the Federal Budget, one of the most assigned texts on the subject, and the founder of “Capital Gains and Games,” which the Wall Street Journal has called one of the top 25 economic and financial blogs in the U.S. Collender is also a contributor to the Shark Tank blog published by Fiscal Times.
Speaks to more than 50 business and other groups across the United States each year, appears frequently on radio and television news programs, and is often quoted by major newspapers and magazines and by all the primary wire services.
Appointed by President Clinton to the presidential commission chaired by Jon Corzine that studied whether the U.S. should have a capital budget.
Collender holds a master’s degree in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley, and a bachelor’s degree in politics and Psychology from New York University.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/stan-collender/5/9b1/508
Stan Collender
Partner at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Partner at Qorvis Communications
Managing Director at Financial Dynamics
Partner at Fleishman-Hillard
Managing Director at Burson-Marsteller
see all
University of California, Berkeley
New York University
222 connections
Company Website
Stan Collender's Experience
Qorvis Communications
2009 – Present (2 years)
Managing Director
Financial Dynamics
2004 – 2006 (2 years)
January 1998 – December 2004 (7 years)
Managing Director
January 1994 – June 1996 (2 years 6 months)
Managing Director
Price Waterhouse
January 1986 – December 1994 (9 years)
Stan Collender's Education
University of California, Berkeley
MPP, Public Poicy
1974 – 1976
New York University
BA, Politics, Psychology
1970 – 1973
FN:Stan Collender
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Sam Dealey
Dealey most recently served as Editor of The Washington Times, known as "America's Paper" and one of the most prominent media brands in the world. He is a contributing editor to Reader's Digest and U.S. News and World Report, and has reported on international crises for a host of organizations, including TIME, CNN, PBS "Newshour," The New York Times and GQ. Dealey has worked for The Wall Street Journal, The American Spectator and The Hill newspaper. He is a media fellow at theHoover Institution and in 2006 received the Henry R. Luce Award for deadline reporting by TIME.
FN:Sam Dealey
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Ron Faucheux
“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results." - Sir Winston Churchill
Dr. Ron Faucheux is President of Clarus Research Group, a full-service polling and research company that is part of the Qorvis family of client services. He is a nationally respected public opinion analyst and public affairs professional with a extraordinary background in government, political campaigning, communications and issue advocacy.
A former state legislator and Secretary of Commerce in Louisiana, he formerly edited and published Campaigns & Elections magazine. He’s also served as a U.S. Senate Chief of Staff and headed government affairs for the American Institute of Architects. He teaches at the Public Policy Institute at Georgetown University and the Graduate School of Political Management at George Washington University.
Dr. Faucheux has managed survey research projects for corporate, political, association and nonprofit clients and is a recognized expert in using polling and research for strategy and message development. He has advised over 118 political and issue campaigns, consulted with Fortune 500 executives and developed issue advocacy strategies for a range of clients across the nation. He has also directed landmark quantitative and qualitative research projects for the Pew Charitable Trusts, the University of Maryland and Congressional Quarterly.
Pertinent Background
Recognized across the globe as a leading expert on campaign strategy, issue advocacy and message development.
Appeared over 300 times on national network television programs as an expert analyst and has been interviewed by hundreds of newspapers, radio stations and magazines across the globe. Frequently quoted as an authoritative, nonpartisan media source on a range of issues.
Blends a unique background in federal and state government, public policy, association management, politics, media and grassroots advocacy with quantitative and qualitative research.
Author of Running for Office and editor of the Debate Book, Winning Elections and Campaign Battle Lines.
Appointed by President Bush to The National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Dr. Faucheux holds a Ph.D. degree in Political Science with a concentration in Voter Behavior research from the University of New Orleans.
He has a Juris Doctor degree from the LSU Law Center, where he served on the Moot Court Board.
He received a BSFS degree from Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service.
Member of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the Marketing Research Association.
Executive Board, Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies, American University.
Former member, Executive Board, Center for American Politics and Citizenship, University of Maryland; New York University Political Campaign Management Program, advisory board; Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at the University of Virginia, advisory board.
Clarus Research Group
If you don't know where you're headed, any road will take you there. At Qorvis, we prefer to have a map. That’s why we built our own in-house polling and research company: Clarus Research Group. Clarus (a word meaning “clarity”) helps an array of organizations and causes make smart decisions with accurate polling, quality research, practical analysis and useful recommendations. A full-service firm, Clarus provides insights based on qualitative and quantitative research studies in the business, technology, political, entertainment, education and public policy worlds.
Whether it’s an organizational repositioning, a product placement decision, a major capital expenditure, finding supporters for an issue campaign or acquiring solid market share information, Clarus helps corporations, associations, nonprofits and advocacy groups find competitive advantages. Our job is to minimize uncertainty and pinpoint paths to success.
Public Opinion Polls
Focus Groups and Dial Sessions
Market Survey and Studies
Membership Surveys
Research-Driven Message Development
Success Metrics
Micro-Targeting for Grassroots Programs
Media Audits
Trend Analysis
Ballot Proposition Polling and Analysis
For more information, click here: www.ClarusRG.com
FN:Ron Faucheux
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United Stated of America
Greg Lagana
Lagana was formerly senior vice-president for communications and marketing at DynCorp International, a major services provider for the United States government. Prior to which, he spent four years in the Bush (43) White House, as a member of the Coalition Information Center staff and then as associate director of the Office of Global Communications. For more than two decades, Lagana served in the U.S. Foreign Service in public diplomacy and public affairs with the United States Information Agency and the Department of State.
FN:Greg Lagana
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Matt J. Lauer
“I do not want the world. I just want to influence it.”
Matt J. Lauer is partner of Qorvis’ international and crisis communications clients. His 15 years of public affairs experience, gained from working in the most intimate of American media markets to informing vast international audiences, serves a breadth of Qorvis Communications clients in the fields of crisis communications, international affairs, online search strategy and media relations. Prior to joining Qorvis, Lauer was the executive director of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy at the Department of State. The commission, a bipartisan panel appointed by the president, analyzes and evaluates the U.S. government’s international public relations capabilities.
Lauer continues to utilize his unique skills at Qorvis to foster understanding between foreign governments and multinational companies and the American people. He brings experience from numerous interest groups, the government and political campaigns to provide crisis communications advice and media counsel to a wide variety of foreign governments, corporations and industry coalitions.
At the State Department, Lauer audited America’s communications capacity in Indonesia, China, Korea, Senegal, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, Russia and Serbia.
For multiple international government agencies, he coordinated mechanisms for conveying information to foreign publics through online and search strategies.
During Operation Iraqi Freedom, Lauer coordinated the public diplomacy initiatives in the State Department’s operations war room.
While as senior director of media relations for America’s Promise, he worked with the organization’s chairman General Colin L. Powell to rally resources for youth through a national media campaign.
At America’s Promise, he organized and conceptualized highly publicized events with prominent officials, such as President Bill Clinton, President G.W. Bush, First Lady Laura Bush and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
While the director of communications for the South Carolina Democratic Party, Lauer coordinated research, polling, earned media and paid advertising efforts for successful state legislative, gubernatorial and U.S. Senate campaigns.
As a deputy finance director on the first senate campaign of John Edwards, he formulated and implemented a successful early fundraising strategy in select North Carolina counties prior to the candidate’s official launch of the campaign.
For the successful presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore, Lauer was an instrumental part of the messaging and organizational activities directed at college students during both campaigns.
As a veteran of initiatives from grassroots campaigns to international communication projects, he has served as a media advisor to numerous government and political officials in local, national and international media markets.
Lauer is a graduate of North Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Arts in history.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewlauer
FN:Matt Lauer
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Rich Masters
“There’s a quote that says, ‘Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.’ I like to think that at Qorvis, we light the match.”
Rich Masters joined Qorvis Communications in 2003 as managing director and became a partner in 2007. Masters is recognized as one of the top political and media relations experts in the United States and manages Qorvis media relations practice. In addition to developing and implementing multi-million dollar PR campaigns, Masters initiated Qorvis’ state-of-the-art media training studio in the company’s Washington D.C office where clients learn to “meet the press” and communicate their messages through any broadcast media. At Qorvis, he manages client teams for the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Pharmaceutical and Research Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), and the Sugar Association.
Masters came to Qorvis after serving more than six years as top policy and communications advisor to U.S. Senator Mary L. Landrieu (D-LA). He is a frequent spokesperson and regular TV and radio commentator on political issues. In a recent profile in The Atlantic Monthly, Masters was called the “Jedi Master to television pundits,” and NPR has referred to Masters as the “Professor of Punditry.” He is currently an on-air contributor to FOX News, MSNBC and the BBC, and is a fill-in host for the nationally syndicated “Bill Press Show.” Masters has served in nearly every capacity in broadcasting. From rock-n-roll disc jockey in Davenport, Iowa, to weatherman in Moline, Illinois, to Emmy nominated TV anchor and political reporter in Louisiana, Masters knows the broadcasting industry from the inside out.
Pertinent Background
After helping Landrieu win the closest Senate election in 1996, Masters joined her team on Capitol Hill as Communications Director. Three years later, he became Policy and Communications Director, effectively overseeing both the legislative and communications teams.
As both Legislative and Communications Director, he helped set Senator Landrieu’s aggressive legislative strategy which positioned her as one of the leading moderate, New Democrats in the Senate. The strategy helped position her as a national leader while remaining strong in her home state.
In 2002, Masters was one of the architects who helped design Sen. Landrieu’s reelection campaign strategy and oversaw both earned and paid media efforts. It was an election she won despite facing a national trend against Democrats and being outspent nearly 3 to 1 by her opponents.
From 1982 until joining the Landrieu campaign in 1996, Masters served in nearly every capacity in broadcasting. From rock-n-roll disc jockey in Davenport, Iowa, to weatherman in Moline, Illinois, to Emmy nominated TV anchor and political reporter in Louisiana.
Masters graduated from St. Ambrose University with degrees in political science and mass communications.
FN:Rich Masters
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
John Reid
John Reid is partner and managing director for the Middle East at DC based Qorvis Communications. Previously he spent 10 years as one of the top rated television news anchors and reporters in the capital city of Virginia, worked as communications director in the U.S. Senate and at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce- the world's largest business federation, and served as President of the Senate Press Secretaries Association. He is a graduate of Baylor University in Waco, Texas and a former adjunct professor of media ethics at Virginia Commonwealth University. Reid has the distinction of having started his career as a staff assistant to former President Ronald Reagan in Los Angeles. He now splits his time between Washington and the Arabian Peninsula and travels extensively, often to emerging democracies, presenting seminars on American media, communications and political strategy.
FN:John Reid
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Esther Thomas Smith
“The adage 'what goes around, comes around' is especially true in this business.”
As a founding partner of Qorvis Communications, Esther Thomas Smith brings extensive corporate strategy experience with particular expertise in technology companies. An accomplished relationship manager, she is an integral part of the technology community both regionally and nationally. She is an icon in the Washington region business community, having been elected in 2002 to The Washington Business Hall of Fame. She was founder and President of TechNews Inc., publishers of Washington Technology, and earlier was founding editor of Washington Business Journal and Business Review of Washington.
Pertinent Background
Formerly a partner at The Poretz Group, the first investor relations firm based in the Greater Washington, DC area, which focused its expertise on technology and new economy companies.
Founder of both Washington Technology newspaper and the Washington Business Journal and was among the first to identify Washington’s networked information technology industry as a global cluster.
Chief Executive Officer and a director of TechNews Inc., the predecessor company to Post-Newsweek Business Media Inc.
Created the Fast 50/Fast 500 promotions, the annual Greater Washington High Tech Awards event and the National Technology Summit.
Speaker at the National Innovation Summit of the Council on Competitiveness and at several corporate governance forums; member of the board of The World Affairs Council and the Blue Ribbon Commission on Board Evaluations of the National Association of Corporate Directors.
Former public company independent director, serving on the audit committee and chairing the nominating and governance committee.
Director or advisor to several privately held and venture backed companies and funds.
Senior advisor to the Netpreneur Program, an initiative of The Morino Foundation; member of Senior Advisory Board of Northern Virginia Technology Council, where she was a charter member and a former director; and Trustee of George Mason University Foundation.
Inducted as a laureate into the Washington Business Hall of Fame in 2002.
Received the Earle C. Williams Leadership in Technology award of the Northern Virginia Technology Council in 1999.
In 1997, honored as Washington Business Woman of the Year and earlier named to Washingtonian magazine’s List of Washington’s 100 Most Powerful Women.
Smith graduated with a B.A. from Agnes Scott College.
FN:Esther Smith
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Karen Vahouny
“Collegiality isn’t just a word here at Qorvis – it’s really the heart and soul of the company. We don’t have an organizational chart; we simply have client teams, and the resulting teamwork is what inspires employees to support each other and to deliver great work for the client.”
One of Qorvis’ founding partners, Karen Vahouny has more than 25 years of experience in corporate communications and investor relations. At Qorvis, she leads account teams involved in corporate communications and integrated communications. Her track record as an investor relations strategist, combined with her background in corporate communications, has generated proven results for both public and private companies across a range of size and industry sectors. She has particular expertise with corporate image strategy and message development, merger & acquisition communications, and corporate repositioning and turnaround situations.
Vahouny was elected to a three-year term on the board of directors for the National Endowment of Financial Education in January 2010.
Prior to joining Qorvis and one of its predecessor companies The Poretz Group, she was vice president of corporate communications for PRC, a $750 million information technology company. There, Vahouny provided strategic direction and leadership, overseeing the company's corporate image, media relations, marketing communications, corporate contributions and community relations. She also assumed responsibility for one P&L center, the Publications/Multimedia Services Department, and instituted financial controls, strategic and marketing planning, and team-building, resulting in two years of consecutive growth. Vahouny led the communications effort that helped position the company for sale to Litton.
She was twice named Business Communicator of the Year for the Washington Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) – the only time a recipient has been selected for this award more than once. IABC is the world’s largest global communications association with more than 15,000 professionals in the field of communications and public relations. A former member of IABC international and IABC Research Foundation boards, Vahouny wrote the chapter on investor relations for the third and fourth editions of the communications textbook, The IABC Handbook of Organizational Communication, has written articles for Communication World, and has served on the speaking faculty for a number of international conferences. She also is a long-time member of the Capital Area Chapter board of directors for the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI).
Vahouny is an adjunct professor in the MBA program at Marymount University. She also was responsible for developing a communications module for the Executive Masters Program at the University of Maryland’s University College.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in marketing from the University of Virginia and a Master in Business Administration in finance and management from George Mason University.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/karen-vahouny/9/b48/474
Karen Vahouny
Communications executive and educator
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Adjunct Professor at Marymount University
Board Member at National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)
Member, board of directors, National Capital Chapter at National Investor Relations Institute
see all
Partner at Qorvis Communications
Partner at The Poretz Group
VP, corporate communications at PRC
George Mason University
University of Virginia
219 connections
Company Website
Marymount University
Karen Vahouny's Experience
Adjunct Professor
Marymount University
Educational Institution; 501-1000 employees; Higher Education industry
May 2010 – Present (1 year 8 months)
Teach organizational communication class in the MBA program at Marymount.
Board Member
National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE)
January 2010 – Present (2 years)
Member, board of directors, National Capital Chapter
National Investor Relations Institute
Nonprofit; 11-50 employees; Nonprofit Organization Management industry
January 2010 – Present (2 years)
Former IABC Executive Board member and chapter president; former IABC Research Foundation board memb
International Ass'n of Business Communicators (IABC)
Nonprofit; 11-50 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
January 1980 – Present (32 years)
Accredited Business Communicator and 500 Club member
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
August 2000 – September 2011 (11 years 2 months)
The Poretz Group
July 1996 – August 2000 (4 years 2 months)
Focused on investor relations consulting.
VP, corporate communications
September 1978 – July 1996 (17 years 11 months)
Karen Vahouny's Honors and Awards
NIRI Individual Chapter Leadership Award
National Investor Relations Institute
June 2011
Individual Chapter Leadership Award for volunteer leadership for the NIRI Capital Area Chapter.
Karen Vahouny's Publications
The IABC Handbook of Organizational Communication (Chapter 24: investor relations and financial communication)
Authors: Karen Vahouny
This is the second edition of IABC's communication handbook used in academia and for IABC's accreditation process. I wrote the chapter on investor relations and financial communication. I'm now using the book in the organizational communication class I teach as an adjunct professor in the MBA program at Marymount University.
Karen Vahouny's Education
George Mason University
MBA, Finance and Management
1979 – 1983
University of Virginia
BS, Marketing
1974 – 1978
Activities and Societies: Resident staff, Senior resident advisor, UVA Diving Team, reporter for the Cavalier Daily newspaper (sports), judiciary committee
Karen Vahouny's Additional Information
Company Website
Marymount University
Triathlons, tennis, running, cooking, travel
Groups and Associations:
International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)
Investor Relations Executives Group
National Investor Relations Institute Capital Area Chapter
Qorvis Employees and Alumni
Honors and Awards:
Two-time recipient of IABC/Washington's Communicator of the Year Award
NIRI Chapter Leadership Award, 2011
Accredited Business Communicator
FN:Karen Vahouny
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Jennifer Baskerville
Jennifer Baskerville has more than 15 years of experience as a communications strategist specializing in media relations, media training and media strategy. She has led innovative integrated communications campaigns for her clients – generating unprecedented results.
As a managing director at Qorvis Communications, she utilizes her unique skills to serve a breadth of clients such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Republic of Cyprus, Blackboard, the Consumer Electronics Association, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, LSU Charity Hospital of New Orleans, Advance Auto Parts, and Jim Beam. Most recently, she worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on communications strategy and media training for the H1N1 virus.
Baskerville has shown solid results for her clients with media coverage on 20/20, NBC Nightly News, PBS, CNN, FOX, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg, Associated Press, Reuters, National Journal, U.S. News and World Report and numerous local newspapers and television newscasts.
She leverages her years of experience as a journalist to train clients and teach them to deliver information in a straightforward, effective way that ensures the understanding of their message.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Baskerville was a producer for CNN where she garnered an Emmy for her work on the September 11 terror attacks.
Baskerville received her bachelor's degree in communications from James Madison University and graduated magna cum laude.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jennifer-baskerville/11/a21/209
ennifer Baskerville
Managing Director at Qorvis Communications
Greater San Diego Area Public Relations and Communications
Managing Director at Qorvis Communications
Producer at CNN-Washington
James Madison University
1 person has recommended Jennifer
303 connections
Jennifer Baskerville's Summary
Jennifer Baskerville has over 15 years of experience as a communications strategist specializing in media relations, media training and strategy.
She utilizes her unique skills to serve a breadth of clients such as The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Republic of Cyprus, Blackboard, The Consumer Electronics Association, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, LSU Charity Hospital of New Orleans, Advance Auto Parts, and Jim Beam. Most recently, she worked with the Centers for Disease Control on communications strategy and media training for the H1N1 virus.
Baskerville has shown solid results for her clients with media coverage on 20/20, NBC Nightly News, PBS, CNN, FOX, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The L.A. Times, Bloomberg, Associated Press, Reuters, National Journal, US News and World Report and numerous local newspapers and television newscasts.
She leverages her years of experience as a journalist to media train clients and teach them to deliver information in a straight forward, impactful way that helps ensure that their message is understood.
Currently she is a managing director with Qorvis Communications in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining Qorvis, Baskerville was a producer for CNN where she garnered an EMMY for her work on the September 11th terror attacks.
media relations, media training, communications strategy
Jennifer Baskerville's Experience
Managing Director
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
April 2004 – Present (7 years 9 months)
1996 – 2004 (8 years)
Jennifer Baskerville's Education
James Madison University
B.S., Communications, Political Science
1992 – 1996
Jennifer Baskerville's Additional Information
Groups and Associations:
CNN iReporters
CoreNet Global Mid-Atlantic Chapter
International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)
Public Relations Professionals
Qorvis Employees and Alumni
FN:Jennifer Baskerville
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Carrie Blewitt
“Emerson said that ‘the creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn’ and I see that often in our work for clients. ”
Carrie Blewitt has been with Qorvis Communications since 2003. In her role as managing director, she is the account leader for clients in a variety of public and private sectors, including Keep America Beautiful, SafeNet, Inc., and the Horatio Alger Association. Blewitt brings an extensive news background, public relations, corporate communications and event management experience to Qorvis. She comes to Qorvis after managing consumer education campaigns and executing national media events for AAA, the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) and Household Finance Corporation, and also leverages her experience with consumer product and services launches.
Pertinent Background
While at Qorvis, Blewitt’s work with The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis won Qorvis two PR industry awards: A SABRE and a Bulldog Reporter award for their annual ‘Sports Legends Dinner’.
Her client leadership on RMA and AAA won her former agency six industry awards including the coveted Silver Anvil, a SABRE Award and a Bulldog Award. Additionally, Blewitt was featured in the Bulldog Reporter “Winning PR Campaigns” profile in July 2003 for her work on the Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills event in 2002. A case study for her work on the Rubber Manufacturers Association’s “First Annual National Tire Safety Week” was featured in PR News in July 2002.
More than six years in television newsrooms across the country as a writer, producer and off-air reporter. This included experience as a producer for CNN’s Washington bureau and a local producer for Washington’s Newschannel 8 and NorthWest Cable News.
Blewitt graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute with a B.A. in Communications Studies.
FN:Carrie Blewitt
ORG:Qorvis Communications;
TITLE:Managing Director
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Lisa Bushey
Lisa Bushey has been a managing director with Qorvis Communications since 2008 and oversees environmental communications with Sprint and marketing communications with the Society for Human Resource Management. She previously served as vice president at Widmeyer Communications, where she led two practice areas, corporate and higher education. She brings more than 20 years of communications experience in corporate, consulting, university, and governmental environments.
Pertinent Background
Bushey’s corporate experience includes strategic communications counsel for the world’s largest beverage company in support of its environmental and corporate social responsibility initiatives. For the global company that serves consumers in more than 200 countries, Bushey and her team provided in-depth environmental scanning, technical analysis and issues counsel to support U.S. and international communications needs. In this role, she also conducted targeted analyses that aided system-wide policy review and reformulation.
For a major petrochemicals concern, Bushey led an interdisciplinary team that provided policy analysis and media monitoring responsive to a company’s U.S. external affairs requirements.
Bushey is a seasoned writer who has developed data-driven communications materials and external messaging documents on behalf of a wide array of clients. A limited sampling includes a national climate action initiative; The National Strategy for Financial Literacy on behalf of the U.S. Department of the Treasury; and a federal government education initiative on bullying prevention entitled Stop Bullying Now! She has also produced materials for an array of education clients, including: the College Board; a national math-science initiative; the Humanitarian Aid Foundation; and the Great Lakes Center for Educational Research and Practice.
Bushey also has served as Director of Communications for The George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education (GW/CEEE) in support of education reform and school improvement initiatives relevant to English language learners.
Prior to her work at GW/CEEE, Bushey was director of outreach for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and in this role translated and disseminated AERA research findings among various constituencies, to include policymakers, practitioners, reporters, and educational researchers.
As an independent consultant for the Center on Education Policy, Bushey conducted a comprehensive environmental scan of 20 high-profile national education organizations to inform the Center’s public education advocacy agenda.
Bushey has presented at various local and national educational conferences and has served as a judge for a national journalism award for education reporting.
Bushey graduated from Dickinson College with a B.A. degree in English and History and has completed all coursework toward the M.A. in Journalism (Public Relations) at the University of Maryland, College Park.
FN:Lisa Bushey
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Elissa Dodge
“Our philosophy was best captured by Ben Franklin: ‘Well done is better than well said.’ At Qorvis, we’re committed to delivering results”
Elissa Dodge is a public affairs professional with a background in both communications and government affairs. As a managing director, Dodge provides strategic counsel and manages public affairs campaigns for a wide variety of corporate and non-profit clients, including those in the interactive, technology, aerospace, and consumer marketing industries.
Pertinent Background
Dodge joined Qorvis in 2004 and has spent the past 6 years leading client teams that specialize in public relations, social media communications, crisis communications, media training, website development & redesign, grassroots advocacy, non-profit fundraising, executive visibility programs, and interactive projects.
Before joining Qorvis, Dodge was manager of advocacy at the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), where she was responsible for creating and maintaining the association’s coalition building campaigns, internal and external grassroots mobilization efforts, and conveying the association’s position on a broad range of policy issues
Dodge garnered significant project management experience as a consultant for the State University of New York (SUNY) and then for America’s Promise, where she developed and executed strategic communications plans and directed national outreach programs.
At the National Association of Chain Drug Stores she served as manager of communications and external affairs. In this capacity, she developed and administered a national grassroots advocacy program, managed communications strategies and directed many of the association’s external affairs programs.
Dodge began her career in Internet public relations, researching client trends and formulating competitor analyses while working at Bogen PR in New York.
Dodge sits on the Board of Directors of the Alexandria Boys & Girls Club and was also elected to the Board of Directors of Women in Government Relations, where she oversees the PACs, Politics, & Grassroots Committee.
Dodge graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Hofstra University with a degree in political science and marketing and attended Georgetown University for a Masters in Social & Public Policy.
FN:Elissa Dodge
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Cassie Elliot
Managing Director/ Advertising & Creative at Qorvis
Washington D.C. Metro Area Marketing and Advertising
Managing Director/Advertising & Creative at Qorvis
Writer/Creative Director at Freelance/Consultant
VP, Creative Director at RTCRM
VP/Creative Director/Wunderman WPP Group at RTCRM/Wunderman WPP Group
see all
Sarah Lawrence College
13 people have recommended Cassie
346 connections
Personal Website
Cassie Elliot's Experience
Managing Director/Advertising & Creative
July 2009 – Present (2 years 6 months)
Writer/Creative Director
March 2009 – July 2009 (5 months)
Freelance clients most recently included the Discovery Channel and CurrentMarketing in Louisville, Kentucky.
VP, Creative Director
Public Company; 201-500 employees; WPPGY; Marketing and Advertising industry
August 2004 – March 2009 (4 years 8 months)
VP/Creative Director/Wunderman WPP Group
RTCRM/Wunderman WPP Group
2004 – 2009 (5 years)
Associate Creative Director
Freelance (Self-employed)
October 2003 – August 2004 (11 months)
Freelance writer/associate creative director at:
Wunderman Worldwide
Saatchi & Saatchi Healthcare
Freelance Writer
Public Company; 5001-10,000 employees; WPPGY; Marketing and Advertising industry
2003 – 2004 (1 year)
Associate Creative Director
2003 – 2004 (1 year)
VP, Associate Creative Director
January 1999 – October 2003 (4 years 10 months)
Copy Supervisor
Grey Direct
December 1995 – January 1999 (3 years 2 months)
Senior Copywriter
McCann Direct
February 1992 – December 1995 (3 years 11 months)
Senior Copywriter
January 1991 – February 1992 (1 year 2 months)
Freelance writer at:
McCann Direct
Ogilvy & Mather Direct
Young & Rubicam
Margeotes, Fertitta & Weiss
January 1990 – January 1991 (1 year 1 month)
Leo Burnett, Hong Kong
March 1987 – September 1990 (3 years 7 months)
Cassie Elliot's Education
Sarah Lawrence College
BA, Fiction Writing/Asian Studies
1982 – 1986
Activities and Societies: 1984-1985 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong One of 25 members of the Yale In China Program
Cassie Elliot's Additional Information
Personal Website
Groups and Associations:
Advertising Professional
Copywriters Beat
Creative Intensive Network - For All Advertising Creatives
Global Jobs Network
Medical Marketing & Communications Group
Network After Work-Networking Events for Professionals
Network After Work-Washington DC-Networking Events for Professionals
Online Ad Pros-NA
Pharma Marketing and Advertising Group (PMAG)
The Creative Professionals Network
WILLS WORTH CONSULTING (Hiring / Job Posting / Discussions / Profile display / Business Ideas)
FN:Cassie Elliot
ORG:Qorvis Communications;
TITLE:Managing Director
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Jennifer Haber
Jennifer Haber brings 20 years of experience in network news, documentary production, marketing and experiential event production to Qorvis Communications. Haber concentrates on broad-based strategic marketing and media strategies.
Pertinent Background
Prior to joining Qorvis Communications, Haber was an editor at large and the director of marketing and special events for Washingtonianmagazine. During her time there, Haber launched the magazine’s integrated and experiential marketing department. Haber was responsible for generating corporate sponsorships and successfully partnered with companies such as Verizon Wireless, Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs and Cadillac. She also managed large-scale event production and conceptualized the award-winning Washingtonian “Best Of Washington” events. Haber was also responsible for the launch of Washingtonian Bride & Groom magazine.
Haber is also an Emmy Award-winning television news producer. She worked for ABC World News Tonight, CBS’ The Early Show and NBC’s Today. Haber’s television experience also includes work for NBC News’ Tel Aviv bureau and Cronkite-Ward Productions, where she worked on documentaries for Discovery Networks.
Jennifer Haber graduated from Cornell University with a Bachelor of Arts in government and Near Eastern studies.
FN:Jennifer Haber
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;VA;20036;United States of America
Karen Hanretty
Karen Hanretty is a political and communications strategist who specializes in strategic communications, issue advocacy and political campaigns. Over the past decade, Hanretty has developed a strong reputation for taking complex issues and creating news coverage that explains the underlying political motivations that drive public policy.
Pertinent Background
From presidential, gubernatorial, congressional, and state elections, Hanretty has had a seat at the table of significant political campaigns that drive the news of the day. Prior to serving as Communications Director at the National Republican Congressional Committee, she was Deputy Communications Director for Fred Thompson’s presidential primary bid and a leading spokeswoman for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s historic gubernatorial campaign.
Hanretty is also a national political commentator, regularly appearing on Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNN to provide national political analysis. She has also appeared as a guest host on FNC’s Hannity & Colmes.
Hanretty holds a B.A. in Political Science with an emphasis on International Affairs from University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA.
FN:Karen Hanretty
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Michael Hillegass
Mike Hillegass leads capture strategy and business development efforts with the U.S. government. Hillegass understands the importance of effective communications in helping agencies inform target audiences. Whether a government agency is rebranding, developing a social media platform or educating and re-invigorating its workforce, Hillegass brings Qorvis’ full suite of capabilities to support the mission. Hillegass also values the importance of forming solid teaming relationships with partner companies that can provide a holistic solution to the needs of the government.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Hillegass spent almost a decade supporting strategic communication and public affairs efforts on behalf of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). In this role, Hillegass helped develop programs and solutions that enabled the DOD to understand perceptions of the U.S. through international media monitoring and media analysis, polling and focus group research, and outreach campaigns. Hillegass was also responsible for identifying technology and teaming partners.
Hillegass graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Bachelor of Arts in European history and earned a Master of Business Administration in finance and international business from the George Washington University.
FN:Michael Hillegass
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Cara Lombardi
“Arthur Miller said: ‘A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.’ Never has that conversation been so important. ”
Cara Lombardi has a vast amount of government and corporate experience in the areas of event management, market research and strategic marketing. Throughout her career, Lombardi has assisted senior level executives, in both the public and private sectors, with strategic and tactical marketing plans to increase the visibility and drive new business development for their organizations in the government arena. Her ability to establish and sustain business-to-government relationships has been a critical aspect for client marketing solutions and outreach programs. She has produced and managed over 150 events including roundtables, product launches, panel discussions, training seminars and conferences for a number of contractors targeting the federal, state and local governments. She also has experience in creating and managing corporate magazine advertising and targeted research campaigns, as well as maintaining client relations.
Pertinent Background
As Vice President & General Manager at Market*Access International, Lombardi managed all office activities and divisions, including individual and company-wide sales objectives and business expansion plans. She was a key member of the management team charged with managing accounts for premiere companies such as Symantec, BearingPoint, ESRI, CH2M Hill, Microsoft Federal, and more. While at Market*Access, Lombardi created numerous marketing strategies for such companies by incorporating market research, events and media coverage. In addition, she assisted in the inception and launch of two publications – The Homeland Defense Journal and IT*Security Magazine –specifically targeted to the government market.
As an Event Specialist at PlanetGov (now Apptis Inc.), Lombardi produced and managed the company marketing budget and logistics for all nationwide events. She assisted with coordination efforts between Vendor Relations and partners, including companies such as Cisco Systems and Hewlett Packard.
As the Director of Marketing and Manager of Sales Development at Federal Sources, Inc., Lombardi was responsible developing and implementing various marketing plans and targeted promotional campaigns based on evaluations of existing company product and service offerings, ultimately increasing subscriptions to database services.
Lombardi received a Bachelor of Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
FN:Cara Lombardi
ORG:Qorvis Communications;
TITLE:Managing Director
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
W. John Moore
“Qorvis attracts talent and retains clients for the same reasons. We are team oriented, client focused, and results driven.”
W. John Moore has spent his entire professional career in public affairs and journalism. At Qorvis, Moore assists coalitions on state and federal regulatory matters and advises trade associations on media relations and issue management. Moore spent more than two decades as a Washington journalist, including 15 years at National Journal, where he was a staff correspondent, a managing editor, and senior editor/columnist. He was a contributing editor to Congress Daily and a former associate editor of Legal Times.
Moore has developed crisis communications strategies for trade associations, managed energy coalitions for utility commissioners and public power entities, and coordinated global public relations for corporations seeking regulatory approval for international mergers and acquisitions. He also provides public relations advice to the DC offices of several national law firms.
Pertinent Background
Founding partner and principal at FM Strategic Communications, where Moore developed the firm’s energy and law firm public relations practices.
Former senior vice president for communications services at the Hawthorn Group.
Working for the Alliance of State Leaders Protecting Electricity Consumers, Moore coordinated a Washington media and grassroots effort on electricity deregulation.
On a major international merger, Moore worked with a Washington law firm and a European public affairs coalition to coordinate a media strategy aimed at securing a favorable decision from both the European Union in Brussels and the Federal Trade Commission in Washington.
At National Journal, he covered regulatory agencies, state and federal issues, and legal affairs. He was a managing editor, then senior editor and wrote a weekly column on lobbying and law. Moore has appeared as a commentator on C-Span, National Public Radio, and Fox News.
Member of the American Bar Association.
Moore graduated from Amherst College and attended the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism.
FN:John Moore
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Stefan Nagey
Stefan A. Nagey is managing director of Qorvis’ online marketing and interactive communications clients. His 14 years of online marketing experience, gained from working with some of the world’s largest consumer media and entertainment brands, serves the clients of Qorvis Communications in the fields of online marketing, interactive communications, online reputation management and social media. Prior to joining Qorvis, Nagey was Director of Online Marketing for in Dublin, Ireland, for one of the largest online gaming companies in the world, and one of the most prominent entertainment brands in Europe and the USA.
Nagey brings his unique skill set and outlook to Qorvis to maximize return for clients on all their online marketing endeavors and help them reach new and underserved market segments. He brings his experience gained over the years working with numerous online brands, companies, campaigns and websites to provide key strategies to monetize and convert visitors toward business goal fulfillment.
At Qorvis, Nagey has worked with a number of clients, including PhRMA, Mexico and Intel to define, refine and implement their web and online marketing strategies.
In Ireland, Nagey led efforts to define and implement the global online marketing strategies for the global online gaming brand brand, including localized efforts throughout key European and Asian markets.
For the global release of The Manchurian Candidate, Nagey worked with the primary agency to develop one of the first alternate reality games (ARGs) to generate buzz for the film.
In generating interest and grass-roots support, Nagey worked with the Poker Player’s Alliance to grow membership and increase global awareness of the issues surrounding the assaults on the legality of Online Poker in the United States.
As part of the marketing initiatives surrounding the pan-German Million Euro Challenge, Nagey organized and developed online efforts including micro-sites targeted at events in different German cities and event-day engagement and customer management activities.
To coordinate with the launch of NBC’s “Poker After Dark” television series, Nagey coordinated global online marketing efforts including branded micro-sites and a comprehensive digital strategy for the NBC show, airing 5 nights a week, with complete episode guides and player bios.
At DLC Solutions, Nagey worked on the award winning cochlear.com, as well as online marketing and educational efforts for Sanofi-Aventis, GSK and Publicis Groupe.
During the rebranding of the global online gaming and entertainment brand, Nagey led efforts to define, implement and align marketing strategies with external and internal business goals, technical strengths and limitations to deliver a fully-integrated global re-launch of the site and online activities.
FN:Stefan Nagey
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
FN:Seth Pietras
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Seth Thomas Pietras
“Never forget what you’re doing: You’re just telling a story.”
Seth Thomas Pietras oversees marketing, lead capture management and strategy creation for new business development. He employs the full-range of Qorvis’ in-house capabilities—from social media and interactive to research and message development—to produce innovative communications programs for Qorvis and its clients.
Pietras also manages strategic communications campaigns for several international clients, including the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He draws on extensive experience crafting and implementing integrated public affairs and public relations programs for sovereign clients, having worked with more than a dozen countries and foreign leaders.
Pietras led the team that conceived of, designed and developed Qorvis’ award-winning “Navigating Washington” mobile app for iPhone and Blackberry. The app, named “Phone App of the Week” by The New York Times and endorsed by the city of Washington, DC as the best guide to the 2009 Presidential Inauguration, won a prestigious Webby Award for “Best Mobile App” from the International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences. The Qorvis app beat 10,000 other entrants from more than 60 countries.
As chief speechwriter at Qorvis, Pietras has worked with top executives at Fortune 500 companies, the heads of prominent international organizations, Nobel Laureates and various high-ranking government officials. He served as chief speechwriter for HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal Ibn Saud, former Saudi Ambassador to the United States, during a two-year listening tour throughout the United States and Europe.
Pietras conceived of and launched QED, Qorvis’ internal editorial consultancy, which focuses on improving the level of writing produced by Qorvis for the company and its clients. QED takes advantage of Qorvis’ no-silo approach to draw on the firm’s broad writing talent to improve quality across the board.
As a strategic consultant to the Action Sports Environmental Coalition (ASEC), Pietras helped coalesce a multi-billion dollar group of surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding manufacturers and retailers—including Quiksilver, Hurley, Sole Technologies, Element, Burton and others—to sign onto an environmental standard formulated by premier eco-consultancy MBDC. He also assisted ASEC’s leadership—which includes pro-skateboarder Bob Burnquist—testify before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
As a result of his pro bono work for environmental non-profits, such as ASEC and the Sustainable Endowments Institute, Pietras has developed extensive experience advising organizations on developing “green” strategies and successfully engaging social media and social networking. He has developed environmental statements for major corporations, including Quiksilver, Inc.
Prior to joining Qorvis in 2004, Pietras served as an officer and board member at Foreign Reports, Inc., a consulting firm which analyzes political developments highly relevant to energy markets, price formation and related macro-economic variables.
Pietras was the News Editor for two publications at F-D-C Reports, a subsidiary of Elsevier Health Sciences. In this role, he reported on the international regulatory and finance issues facing the med-tech and bio-tech industries.
Seth graduated from Williams College with a Bachelor of Arts in modern political history.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/seththomaspietras
Twitter: @liketheclock
Seth Thomas Pietras
My @qorvis -trained robots are not functioning and these taxi drivers are misbehaving. Back to the drawing board!"
Context: https://twitter.com/#!/degner/status/140879311648460801
Egypt Photographer
Driver says local paper and radio warning taxis against giving foreign journalists disparaging quotes. Is @Qorvis brilliant? #BAHARAIN
Seth Thomas Pietras
Executive Vice President, Qorvis Geopolitical Solutions (GPS) at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Executive Vice President, Qorvis Geopolitical Solutions (GPS) at Qorvis Communications
Managing Director at Qorvis Communications
Member, Board of Directors at Foreign Reports, Inc.
News and Finance Editor at Elsevier Business Intelligence
Williams College
Université des Antilles et de la Guyane
500+ connections
Company Website
Seth Thomas Pietras's Summary
Seth Thomas Pietras is an accomplished communications specialist, and oversees global marketing for one of the largest independent PR firms in the U.S, as well as lead capture management and strategy creation for new business development. He employs a full-range of tactical capabilities—from social media and interactive to research and message development—to produce innovative communications programs for clients.
Pietras also manages communications campaigns for international clients, such as the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, the Brunei Investment Agency and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, as well as provides strategic oversight for the Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. He draws on extensive experience crafting and implementing integrated public affairs and public relations programs for sovereign clients, having worked with more than a dozen countries and foreign leaders.
Strategic communications
Integrated communications campaigns
New business development
Online reputation management
Message development
Speech writing
Interactive marketing
Crisis communications
Seth Thomas Pietras's Experience
Executive Vice President, Qorvis Geopolitical Solutions (GPS)
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
2011 – Present (less than a year)
Oversees new business development and strategy formation for Qorvis Geopolitical Solutions (GPS), the international brand of Qorvis Communications. Qorvis GPS is a multi-million dollar initiative, which specializes in the protection and management of reputations for countries, corporations and influential people worldwide. On all levels of projects—from organizing investment and education programs to setting up social media and online reputation campaigns—we have deep experience and know-how. Qorvis GPS is the public diplomacy leader worldwide.
Managing Director
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
August 2004 – Present (7 years 5 months)
Seth Thomas Pietras oversees marketing, lead capture management and strategy creation for new business development. He employs the full-range of Qorvis’ in-house capabilities—from social media and interactive to research and message development—to produce innovative communications programs for Qorvis and its clients.
Pietras also manages strategic communications campaigns for several international clients, including the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom of Bahrain. He draws on extensive experience crafting and implementing integrated public affairs and public relations programs for sovereign clients, having worked with more than a dozen countries and foreign leaders.
Member, Board of Directors
Foreign Reports, Inc.
2004 – Present (7 years)
Foreign Reports conducts analyses of political developments highly relevant to oil markets, crude oil price formation, and related macro-economic variables.
News and Finance Editor
Elsevier Business Intelligence
Public Company; 51-200 employees; Publishing industry
2002 – 2005 (3 years)
Wrote and edited news stories relating to developments in the healthcare industry—specifically regarding venture capital financing and regulatory issues in the U.S. and Europe.
Seth Thomas Pietras's Education
Williams College
BA, History and Art History
Activities and Societies: Williams Rugby Football Club (Chief/scrum half), Williams Outing Club (Board Member)
Université des Antilles et de la Guyane
Seth Thomas Pietras's Additional Information
Company Website
skateboarding (vert/pool), mountain biking, telemark skiing, surfing, rock climbing, reading
Groups and Associations:
Public Affairs Council; Advertising Club of Washington, DC
International Affairs Resources
International Community
International Government Relations and Public Affairs
International Relations (IR) and Affairs Group
PR Week "40 Under 40" Alum
Qorvis Employees and Alumni
The Access Fund
Williams Alumni
Honors and Awards:
One of PR Week's "40 Under 40" in 2009
2009 Webby for Best Mobile App "Listing & Updates"
Contact Seth for:
job inquiriesexpertise requestsbusiness deals
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Shereen Soghier
Shereen Soghier joined Qorvis Communications in 2001 and currently manages Qorvis’ efforts on behalf of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia. The integrated campaign includes advertising, conferences and events, internet education, government relations, grassroots, media outreach, messaging and research.
Pertinent Background
Prior to joining Qorvis, Soghier worked at ABC News, Washington, DC bureau in the newsroom as well as for broadcasts including World News Tonight and This Week.
Soghier began her career at the White House as the Special Assistant to the Social Secretary for President Clinton.
Board Member, American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)
Soghier received a B.A. in Communication from the University of Maryland, College Park.
FN:Shereen Soghier
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
FN:Jessica Bayer
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Jessica Bayer
Jessica Bayer joined Qorvis Communications as a senior director leading strategic plans to recruit the industry’s best talent and to enhance current and future client teams. Bayer has built a sterling reputation in the communications industry and strong relationships with the industry’s leaders. She possesses a demonstrated ability to use recruitment as a catalyst for resolving critical business issues and successfully partnering with internal stakeholders to ensure recruitment strategies are in alignment with the overall business strategy.
Before joining Qorvis, Bayer spent three years as a senior recruiter for Burson-Marsteller’s Washington, D.C. headquarters. Bayer also managed recruitment for a number of smaller offices and led strategic senior talent searches across the country. At Burson, Bayer was recognized for shortening hiring cycles, significantly improving the volume of qualified candidates and increasing diversity. She also managed the internship programs in D.C., Pittsburgh and Dallas, and built strong relationships with universities and colleges on the East Coast.
Bayer has mainly been focused on global agency communications recruitment across many industries, including public affairs, government, crisis communications, technology, health care, grassroots, advertising, consumer and brand marketing.
As a recognized recruiter in the communications industry, Bayer regularly speaks on panels, focusing on topics related to recruitment and hiring practices.
In addition, Bayer spent three years at Corporate Executive Board (CEB) managing high volume recruitment of the member services staff; hiring more than 100 employees. She began her career at CEB as a sales associate.
Bayer earned her bachelor’s degree in public relations with a minor in business administration from Louisiana State University.
Twitter @JessBayerDC
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/bayerrecruiting
Jessica Bayer
Senior Director at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Senior Director at Qorvis Communications
Senior Associate , Recruitment at Burson-Marsteller
Recruiting Specialist at Corporate Executive Board
Recruiting Associate at Corporate Executive Board
see all
Episcopal High School
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
1 person has recommended Jessica
500+ connections
Jessica Bayer's Summary
Senior Director/Recruiter at Qorvis Communications, one of the nation's largest independent communications firms. Qorvis was founded to be a better way of performing strategic communications.
We created a company that offers every available communications tool and the experience to choose and use the right ones—whether our clients challenge requires a traditional approach, a new media campaign or a mixture of new and old.
In doing so, Qorvis has elevated the practice of communications. To give our people the freedom to develop strategies using the right tools, we freed ourselves from the trappings of traditional public relations—practice areas, work silos and, most importantly, billable hours—all aspects of a tired business model that hinders client relationships.
Qorvis people have the energy and incentive to focus on providing legendary client service. The Qorvis approach gives us the freedom to collaborate with our clients on creative and effective solutions, to develop strategies that break on through.
Jessica Bayer's Experience
Senior Director
Qorvis Communications
March 2010 – Present (1 year 10 months)
Senior Associate , Recruitment
November 2007 – March 2010 (2 years 5 months)
Recruiting Specialist
Corporate Executive Board
December 2004 – November 2007 (3 years)
Recruiting Associate
Corporate Executive Board
September 2006 – August 2007 (1 year)
Recruiting Coordinator
Corporate Executive Board
January 2006 – September 2006 (9 months)
Sales Associate
Corporate Executive Board
December 2004 – December 2005 (1 year 1 month)
FN:Jarrett Bens
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Jarrett Bens
“At Qorvis we don’t simply generate discussion about important national policy issues, we help our clients lead the debate.”
Jarrett Bens has helped major corporations, national associations and other organizations navigate important and challenging communications issues related to energy, health care, technology, manufacturing, the environment, trade and transportation. He has designed and implemented integrated campaigns that reach policymakers, thought leaders, voters, the media and consumers – to influence public policy, move public opinion, and promote products and services. Bens has also led public relations and marketing efforts for companies in the telecom industry and managed projects for clients in the entertainment, hospitality, travel and tourism industries.
Bens has written countless op-eds, speeches, articles and talking points for executives across the country. He also has extensive experience developing, testing and refining language that resonates with key audiences via focus groups, dial sessions (using a perception analyzer) and surveys.
Since joining Qorvis in 2006, Bens has worked for clients as diverse as the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Society for Human Resource Management, ITT Defense, and Cisco Systems. Since early 2009, he has also led QED; Qorvis’ internal group of editors charged with improving the quality of writing produced for clients. Bens also contributes to the efforts of Clarus Research Group, Qorvis’ full-service research division.
Bens was formerly a senior project director at Luntz, Maslansky Strategic Research, where he developed strategic communications for major corporations and national associations in multiple industries. Projects included message development and testing, public opinion polling and market research. Bens worked with clients such as Kroger, Pfizer, PhRMA, the Nuclear Energy Institute, Southern Company, NBC Universal and others.
He previously directed public relations and marketing efforts for technology companies in New York City and the Washington, D.C. area. As director of corporate communications for Deltathree, Inc., an Internet telephony provider that was at the time listed on NASDAQ, Bens led media and industry analyst relations, and joint PR and marketing efforts with strategic partners including Microsoft, Cisco and EarthLink.
Earlier, Bens held marketing and sales positions in the Business Services division of AT&T where, among other things, he managed nationwide affinity marketing relationships with large corporations and national associations.
Bens earned a master’s degree in political science from Villanova University and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Temple University.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jarrettbens
Jarrett Bens
Senior Director at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Senior Director at Qorvis Communications
Temple University
Villanova University
155 connections
Company Website
Jarrett Bens's Summary
Strategic communications professional designing and implementing integrated campaigns that reach policymakers, thought leaders, voters, the media and consumers – to influence public policy, move public opinion, and promote products and services.
Public Affairs, Public Relations, Media Relations, Strategic Communications, Writing, Research, Marketing
Jarrett Bens's Experience
Senior Director
Qorvis Communications
July 2006 – Present (5 years 6 months)
Jarrett Bens's Education
Temple University
B.A., Journalism
Villanova University
M.A., Political Science
Jarrett Bens's Additional Information
Company Website
Groups and Associations:
Official Villanova University Alumni Association Network
Temple University Alumni Group
Villanova Alumni in Communications
Joe Bisagna
Joe Bisagna is a senior director with Qorvis, partnering with leading organizations to build high-impact marketing and communications strategies. With nearly a decade in go-to-market experience, Bisagna helps clients to work backwards from measurable outcomes and designs campaigns that provide maximum return on investment. He splits his time between New York and Washington, primarily working with multinational corporations and prominent trade associations.
Pertinent Background
Bisagna recently spent seven years at the Corporate Executive Board, a global and publically-traded company, where he served as head of marketing for the company’s fastest growing division. Bisagna worked with C-Level clients at Fortune 500 and Financial Times 100 companies, specifically helping sales and marketing executives to increase market share and partnering with HR executives to build compelling employment brands. Prior to Corporate Executive Board, Bisagna worked in the financial services industry and as an entrepreneur.
Bisagna has a proven track record of launching new products, rebranding businesses in post-acquisition efforts, improving brand perception in competitive markets, and increasing average deal size while condensing sales cycle time. He has experience in all marketing channels, especially digital, advertising, PR, events-based, collateral, sales messaging, and market research. In addition, he has co-authored several articles published in Bloomberg BusinessWeek on management and commercial trends and is occasionally invited as a guest speaker to discuss sales and marketing trends.
Bisagna holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing and Management from Loyola University New Orleans and is a Professional Certified Marketer through the American Marketing Association.
Alfred Black
“The only way to keep that keen edge is to walk along it.”
Al Black is a senior director at Qorvis Communications and has a tremendous amount of agency and corporate experience working in technology-related marketing and public relations. He has honed his career working with senior executives at established firms as well as web-based Start-Ups to help them realize their corporate and product/service public relations goals. Driven by a “results-oriented” focus to public relations, Black has helped organizations analyze their current market climate, develop winning communications strategies and execute effective tactics to gain influence among core constituents. Through print, broadcast and influencer-driven venues, Black has enabled these organizations to build market share, increase visibility and branding and drive sales.
Pertinent Background
Senior Communications Manager at Stratos, a global satellite communications firm in Bethesda, Maryland, where he performed both public relations and investor relations work throughout the Americas and EMEA, focusing chiefly on the government, aeronautical and maritime markets.
Director of Communications at OneSoft, an Internet commerce company, where the helped guide the company’s executive leadership through the competitive market landscape in order to favorably distinguish the company and its offering among customers, analysts and media.
Senior Account Supervisor, Technology Team, at Ketchum Worldwide. There, Black’s accounts included a number of premiere technology clients, including
Sun Microsystems, Network Solutions, American Management Systems and
Capital One. Black also managed numerous start-up accounts, gaining press for new and smaller companies in outlets such as the Financial Times, Fast Company, Wall Street Journal, Fox News and CNN. While at Ketchum, Black’s campaigns for Capital One and American Management Systems were each nominated for CIPRA public relations recognition for excellence awards.
Black received his B.A. in Political Science from Franklin & Marshall College.
FN:Alfred Black
ORG:Qorvis Communications;
TITLE:Senior Director
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave NW;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Nicole Chardavoyne
“Arthur Miller said: ‘A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.’ Never has that conversation been so important. ”
Nicole Chardavoyne, senior director, joined Qorvis Communication in 2004 after completing her master’s degree in business administration. She is an expert in corporate and brand reputation and brand management for clients including Beam Global Spirits & Wine and Sprint. In addition to working on behalf of Beam Global’s portfolio of brands, including Jim Beam® Bourbon, Sauza® Tequila and Courvoisier® Cognac, Chardavoyne leads the corporate social responsibility programming and focuses on corporate communications. Chardavoyne has helped Sprint enhance its reputation as an environmental leader in the wireless telecom industry and also focuses on media outreach and social media efforts for The Washington Kastles, D.C.’s World TeamTennis franchise. Chardavoyne also is a member of the Qorvis media training team.
Prior to graduate school, Chardavoyne worked for an education consulting firm, helping students and their families identify appropriate schools.
Chardavoyne holds a bachelor’s degree in government from Hamilton College and an M.B.A. in finance and marketing from American University’s Kogod School of Business.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/nicole-chardavoyne/5/619/9a
Nicole Chardavoyne
Senior Director at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Senior Director at Qorvis Communications
Associate at Georgia Irvin & Associates
American University - Kogod School of Business
Hamilton College
Greens Farms Academy
1 person has recommended Nicole
144 connections
Nicole Chardavoyne's Summary
Spirits industry; corporate communications; marketing communications; social responsibility programming and communications
Nicole Chardavoyne's Experience
Senior Director
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
September 2003 – Present (8 years 4 months)
Georgia Irvin & Associates
July 1999 – June 2002 (3 years)
Nicole Chardavoyne's Education
American University - Kogod School of Business
MBA, Marketing and Finance
2002 – 2004
Hamilton College
1995 – 1999
Greens Farms Academy
1990 – 1995
Nicole Chardavoyne's Additional Information
Groups and Associations:
American University Kogod School of Business
Qorvis Employees and Alumni
Contact Nicole for:
career opportunitiesjob inquiriesexpertise requestsbusiness dealsreference requestsgetting back in touch
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FN:Nicole Chardavoyne
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Shane Michael Colella
Shane Colella is a rich media expert with more than 15 years of web development and strategic online marketing expertise. He leads the rich media development team that creates award-winning pieces of interactive new media and video productions for our clients. Colella’s work was a crucial piece on the development of SHRM’s microsite, which won a MarCom “Gold Award.”
Before joining Qorvis, Colella worked as a director of Internet marketing for A.V. Imports, a medium-sized wine and spirits importer. For three years he designed, developed and managed their largest brands’ websites and online campaigns.
A self-taught web developer, Shane attended Frostburg University where he pursued majors in English and Philosophy.
FN:Shane Colella
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Jack Deschauer
“We're not going to be hanging around waiting for something to happen. We're going to make things happen ourselves.” - Herb Brooks, Head Coach, 1980 U.S. Men’s Olympic Hockey Team
Jack Deschauer has 10 years of experience at Qorvis Communications, working and building integrated communications campaigns with a focus on media relations, legislative analysis, advance work, and event planning. Deschauer began his career at Qorvis as the first intern in the company’s history, in September 2000, before moving into a full-time role working on integrated communications campaigns in June 2001. Before earning his bachelor’s degree in communications with a concentration in public relations from the University of Maryland, College Park, Deschauer completed internships with CBS Sports in New York and with “Face the Nation” for CBS News in Washington, D.C., where he worked directly with legendary news anchor Bob Schieffer.
Deschauer currently serves as media relations director for the Washington Kastles of World TeamTennis (WTT), the co-ed professional tennis league founded by the iconic Billie Jean King. Deschauer helps oversee all public relations and marketing programs for the 2009 WTT Champions.
In addition, Deschauer has extensive experience in leading advance teams and event management for such diverse clients as the Kastles, for whom he handles preseason and match day press operations, the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, for whom he provides congressional outreach event planning and assistance, Scientific American magazine and the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. Deschauer’s focus includes extensive knowledge of audio/visual arrangements and stagecraft for events ranging from small press conferences to large sporting events.
Deschauer also has wide-ranging experience in executing crisis communications with a focus on media relations for a number of professional athletes.
Moreover, Deschauer offers expertise on legislative analysis, public affairs program management and congressional relations management. Deschauer can provide instant analysis of legislation and the legislative process as well as how to build an integrated communications program aimed at distinct congressional districts, committees and congressional member associations.
Additionally, Deschauer oversees Qorvis Communications’ well-regarded internship program, hiring and mentoring new intern classes in January, May and September of each year. Deschauer also oversees the new employee orientation program.
Deschauer graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor in Arts in public relations.
FN:Jack Deschauer
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Sol Levine
“When all is said in done, it comes down to credibility, and that your message has the clear ring of the truth.”
Sol Levine joined Qorvis 2008 as a Senior Director with expertise in communication strategy, message creation, writing, and media training. He worked in network television news for nearly 30 years before coming to Qorvis, rising to top decision-making posts at each stop.
Most recently, Levine was Executive Producer for The Americas at Aljazeera English during the nearly year-long start up process and the network’s world wide launch. Throughout his career, Levine has been valued for his editorial judgment, understanding and approach to news stories and his never having missed a deadline.
Pertinent Background
Levine spent most of his career—18 years—at CNN, where he held a succession of posts. He was the producer of “Crossfire” in the mid 1980s, moving over to a news gathering producer position in 1987. His assignments included Capitol Hill, The State Department, The Pentagon and the White House.
Pentagon Producer during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Senior Producer covering the 1992 Bill Clinton campaign, and was promoted to Executive Producer of White House Coverage, a position he held through 1997. He was also responsible for special events coverage in the field all over the world.
From 1998 to 2001, Levine was the Executive Producer of WorldView with Bernard Shaw and Judy Woodruff. It was the first hour long news program seen live around the world, and a mandate of Ted Turner’s.
Along the way, Levine worked at both ABC News and NBC News as an independent producer.
Levine is a graduate of The American University in Washington DC.
FN:Sol Levine
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Branding Palestine
Qorvis Communications is now in charge of Palestinian public relations and has registered as a foreign agent.
The Palestinians three-month, $90K contract with Qorvis involves PR, advertising, direct mail, social media as well as lobbying to opinion makers and policymakers.
From the paper work filed with the Department of Justice:
"The business community of Palestine is undertaking a branding campaign for Palestine. The goals of the campaign are to foster a better understanding of Palestine and its people and promote international trade and tourism.
Many people around the world do not have a clear understanding or picture of Palestine. This branding campaign is designed to break the many myths and misconceptions surrounding Palestine and help people recognize the great promise of growth, prosperity and peace that can arise from this land and its people. For example, Palestine has a very high literacy rate of 95 percent and Palestinian universities produce 45,000 graduates every year, including such world leaders as such as Mahmoud Darwish, the celebrated Palestinian poet who died two years ago.
The campaign is funded by the business community through the Palestinian American Chamber of Commerce. The campaign is being managed by Palestine's top public relations and advertising firm, Elam Tarn. The agency is organizing a global communications and branding strategy, with an initial focus on the US and Israel. In individual markets, Elam Tarn selects local agencies to help with the execution of the campaign. In the United States, Ellam Tarn has selected Qorvis Communications as subcontractor. The campaign will debut in September to coincide with the activities of the United Nations General Assembly."
D.C. based Qorvis is serving as subcontractor to Ellam Tam, a Ramallah PR firm and is funded by the Palestinian American Chamber of Commerce.
Qorvis, which has a history of servicing questionable regimes in the Middle East also represents Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Bahrain. John Deschauer, Tina Jeon, Sol Levine, Sam Dealey and William Dempster have been assigned to the Palestine account.
A recent article in the Huffington post documented an exodus of employees from Qorvis.
"In the last two months, more than a third of the partners at Qorvis have left the firm to start their own lobby shops, partly because of the firm's work on behalf of such clients as Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the Central African nation of Equatorial Guinea, say former employees.
"I just have trouble working with despotic dictators killing their own people," a former Qorvis insider tells The Huffington Post. "People don't want to be seen representing all these countries -- you take a look at the State Department's list of human rights violators and some of our clients were on there."
The article continues:
"One of the methods used by Qorvis and other firms is online reputation management -- through its Geo-Political Solutions (GPS) division, the firm uses '"black arts" by creating fake blogs and websites that link back to positive content, "to make sure that no one online comes across the bad stuff," says the former insider. Other techniques include the use of social media, including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter."
FN:David Mayorga
TITLE:Senior Director
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
David Mayorga
“We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal, and then leap in the dark to our success.” - Henry David Thoreau
David Mayorga, senior director, joined Qorvis in 2007. From his years of experience on Capitol Hill, Mayorga brings a keen understanding of the workings of our nation’s government, which he uses to help high-technology industry clients, associations, and foreign sovereign governments. He offers diverse and bilingual (Spanish and English) media relations expertise to Qorvis’ clients.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Mayorga served as senior legislative assistant to Congressman Michael A. Arcuri. Mayorga handled member activities on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and managed a policy portfolio that included transportation, HUD, energy and water appropriations, labor, housing, pensions, education, and science and technology issues. He was also responsible for developing the member’s policy agenda and acted as a liaison to local and state government officials and federal agencies to effectively communicate the member’s policy priorities and objectives.
In a variety of roles at the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, chaired by U.S. Representative Sherwood L. Boehlert (ret.), Mayorga was special assistant to the chief of staff and, later, legislative clerk and professional staff. Acting as liaison to the chief of staff, he facilitated communication between staff, committee chairmen, House leadership, members of Congress, the White House, and corresponding agencies (including NASA, National Science Foundation, and the Department of Energy).
Mayorga graduated summa cum laude from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology in 2003. With a focus on biological anthropology, Mayorga also has a strong background in research from his work at University of Florida’s Department of Pharmacology and the National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse in Washington, D.C.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/david-mayorga/9/62/82
David Mayorga
Strategic Communications & Public Affairs Specialist for Fortune 50 and 100 Companies
Washington, District Of Columbia (Washington D.C. Metro Area) Public Relations and Communications
Senior Director at Qorvis Communications
Director at Qorvis Communications
Senior Associate at Qorvis Communications
Senior Legislative Assistant at Office of Rep. Michael Arcuri, U.S. House of Representatives
see all
University of Florida
2 people have recommended David
291 connections
Company Website
David Mayorga's Summary
As an accomplished communications and public affairs professional, I advise technology, defense and telecommunications industry clients, trade associations, and nonprofit organizations to help boost their visibility in the media, across government, and among target audiences to achieve communications goals and advance their mission.
I have managed issue advocacy campaigns, provided communications strategy, messaging, bilingual media relations (Spanish-English), and managed client account teams at Qorvis for: Google, Microsoft, Raytheon, Pratt & Whitney, Cisco, Finmeccanica, Afilias, Association of Equipment Manufacturers, American Chemistry Council, Americans for Transportation Mobility, American Cable Association, HOPE NOW, Scientific American, Bloomberg Businessweek, Feld Entertainment, Population Services International’s YouthAIDS, and The Creative Coalition.
Prior to Qorvis, I served as senior legislative assistant to Representative Michael Arcuri (NY-24), a Blue Dog Democrat, managing a legislative portfolio focused on transportation and infrastructure, appropriations, labor, pensions, and science/technology issues. From producing legislative memoranda to drafting speeches, communicating with local officials and business leaders, meeting with constituents and special interest groups, to managing all of the member’s activities on the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, I provided policy and political strategy to help accomplish the office’s legislative goals.
In a variety of roles at the House Committee on Science, chaired by Representative Sherwood Boehlert, I was special assistant to the chief of staff and, later, legislative clerk and professional staff. Acting as liaison to the chief of staff, I facilitated communication between committee staff, committee chairmen, House leadership, members of Congress, the White House, and corresponding agencies (including NASA, National Science Foundation, and the Department of Energy).
Public affairs
Issue advocacy campaign management
Policy and issues management
Coalition building
Communications strategy
Media relations
Crisis response
Social Media communications and strategy
Event management
David Mayorga's Experience
Senior Director
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
January 2010 – Present (2 years) Washington D.C. Metro Area
-Provide communications strategy and political counsel to Fortune 50/100 technology, defense and telecommunications companies, trade associations, and media and nonprofit organizations
-Experienced team and client manager managing issue advocacy campaigns through strategy and message development, media relations with demonstrated media placements in trade and mainstream publications, and grassroots outreach/activation
-Advance client communications objectives through rapid response/crisis communications, relationship building
with local and national media, drafting statements, press releases, editorials, and other written materials
-Develop effective messaging and communications strategy for integrated communications campaigns, combining media relations, public affairs, net roots, grassroots/tops, marketing, advertising, interactive and social media tools (i.e. blogging, Wikis, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) to disseminate client messages and conduct reputation management
-Conduct congressional outreach to raise visibility of clients and positions to influence public policy outcomes
-Identify, recruit and engage third party allies and build advocate base for national issue advocacy campaigns, conduct opposition research and analysis to inform those efforts
-Plan and execute influencer events, roundtables, and roll out campaigns to help clients reach target audiences and
advance positions with the right audiences
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
January 2009 – January 2010 (1 year 1 month) Washington D.C. Metro Area
Senior Associate
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
November 2007 – December 2008 (1 year 2 months) Washington D.C. Metro Area
Senior Legislative Assistant
Office of Rep. Michael Arcuri, U.S. House of Representatives
January 2007 – November 2007 (11 months) Washington D.C. Metro Area
-Managed and executed Member’s policy agenda, and provided strategy and policy positions on:Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, labor, economic development, appropriations, housing, federal workforce,
education, and science and technology
-Responsible for preparing hearing statements, hearing Q&A, floor speeches, drafting amendments/bills, policy memoranda,
and constituent correspondence
-Organized district outreach events and fostered cooperation with local groups to promote effective action on current issues
-Communicated Member’s policy concerns and priorities to local and state government officials, and government Agencies
-Fielded meetings with constituents, interest groups, trade associations, and lobbyists on policy priorities
Legislative Clerk/Professional Staff
Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives
February 2006 – December 2006 (11 months) Washington D.C. Metro Area
-Responsible for oversight of legislative action taken by the Committee under the direction of the Chief of Staff
-Acted as the Committee Markup Coordinator for all Full Committee meetings; instructed Committee support staff in markup procedures, maintained official markup dockets, and prepared legislative reports for filing in the House
-Provided daily documentation to Committee staff of all actions taken by the House and Senate on all pending Committee legislation and other legislation within the Committee’s jurisdiction; performed legislative research
-Interfaced regularly with House Parliamentarians, Office of Legislative Counsel, and House Floor staff
Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff
Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives
March 2004 – February 2006 (2 years) Washington D.C. Metro Area
-Assisted in planning and execution of the “National Summit on Competitiveness: Investing in U.S. Innovation,” at the U.S. Department of Commerce, involving Cabinet officials, Members of Congress, and CEOs
-Responsible for organizing and monitoring the administrative and legislative functions within the Committee’s Executive Office; conducted legislative research, attended committee hearings and staff briefings
-Implemented all Committee administrative policy objectives, strategies, operating plans, budgetary matters and supervised three Committee staff assistants; improved and supervised the Committee internship program (5 classes)
-Acted as liaison between Committee staff and Committee chairman, House Leadership, Members of Congress, The White House and corresponding government agencies
David Mayorga's Skills
Coalition Building Public Relations Media Relations Social Media Relations Legislative Advocacy Grassroots Advocacy Issues Management Event Management
David Mayorga's Languages
English (Native or bilingual proficiency)
Spanish (Native or bilingual proficiency)
David Mayorga's Education
University of Florida
BA, Anthropology
2000 – 2003
Graduated summa cum laude
Activities and Societies: Minor in Health Science Education
David Mayorga's Additional Information
Company Website
Groups and Associations:
Current and Former Capitol Hill Staffers
Hispanic Professionals
Mike Arcuri Alumni
Qorvis Employees and Alumni
U.S. Government Relations & Public Affairs
Wyeth Ruthven
With more than a decade of experience communicating on Capitol Hill and the campaign trail, Wyeth Ruthven provides strategic counsel for a variety of clients.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Ruthven spent more than a decade in politics as a speechwriter, communications director and campaign strategist. Wyeth came to Qorvis in 2009 directly from Capitol Hill, where he served as press secretary to Congressman Lloyd Doggett of Texas, crafting messaging for a wide variety of legislative initiatives pending before the House Ways and Means Committee.
Wyeth is a veteran of more than two dozen campaigns in a variety of roles, including communications director and deputy legal counsel for the South Carolina Democratic Party during the 2004 election cycle. Wyeth’s experience also includes work as chief speechwriter to South Carolina Governor Jim Hodges and staff assistant for Senator Fritz Hollings.
At Qorvis, Wyeth has taken the lead in developing strategies that integrate emerging social media with the practice of public affairs. He is the author of a March 2010 study: “Twitter Trends in Off-Year Elections: Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.” The study, the first analysis of Twitter best practices by political campaigns, was favorably covered by a variety of political trade publications.
Ruthven has Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Virginia.
FN:Wyeth Ruthven
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washtington;DC;20036;
Nicole Silverman
Nicole Silverman is a senior director at Qorvis and offers 14 years of international public affairs experience and policy analysis. Silverman has worked with Fortune 500 Companies, trade associations and non-profits. She advised the European Commission and various departments within the United Kingdom government and has built public health campaigns in Mexico. At Qorvis, she works with Fortune 500 companies, sovereign governments, industry coalitions and trade associations.
Pertinent Background
Before joining Qorvis, Silverman managed accounts at Waggener Edstrom. Her international experience led her to assist and oversee the growth of the company's EU/Brussels public affairs practice. Silverman also spearheaded a global internal government relations campaign for a leading Fortune 100 pharmaceutical company to enable government affairs executives around the world to share strategic efforts on advocacy initiatives.
As a management consultant working with the European Commission Directorates General, Silverman provided policy analysis on trade, education, immigration and cultural policies across the European Union.
Silverman has a Bachelor in Arts in political science from Wellesley College. During her studies, she worked at Harvard University's Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy on a study evaluating media bias in the 1992 presidential elections. Silverman has a Master of Science with Honors in social policy and planning in developing countries from the London School of Economics. Silverman also served as research faculty for Oxford University's Center on Migration Policy and Society.
FN:Nicole Silverman
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Catherine Castro
“Arthur Miller said: ‘A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself.’ Never has that conversation been so important. ”
Catherine Castro brings a fully-bilingual (English and Spanish) Investor Relations and Public Relations background to Qorvis Communications, with experience in both corporate and agency environments.
As an Investor Relations professional, Castro has a vast experience acting as a corporate liaison with the U.S., European and Latin American investment community, financial media, industry analyst community, international credit rating agencies, as well as the NASDAQ and NYSE. She has experience working in challenging business environments, such as tender offers, spin-offs, de-listings, reorganizations (Chapter 11), company sales, etc., as well as due diligence and auditing processes. She has experience preparing and utilizing a full array of Investor Relations documents and tools. Castro also has experience organizing Investor Relations events, including earnings calls, conferences, road shows and site visits, as well as developing all the accompanying communications.
As a Public Relations professional, Castro brings both corporate and agency backgrounds working with financial, technology and business U.S. and Hispanic media. She has experience developing public relations plans, strategic messaging and arranging media tours.
Pertinent Background
As a senior account executive at SunStar, Castro managed mutual fund client accounts with international and U.S. equity, corporate and high yield bonds and commodities styles. Castro created the agency’s first initiative targeting the Hispanic financial media in the U.S.
As Investor Relations and Finance manager at AT&T Latin America Corp., Castro was the primary liaison with the international investment community in the U.S., Europe and Latin America, AT&T Corp., NASDAQ, financial media, industry analyst community, and international rating agencies. She complemented a regional Investor Relations program and participated as a key member in the Corporate Finance team.
As analyst to AT&T Peru’s CEO, Castro coordinated and advised in the relationship with the corporate headquarters, as well as the investment and media communities in Peru and internationally.
As an Investor Relations analyst in Telefonica’s Peruvian offices, Castro acted as the primary liaison with the international investment community in the U.S., Europe and Latin America, the parent company Telefonica (Spain), as well as the ADR administrator, shareholder services agent, New York Stock Exchange, Lima Stock Exchange, corporate rating agencies, financial media and marketing research firms.
Castro is a member of the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
Castro holds a B.S. in Business Administration with a major in Finance from
Universidad de Lima (Peru) and has post graduate studies from ESAN (Graduate Business Administration School) in Lima, Peru. Castro is fully bilingual (English and Spanish), holding language certificates from the University of Cambridge (U.K.) and the International Baccalaureate Diploma (Switzerland).
FN:Catherine Castro
ORG:Qorvis Communications;
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Chelsea Cummings
“As Lewes said, ‘It is not enough that a man has clearness of vision, and reliance on sincerity, he must also have the art of expression, or he will remain obscure.’”
Chelsea K. Cummings is a communications professional specializing in corporate reputation management, media relations and event execution for a variety of corporate and non-profit clients in the spirits, entertainment, education and energy industries.
With a strong understanding of the evolving media environment, Cummings has an intimate knowledge of the evolving newsroom and she eagerly follows Web 2.0 developments, integrating these trends into each project she executes.
During her tenure at Qorvis, she has represented both corporate and brand interests for Beam Global Spirits & Wine and Blackboard Inc., and publicity for Feld Entertainment and The Creative Coalition. Cummings also provides corporate reputation management for Massey Energy Company.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Cummings worked with WUSA 9, the local Washington D.C. CBS affiliate where she assisted producers and the assignment desk with story coverage, script writing and research.
Cummings graduated from The George Washington University, magna cum laude, with a Bachelor in Arts in communications and a minor in journalism.
FN:Chelsea Cummings
ORG:Qorvis Communications;
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Charlotte Fouch
“One of my favorite songwriters noted that, ‘the context is stronger than the concept,’ and I believe that informs every facet of our culture and our work.”
Charlotte Fouch brings five years of communications experience in reputation management, corporate positioning and integrated media strategy. Her client roster includes education technology, sports, broadband, telecommunications and international groups.
Ms. Fouch provides strategic planning, support and outreach for her clients at Qorvis. Her specialties include managing public relations and marketing for organizations focusing on amplifying and extending their brands. Ms. Fouch also offers social media optimization counseling for her clients.
Pertinent Background
Prior to joining Qorvis, Ms. Fouch directed communications activities at Bravery Corporation, providing external strategy and outreach support as well as internal program development. She began her public relations career at Fleishman-Hillard, where she managed numerous government, B2B and consumer accounts, supervised division leadership programs, and assisted with event planning and support.
In addition to developing, running and supervising communications campaigns, Ms. Fouch assisted with employee training and new business development at both Bravery Corporation and Fleishman-Hillard.
Ms. Fouch graduated cum laude from Trinity College in Hartford, CT and holds a bachelor’s degree in art history. She is active in community organizations, including the Washington Ballet, the National Zoo and Lucky Dog rescue.
Charlotte Fouch
Director at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Director at Qorvis Communications
Account Director at 360JMG
Senior Account Executive at Fleishman-Hillard
Intern at New Britain Museum of American Art
Trinity College-Hartford
Trinity College/Rome Campus
Sidwell Friends School
1 person has recommended Charlotte
271 connections
Company Website
Charlotte Fouch's Summary
An experienced public relations and marketing executive with a recognized ability to lead integrated communications campaigns, direct strategic planning and drive media relations (social and traditional). Personal expertise in thought leadership, corporate visibility, consumer marketing and crisis communications.
Proven account leader, experienced manager and enthusiastic team player.
Reputation management, integrated marketing and branding strategy, creative/analytical writing, new and traditional media relations and search engine/social media optimization.
Charlotte Fouch's Experience
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
March 2011 – Present (10 months)
Account Director
Partnership; 11-50 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
April 2010 – March 2011 (1 year)
Developed and directed dynamic exposure campaigns for organizations looking to extend and evolve their brand. Specialized in integrated communications, marketing and new media. Oversaw and engaged closely in business development.
Senior Account Executive
Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; OMC; Public Relations and Communications industry
August 2006 – April 2010 (3 years 9 months)
Provided targeted reputation management, consumer and crisis communications support. Developed, ran and oversaw national education campaigns, thought leadership programs, strategic media messaging, executive visibility outreach and overall company recognition.
New Britain Museum of American Art
January 2006 – May 2006 (5 months)
Assisted with the day-to-day management and organization of the museum. Performed in-depth research and created eight explanatory wall texts within the permanent Contemporary Art gallery.
Charlotte Fouch's Education
Trinity College-Hartford
BA, Art History
2002 – 2006
Graduated with Honors in Art History.
Activities and Societies: The Trinitones
Trinity College/Rome Campus
Art History, Italian, English Literature
2005 – 2005
Sidwell Friends School
FN:Charlotte Fouch
ORG:Qorvis Communications;
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Lindsay Hyman
"We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems." - Lee Iacocca
Lindsay Hyman joined Qorvis in 2007 and focuses on marketing PR and corporate communications. Hyman works with clients in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors; providing media and public relations, social media outreach, writing and editing support, strategic planning and message development.
Hyman represents brand and corporate interests of Beam Global Spirits & Wine, working largely with the Bourbon portfolio and its flagship brand, Jim Beam®. She also works with Blackboard, Inc. and the Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, focusing on media relations within the education space. Hyman has worked on award-winning campaigns, successful national product launches, and high-profile corporate announcements and initiatives.
In addition to her media and public relations capabilities, Hyman also has extensive event management and event PR experience for audiences ranging from 4 to 4,000. She has managed logistics for consumer, media and influencer-facing events in a variety of markets and venues including the Newseum in Washington, D.C. and the new Yankee Stadium in New York City.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Hyman worked in advertising sales, where she managed client accounts for print publications.
Hyman graduated from George Mason University with a bachelor’s degree in communication concentrating in public relations, with a minor in business, and a minor in tourism and events management.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lhyman
Twitter: @ljhyman
Lindsay Hyman
Director at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Director at Qorvis Communications
Advertising Director at Broadside
Legal Assistant at Mason Law Firm
George Mason University
Universidad de Guanajuato
203 connections
Company Website
My Bio
Lindsay Hyman's Experience
Qorvis Communications
April 2007 – Present (4 years 9 months)
Advertising Director
July 2006 – March 2008 (1 year 9 months)
Legal Assistant
Mason Law Firm
August 2005 – July 2006 (1 year)
Lindsay Hyman's Education
George Mason University
BA, Communication
Concentration in Public Relations; Minor in Business; Minor in Tourism and Events Management
Activities and Societies: Public Relations Student Society of America; Order of Omega Honor Society; Mason Ambassadors; Chi Omega
Universidad de Guanajuato
Certificate, Intermediate Spanish
Studied abroad for credit in Intermediate Spanish
FN:Lindsay Hyman
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Tina Jeon
Tina Jeon is a Director at Qorvis Communications with a focus on Public Affairs, Media Relations, Fortune 100/500, Advertising, and International clients. Jeon collaborates closely with "Q" leadership to serve prospective clients' traditional and non-traditional communications needs through integrated solutions in: Government Relations, Public Affairs, Investor Relations, Marketing Communications, Grassroots efforts, Digital and Interactive Media, Research, Social Media, and more.
Pertinent Background
Prior to joining Qorvis, Jeon directed her own company, which specialized in marketing and communications solutions including brand development, media training, online reputation management, writing and event-planning. She has been recognized by local and national organizations for leading fundraising campaigns to support charitable groups combating child homelessness, abuse and illness.
Preceding this entrepreneurial venture, Jeon led the development of two discrete practice areas at an academic research and consulting firm, focusing on the needs of private and public colleges and universities. Jeon traveled throughout the country, conducting boardroom meetings with presidents, provosts, and deans, identifying needs for their internal admissions, development, public affairs, athletic and adjunct research offices. Jeon also brings with her experience in the health care industry, collaborating on research solutions for CEO’s, COO’s, CMO’s, CNO’s, medical directors, foundation presidents and department leaders at the largest hospitals and health care systems across the country.
Jeon is a graduate of Yale University where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in history and tropical medicine. She continues to conduct alumni interviews for prospective students in the area through the Yale Club of D.C.
FN:Tina Jeon
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Kathryn Stetz
“Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel." –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Kathryn Stetz joined Qorvis in 2008 and serves as a resource coordinator and project manager within the interactive department. In this capacity, Stetz coordinates all interactive and creative projects to ensure efficiency and excellent client service at all times. As project manager, Stetz oversees website design and development, print and digital communications projects.
Additionally, Stetz serves as a resource internally and externally to provide knowledge of interactive and creative capabilities and how that can be built into campaigns and communications strategies.
Stetz also provides public relations, social media consultation, search engine optimization and marketing, and brand positioning to integrated client accounts.
Pertinent Background
Prior to joining Qorvis, Stetz worked in the media relations department at the Council on Foundations where she engaged media on philanthropic developments nationwide. Stetz also served as special projects and events coordinator at HRI, Inc., where she planned and executed company events.
Stetz graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Arts in public relations and advertising and a minor in sociology.
FN:Kathryn Stetz
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Michael Hutshneker
Michael Hutshneker is an associate for the Clarus Research Group, a Qorvis company. His in-depth insight and research skills come from his international politics, nonprofit, and association experience.
Hutshneker’s portfolio spans from the United States Congress to the United Kingdom Parliament. Prior to joining Qorvis, Hutshneker worked with the Convention Industry Council. Using both quantitative and qualitative research, he helped launch public awareness and strategic messaging campaigns.
Hutshneker provides research for a variety of clients from the National Alliance for Hispanic Health and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers to Pratt and Whitney.
Hutshneker holds a Master of Professional Studies with a focus in public opinion research from The George Washington University and a Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of Florida.
FN:Michael Hutshneker
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Rebecca McGee
Rebecca McGee is a graphic designer on the advertising and creative team at Qorvis Communications. McGee brings a fresh perspective on design to a competitive and fast-moving industry.
While working on her degree, McGee spent a summer living and studying in Madrid, Spain where she was introduced to a new spectrum of design influences. Her work at Qorvis includes a wide range of interactive, print-based and packaging design for numerous clients such as XL, SHRM, Reznick Group, Ericsson Federal Inc, and Beam Global Spirits & Wine.
Before joining Qorvis, McGee worked as a graphic designer for the Office of University Publications and Design at Western Connecticut State University. McGee gained valuable experience in promotional design as well as an array of event and public affairs design concepts and executions.
At Qorvis, McGee combines classic and contemporary methods of design to innovate and push the boundaries of visual communication in the competitive design industry. She provides progressive communication alternatives to clients looking to set themselves apart from the crowd.
McGee graduated magna cum laude from Western Connecticut State University with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design and a minor in history.
McGee graduated magna cum laude from Western Connecticut State University with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design and a minor in history.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccamcgee
Rebecca McGee
Senior Designer
Washington D.C. Metro Area Graphic Design
Senior Designer at Qorvis Communications
Graphic Designer at University Publications And Design; Western Connecticut State University
Freelance Designer at Western Connecticut Women's Basketball
Western Connecticut State University
2 people have recommended Rebecca
124 connections
Rebecca McGee's Summary
Interactive Design, Print Design, Advertising, Branding and Illustration
Rebecca McGee's Experience
Senior Designer
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
June 2009 – Present (2 years 7 months)
Provide art direction, design and develop compelling solutions to communicate ideas clearly, starting with conception and ending with design in web, print collateral, advertising, branding, event design and mobile apps.
Graphic Designer
University Publications And Design; Western Connecticut State University
Educational Institution; 501-1000 employees; Higher Education industry
March 2009 – June 2009 (4 months)
Design work for marketing promotional pieces as well as major university events, fundraising events, and public affairs.
Freelance Designer
Western Connecticut Women's Basketball
October 2005 – March 2009 (3 years 6 months)
Rebecca McGee's Education
Western Connecticut State University
B.A., Graphic Design
2005 – 2009
Minor in History
Activities and Societies: Member and captain of Women's Basketball team, Prisma Design
Rebecca McGee's Additional Information
Honors and Awards:
Hannibal James Award for Excellence in Graphic Design, 2009
FN:Rebecca McGee
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
RJ Pittman
Since joining Qorvis in May 2010, RJ Pittman has developed unique web presences for a host of clients including Intel, Sourcefire, Reznick Group, the Union Labor Life Insurance Company, Daon, and more. Pittman works closely with content analysts and graphic designers to help ensure that website construction is easy to understand, implement and maintain. Focused on usability, Pittman always has the end-user in mind – whether it’s the client, or the client’s client. His capabilities are wide ranging, developing custom functionalities as necessary for each project, such as Twitter tweet syndication and the integration of third-party Customer Relationship Management systems.
Pertinent Background
Prior to joining Qorvis, Pittman was Director of Web Development for a boutique advertising firm in Akron, Ohio where he focused on applying and integrating social media APIs – such as Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube – to enhance site functionality and user experience.
He has worked with a number of operating systems, programming languages, and frameworks, including: Linux, OSX, Windows; PHP, Ruby, Java, C#, C++, Javascript, ActionScript; Drupal, CakePHP, jQuery, and Ruby on Rails.
Pittman received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology with a focus in Web and Multimedia Development from Kent State University's School of Technology.
FN:Ryan Pittman
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
David Silverstein
David Silverstein joined Qorvis after working in the music industry. He uses his unique background as a former music promoter and marketer to create value for his public relations clients with media and messaging strategies focused on the brand, regardless of the organization, company or issue.
Silverstein’s strong background in writing, his experience in the entertainment arena, and his keen understanding of policy and international affairs, enable him to creatively approach national and international landscapes. He also leverages his extensive capabilities in implementing social media plans to provide effective media relations outreach.
Silverstein currently works with Pratt & Whitney, ITT and sovereign clients. During his tenure at Qorvis, he has played instrumental roles in spearheading issue-based public affairs campaigns. In addition, Silverstein worked with Sprint to implement its corporate social responsibility communications strategy, helping them to effectively communicate their environmental endeavors and attain a top position on Newsweek’s 2009 Green Rankings. He has also assisted in implementing comprehensive crisis communications strategies.
Before making the transition to public relations, Silverstein worked in a variety of capacities in the music industry. While studying at Vanderbilt University, he worked as the co-chair of the Vanderbilt Music Group, a student organization that produced and marketed large-scale music festivals and concert series open to the general public. In that capacity, Silverstein had the opportunity to work with and market some of America’s top talent spanning the gamut of artistic genres. Artists included Kanye West, My Morning Jacket, Wolfmother, Feist, The Avett Brothers, Zac Brown Band, The Roots, Lil’ John, Lady Antebellum and many others.
Prior to joining Qorvis, David interned at Sony BMG’s Red Distribution, a New York City-based artist development firm. After graduating in 2008, David pursued a career in music management at the influential Gold Mountain Entertainment based in Nashville.
Silverstein holds a bachelor’s degree in English with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in corporate strategy.
FN:David Silverstein
TITLE:Senior Associate
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Kaitlin Vignali
Kaitlin Vignali joined Qorvis Communications as a Business Analyst. She works in the Creative services department on competitive analyses, sitemap production, and web analytics.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Vignali worked as the content optimization specialist at United Press International where she performed search engine optimization and social media work. During her senior year at The George Washington University, she was the assistant director at the GWU Writing Center and interned at The Globalist.
Vignali graduated from The George Washington University with a Bachelor of Arts in English and creative writing.
FN:Kaitlin Vignali
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Laura Woods
"Envy is ignorance; imitation is suicide" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
As a senior associate, Laura Woods works with the Interactive team to develop targeted web marketing and content development plans. She specializes in information architecture, search engine optimization and social media strategies. She has worked with a number of clients, including The Virginia Lottery, Reznick Group, Sourcefire and the Union Labor Life Insurance Company.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Woods was the communications and new media associate for the National Housing Conference. While in this position, she focused on furthering affordable housing initiatives through blogger outreach and social media campaigns. Woods also has experience in crisis communications, previously serving as an intern for Levick Strategic Communications.
Woods graduated from The University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.
FN:Laura Woods
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Bella Woo
Bella Woo is a Business Analyst on the Interactive team. Woo focuses on digital strategy, web analytics and web content definition. Her holistic approach to digital communications results in cohesive campaigns with a focus on user experience.
Pertinent Background
Prior to joining Qorvis, Woo worked as a paralegal for a boutique family law firm in Bethesda, MD. Woo gained experience in traditional communications, coalition building and social media while interning with Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates. She was also a public affairs intern with Women In Government, a non-profit organization.
Woo graduated from The American University with a Bachelor of Arts in Law and Society, and Women and Gender Studies.
Maria Abad
Maria Abad brings media and public relations, and marketing communications experience to her client teams at Qorvis. Abad utilizes her trilingual (Spanish, English and German) skills to foster greater understanding between international clients and the American people. Abad also has experience working with content management systems.
At Qorvis, Abad provides media and public relations, social media and marketing communications support for a range of clients including Bloomberg Businessweek, the Horatio Alger Association, the Republic of Cyprus and Feld Entertainment. Abad also supports the marketing and new business efforts of Qorvis. Additionally, Abad manages and produces Focus Washington, Qorvis’ web-based interview program.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Abad completed an internship with Wwwerbewelt, a marketing and advertising company in Germany. Abad designed and developed marketing promotional materials and interactive designs. While at Florida Atlantic University, Abad was the director of media and community relations for the Student Government Association and, in that role, acted as the association’s media representative and lobbyist.
Abad earned her Master of Business Administration, with a major in marketing, and Bachelor of Business Administration, with a major in international business, from Florida Atlantic University.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/maria-abad/1a/744/466
Twitter: @mariajabad
Maria Abad
Associate at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Associate at Qorvis Communications
Public Relations Intern at Qorvis Communications
Graduate Assistant (Office of Owls and Family Programs) at Florida Atlantic University
Director of Community/Media Relations at FAU Student Government
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Atlantic University
214 connections
Company Website
Maria Abad's Summary
Maria Abad brings media and public relations, and marketing communications experience to her client teams at Qorvis. Abad utilizes her trilingual (Spanish, English and German) skills to foster greater understanding between international clients and the American people. Abad also has experience working with content management systems.
At Qorvis, Abad provides media and public relations, social media and marketing communications support for a range of clients including Feld Entertainment, Bloomberg Businessweek, the Horatio Alger Association, the Republic of Cyprus and Pratt & Whitney. Abad also supports the marketing and new business efforts of Qorvis. Additionally, Abad manages and produces Focus Washington, Qorvis’ web-based interview program.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Abad completed an internship with Wwwerbewelt, a marketing and advertising company in Germany. Abad designed and developed marketing promotional materials and interactive designs. While at Florida Atlantic University, Abad was the director of media and community relations for the Student Government Association and, in that role, acted as the association’s media representative and lobbyist.
Fluent in Spanish, English and German
International experience includes working in Ecuador and Germany
Maria Abad's Experience
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
April 2010 – Present (1 year 9 months)
Public Relations Intern
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
August 2009 – April 2010 (9 months)
Graduate Assistant (Office of Owls and Family Programs)
Florida Atlantic University
Educational Institution; 1001-5000 employees; Higher Education industry
August 2007 – August 2009 (2 years 1 month)
Developed monthly Parent Newsletter
Marketing and advertisement of Owl Parent Association/Parent & Family Weekend
Marketing and promotion of "Making It Count Program"
Maintained Orientation/Parents website & Virtual Orientation Site
Director of Community/Media Relations
FAU Student Government
September 2006 – May 2007 (9 months)
Member of the President's Administrative Cabinet
Lobbied in Florida Student Association/FAU Days; Liaison between students, student organizations and agencies to the commercial media
In charge of unifying and organizing successful communication between six campuses
Prepared Press Releases for the University Press
Acted as media representative for Student Government
Maria Abad's Education
Florida Atlantic University
Master, Business Administration; Marketing
Florida Atlantic University
Bachelor, Business Administration; International Business & Trade
Minor, Economics
Maria Abad's Additional Information
Company Website
Groups and Associations:
FAU - College of Business
Florida Atlantic University Alumni (Unofficial)
Qorvis Employees and Alumni
FN:Maria Abad
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Jill Grozalsky
Jill Grozalsky joined Qorvis Communications with a strong background in social media, strategic communications, digital media strategies and government contracting. She uses her unique perspective as a blogger to create value for her clients with social media messaging and strategies focused on target audience engagement.
Grozalsky works on a variety of Qorvis client teams including Oceus Networks, Cisco, Mexico, and the Horatio Alger Association. While her main focus is on strategic communications, she also develops video concepts and scripts, and edits videos.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Grozalsky worked for the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, assisting with the development of an internal communications system and newsletter. She also worked as an outreach and entertainment coordinator at Washington Sports and Entertainment, and was the Production Coordinator for the National Institute of Justice’s quarterly journal.
Grozalsky also currently writes a food blog: www.cuisinequeenblog.com
Twitter: @cuisinequeen3
Grozalsky graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Arts in communications.
Greg Hudson
Greg Hudson is a video editor and videographer, who, for the past 8 years, has worked in the documentary, film, and news environment, producing videos in all three. Greg specializes in filming, video editing, digital media, and social media.
Before joining Qorvis, Greg worked with Cinebar productions, helping film, edit, and produce multiple documentaries and historical pieces in the Virginia area. He then went on to work for a local online news station before joining RT America.
Greg has a wide area of expertise when it comes to video work; he has helped produce news packages at a daily rate, understanding the pressures and values of a tight deadline. However he has also gone out on video shoots around the country to film and then spend time editing for an extensive period delivering a documentary piece. Greg graduated from Christopher Newport University with a major in History and a minor in Film.
Video editor and Videographer
Megan Kirkpatrick
At Qorvis, Megan Kirkpatrick provides media, public relations and social media support for a range of clients including Pratt & Whitney, Adobe and HESCO Bastion.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Kirkpatrick worked for Direct Impact, one of the nation’s leading grassroots companies, where she assisted in managing grassroots communications campaigns for a leading beverage company and energy industry association. In that capacity, Kirkpatrick managed a network of field teams across the nation and excelled in client relations and project management.
Before working for Direct Impact, Kirkpatrick completed an internship in Burson-Marsteller’s Issues and Crisis Group where she supported media relations and research efforts in their Washington, D.C. office. Other internships she held include communications positions with the West Virginia Biometrics Initiative and the Kansas City T-Bones minor league baseball team.
While at Elon University, Kirkpatrick worked for the university relations department, writing for numerous internal and external publications. Additionally, Kirkpatrick held positions in the university’s student PR agency, student government and communications honors program.
Kirkpatrick graduated from Elon University with a Bachelor of Arts in corporate communications and a double minor in political science and business.
Megan Kirkpatrick
Associate at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Associate at Qorvis Communications
Assistant Project Manager at Direct Impact
University Relations Writer at Elon University
Account Executive at Live Oak Communications
see all
Curtin University of Technology
Elon University
4 people have recommended Megan
274 connections
Company Website
Megan Kirkpatrick's Summary
I provide media, public relations and social media support for a range of clients including Pratt & Whitney, Hesco Bastion and the Washington Kastles professional tennis team. I also leverage a background in communications project management to coordinate effective, large scale advertising campaigns.
Prior to my current position, I worked in grassroots communications, providing strategic direction and managing field teams for an energy trade association and leading beverage company.
Public Relations, Media Relations, Social Media Strategy and Implementation, Public Affairs, Project Management, Communications Strategy, Grassroots, Aviation Industry Communications
Megan Kirkpatrick's Experience
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
July 2010 – Present (1 year 6 months)
Assistant Project Manager
Direct Impact
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Marketing and Advertising industry
May 2009 – July 2010 (1 year 3 months)
University Relations Writer
Elon University
Educational Institution; 1001-5000 employees; Higher Education industry
January 2008 – January 2009 (1 year 1 month)
Account Executive
Live Oak Communications
Privately Held; 11-50 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
August 2007 – January 2009 (1 year 6 months)
Issues and Crisis Group Intern
Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; WPPGY; Public Relations and Communications industry
June 2008 – August 2008 (3 months)
Campus Recreation Fitness Supervisor
Elon University
Educational Institution; 1001-5000 employees; Higher Education industry
January 2006 – February 2008 (2 years 2 months)
Communications Intern
West Virginia Biometrics Initiative
June 2007 – September 2007 (4 months)
Marketing and Promotions Intern
Kansas City T-Bones Minor League Baseball Team
June 2006 – August 2006 (3 months)
Megan Kirkpatrick's Education
Curtin University of Technology
Elon University
Bachelor of Arts, Corporate Communications, Business Administration, Political Science
Semester Abroad - Curtin University, Perth, Australia - Cultural and International Business studies
Activities and Societies: Student Government Association, Elon Ambassadors, Alpha Omicron Pi
Megan Kirkpatrick's Additional Information
Company Website
Groups and Associations:
Alpha Omicron Pi Alumnae
Burson-Marsteller Group
Elon University School of Communications
Omicron Delta Kappa - The National Leadership Honor Society
Public Relations and Communications Professionals
FN:Megan Kirkpatrick
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Nasreen Qureshi
Nasreen Qureshi is an Interactive associate in the Creative department at Qorvis. Qureshi utilizes her background in the fine arts and applies her design and analytical skills to create unique, innovative solutions for her clients.
At Qorvis, Qureshi has strategized with PR and Interactive teams to design websites, mobile applications, online advertising and print-related media for clients such as Sprint, Google, Cisco, and Net Neutrality.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Qureshi managed a successful freelance career, specializing in web design and development, print collateral and styling photography shoots. She also co-founded a philanthropic business, discerning-i, by integrating art therapy and multimedia design with Georgetown Hospital’s Pediatric Center. While at American University, Qureshi worked on integrated marketing campaigns for the student body as director of design for the student government.
Qureshi studied advertising at the School of Visual Arts and graduated from American University with a Bachelor of Arts in graphic design.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/nasreen-qureshi/18/150/522
Nasreen Qureshi
Freelance Designer
Washington D.C. Metro Area Design
Associate at Qorvis Communications
Design Intern at Qorvis Communications
Marketing Specialist at Michael Bennett Kress and Associates
see all
American University
School of Visual Arts
135 connections
Company Website
Nasreen Qureshi's Summary
Nasreen Qureshi is an Interactive associate at Qorvis Digital. Qureshi utilizes her background in the fine arts and applies her design and analytical skills to create unique, innovative solutions for her clients.
At Qorvis, Qureshi has strategized with PR and Interactive teams to design websites, mobile applications, online advertising and print-related media for clients such as AAMCO, Smithsonian, I Make America and Network for Good.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Qureshi managed a successful freelance career, specializing in web design and development, print collateral and styling photography shoots. She also co-founded a philanthropic business, discerning-i, by integrating art therapy and multimedia design with Georgetown Hospital’s Pediatric Center. While at American University, Qureshi worked on integrated marketing campaigns for the student body as director of design for the student government.
Nasreen Qureshi's Experience
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
January 2010 – November 2011 (1 year 11 months)
Design Intern
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
January 2010 – May 2010 (5 months)
Marketing Specialist
Michael Bennett Kress and Associates
January 2008 – December 2009 (2 years)
Responsibilities include development and maintenance of company website and blog. Daily maintenance of Twitter, YouTube and Facebook accounts. Creation of high-end advertisements, company slide-shows and trafficking post-photography production. Art-directed various photo shoots for event and corporate clients. Responsible for maintaining client and vendor relationships.
Director of Design
American University Student Government
Nonprofit; 1-10 employees; Political Organization industry
May 2007 – May 2008 (1 year 1 month)
Researched and developed the Welcome Freshman magazine to guide the American University 2010 class. Responsible for numerous department-specific design projects such as but not limited to Student Union Board concert posters, AU Arts Council logo, GLBT Awareness campaign and Women’s Initiative poster series.
January 2006 – January 2007 (1 year 1 month)
Helped develop brand name, logo, website and press kit for a charitable organization that worked with Georgetown University Hospital’s Pediatric Unit by integrating art and therapy. Mixed-media artworks were created by using medical supplies as art tools as well as combining digital graphics with patients’ personal artwork. 25% of all proceeds were donated to GHPC.
Nasreen Qureshi's Education
American University
BA, Graphic Design
2004 – 2008
Activities and Societies: Design Club Member Design Expo, Featured Work 2008
School of Visual Arts
2003 – 2004
Nasreen Qureshi's Additional Information
Company Website
Groups and Associations:
Qorvis Employees and Alumni
FN:Nasreen Qureshi
ORG:Qorvis Communications;
ADR;WORK:;;1201 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 600;Washington;DC;20036;United States of America
Julie Van Antwerpen
Julie Van Antwerpen brings marketing communications and new media expertise to her client teams at Qorvis, where she is an associate in the Digital department. Van Antwerpen specializes in information architecture and content development, social media strategies and search engine optimization.
Prior to joining Qorvis, Julie was the marketing coordinator for Clyde Bennett & Associates, an IT consulting firm for which she managed comprehensive marketing strategy, maintained the company’s digital presence, and created and published multi-industry newsletters and collateral.
Before joining CB&A, Van Antwerpen worked for Enspire Learning Multimedia Company, where she provided support and assistance to various teams throughout the company and planned and executed large-scale events.
Van Antwerpen graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Science degree in communication studies with a corporate communication focus.
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/julievanantwerpen
Julie Van Antwerpen
Interactive Business Analyst at Qorvis Communications
Washington D.C. Metro Area Public Relations and Communications
Interactive Business Analyst at Qorvis Communications
Marketing/Business Development Coordinator at Clyde Bennett & Associates (Sole Proprietorship)
Office Manager at Enspire Learning
The University of Texas at Austin
1 person has recommended Julie
291 connections
Company Website
Julie Van Antwerpen's Summary
Experience in integrated marketing communications, digital strategy and public relations
writing, new media, search engine optimization
Julie Van Antwerpen's Experience
Interactive Business Analyst
Qorvis Communications
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; Public Relations and Communications industry
May 2011 – Present (8 months) Washington D.C. Metro Area
Specializing in digital strategy, new media, and content development.
Marketing/Business Development Coordinator
Clyde Bennett & Associates (Sole Proprietorship)
Sole Proprietorship; 1-10 employees; Information Technology and Services industry
October 2008 – March 2011 (2 years 6 months)
Maintained client and vendor relationship management and integrated marketing strategy.
Office Manager
Enspire Learning
Privately Held; 51-200 employees; E-Learning industry
May 2008 – October 2008 (6 months)
-Provided company-wide support and assistance for over sixty employees.
-Created and organized company-wide events for up to 200, including budget tracking.
-Maintained monthly budget reports and fiscal spending.
-Tracked and wrote departmental communication guide.
-Organized and facilitated communications between employees and clients.
Julie Van Antwerpen's Education
The University of Texas at Austin
BS, Corporate Communication
2005 – 2009
Concentration, French
Activities and Societies: Zeta Tau Alpha (LOOKOUT BARRETTBROWN AND #OPCARTEL BOGEY IN THE HOLE!!!)
Digital media strategies, content development, search engine optimization
Hey Qorvis, #umadbro?
BCD SQLi Vul #AntiSec
_ _ __ __
__| || |__ _____ _____/ |_|__| ______ ____ ____ #Anonymous
\ __ / \__ \ / \ __\ |/ ___// __ \_/ ___\ #AntiSec
| || | / __ \| | \ | | |\___ \\ ___/\ \___ #FuckBanks
/_ ~~ _\ (____ /___| /__| |__/____ \ \___ \ \___ | #FTS
|_||_| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ #lulz
Website Vulnerability
Research by @p0isAn0N
-Haven’t been personally releasing anything lately so once a week I will release a vulnerability point in websites from random banks around the world. To prove that banks cannot keep your money safe for you.
-Week 1:
-Target: BCD Credit Union
-Method: Multiple SQLi injections
-Link: http://www.bcdcreditunion.co.uk/news/story.php?ID=12′
-Response: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘\” at line 1
-Columns: 13
-Vulnerable columns: 2,3,4
Remember : I havent touched their database. Why? Because innocent people could get money lost if i did,so this is just warning for you to withdraw your money from banks.
We are p0isAnon
We are Robin Hood
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us.
United Nations Lies Revealed
####### # # ### # #
# ###### ## ## ## ##### # # # #### #### ## #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# ##### # # # # # # # # # # #### # # # # #
# # ###### # # ##### # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##
# ###### # # # # # ### # #### #### # #
Mini Write-Up ; United Nations Lies Revealed
A spokeswoman for the UNDP said the agency believed "an old server
which contains old data" had been targeted
"The UNDP found [the] compromised server and took it offline,"
said Sausan Ghosheh.
// orlly? :
Message_Date ;- Jul 12 2011 9:56AM
Message_Body ;-
Re: Position 23946 - Aid for Trade Policy Specialist /Team Leader -
Dear _______________,
You have been shortlisted for the position of Aid for Trade Policy
Specialist /Team Leader, P4. We would like to invite you for a
written test which should be conducted during this week. Proposed date:
Thursday, 14 July 2011 Proposed Time: 13:00 – 16:00 (CET / Bratislava time)
The written assignment would be in English consisting of several
questions which will be sent to you and you would have 3 hours to respond
by email and send the answers back. I would like to kindly ask you to
confirm your availability at your earliest convenience to
zuzana.matuzova@undp.org. If you are not available this particular date,
kindly let us know so that we can propose other alternatives.
Job description is available at the following link:
[ HIDDEN <3 ]@undp.org
agroushevsky@yahoo.com | azhar.jaimurzina@unece.org |
g.venuprasad@gmail.com | joern.rieken@hamburg.de |
levitan.fred@gmail.com | lexll@sci.fi | malcolm.mckinnon@unece.org |
mika.vepsalainen@unctad.org | mpetrovicova@yahoo.com |
mubin.rustamov@undp.org | santiago.fernandezdecordoba@unctad.org |
serguei.kouzmine@unece.org | vanwessel@mail.com
There is thousands of emails from May 2007 till present being sent
from this server (email above was a randomly selected from the database)
but according to the United Nations this server is old and hasn't been used
since 2007, and apparently they shut the server down when they had found out
it was hacked, yet i just obtained the above email from the
cj_batch_messages table in their database server which was meant to be down?
More Proof that the server was not old:
step_name : Cycle errorlog
server : WTRSFCP19265
message : Executed as user: WTRSFCP19265\SQL_db3_ServerAgent.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your
system administrator. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 2528). The step succeeded.
run_date : 20110410 <- NOTE THE DATE...
**randomly selected data obtained from the sysjobhistory . . . . .
and... according to BBCNews & FoxNews we only leaked 100 passwords,
they clearly cant count.. overall there was 857 users/emails/passwords
lrn2count ....
- The Server is _STILL_ Active & We _STILL_ have access...
- TriCk
- TeaMp0isoN
P-Diddy Dox – Exposed – TeaMp0isoN #OpCensorThis – #Killuminati
1. P-Diddy (Sean Combs) Credit Card, Passport & Address Leaked
P-Diddy Dox – Exposed – TeaMp0isoN #OpCensorThis – #KilluminatiFirst and most foremost in this release we’d like to state that Donald Trump is a big idiotic nutjob. He is a billionaire with tons of money, but can’t invest into Security at the Front Desk that would damage the Trump name? Shame on you big boy. In this release we show you that not only can you run into someone that you may think is innocent but isn’t, actually was the one behind Chris Wallace aka Biggie Smalls (THE NOTORIOUS B.I.G’s) death. Meet Sean Combs also known as P-Diddy.
Now I think it’s time we give him a taste of his own medicine except in the #OpCensorThis way. You should have expected us a long time ago . . . Now the time has come, the realness in the industry is setting free the cage.
Name: Sean Combs
Location: NY 10019
212 339 2925
917 664 1808
PASSPORT # 42286643
Credit Card: 07/13 | 3767-433785-71007 | 9767 | Amex
Dox Scan:
- TeaMp0isoN – #OpCensorThis – KNOWLEDGE IS POWAHHH!
– Follow us on twitter: @_TeaMp0isoN @_f0rsaken @Hex000101 @_TeaMp0isoN_
Wikileaks' 'spy files' show global monitoring
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange launched the website’s new project on Thursday — the publication of hundreds of files detailing a global industry that gives governments tools to spy on their citizens.They reveal the activities of about 160 companies in 25 countries which develop technologies to allow the tracking and monitoring of individuals by their mobile phones, email accounts and internet browsing histories.”Today [Thursday] we release over 287 files documenting the reality of the international mass surveillance industry — an industry which now sells equipment to dictators and democracies alike in order to intercept entire populations,” Assange told reporters in London. He said that in the last 10 years it had grown from a covert industry which primarily supplied government intelligence agencies such as the NSA in the US and Britain’s GCHQ, to a huge transnational business.
Assange has been in Britain for the past year fighting extradition to Sweden for questioning on allegations of rape and sexual assault, living under tight bail conditions. His case is due to come up again on December 5.
‘Hunt people down’
The documents on the website, include manuals for surveillance products sold to repressive Arab regimes.
They have come to light in part from offices ransacked during rebellions in countries such as Egypt and Libya earlier this year, as well as investigative work by WikiLeaks and its media and campaigning partners.
“These systems that are revealed in these documents show exactly the kind of systems that the Stasi wished they could have built,” said Jacob Abbelbaum, a former WikiLeaks spokesperson and computer expert at the University of Washington.
“These systems have been sold by Western companies to places for example like Syria, and Libya and Tunisia and Egypt. These systems are used to hunt people down and to murder.”
Experts who worked on the release warned that at present the industry was completely unregulated and urged governments worldwide to introduce new laws governing the export of such technology.
“Western governments cannot stand idly by while this technology is still being sold,” said Eric King, from Privacy International. — AFP
Assange has been in Britain for the past year fighting extradition to Sweden for questioning on allegations of rape and sexual assault, living under tight bail conditions. His case is due to come up again on December 5.
‘Hunt people down’
The documents on the website, include manuals for surveillance products sold to repressive Arab regimes.
They have come to light in part from offices ransacked during rebellions in countries such as Egypt and Libya earlier this year, as well as investigative work by WikiLeaks and its media and campaigning partners.
“These systems that are revealed in these documents show exactly the kind of systems that the Stasi wished they could have built,” said Jacob Abbelbaum, a former WikiLeaks spokesperson and computer expert at the University of Washington.
“These systems have been sold by Western companies to places for example like Syria, and Libya and Tunisia and Egypt. These systems are used to hunt people down and to murder.”
Experts who worked on the release warned that at present the industry was completely unregulated and urged governments worldwide to introduce new laws governing the export of such technology.
“Western governments cannot stand idly by while this technology is still being sold,” said Eric King, from Privacy International. — AFP
United Nations – Truth about them lying
88b. d8b 888b 888
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888 "Y8888 "Y888888 888 888 88888P" "Y8888P" 888 88888P' "Y88P" 888 Y888
888 [ Knowledge is power . . . . . . . ]
By: Hex00010
In response to the United Nations Statement stating that the information we gave was from a out dated server
1. I would just like to say the stupidy in unintelligence people amazes me
2. The Sad thing is Society has to lie to not make them look bad ( which i will be showing you here in a few minutes )
Now if we look here ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-15951883 ) you will see a statement from a Spokeswomen for the UNDP she stated
“A spokeswoman for the UNDP said the agency believed “an old server which contains old data” had been targeted.
“The UNDP found [the] compromised server and took it offline,” said Sausan Ghosheh.
“The server goes back to 2007. There are no active passwords listed for those accounts.
Now there is a couple things i would like to point out and i will discuss it here in a little bit but
1. The server goes back to 2007 = False
2. an old server which contains old data = False
Now im going to show you how
1. So in Theory lets just assume technically speaking here that this ” Spokeswomen ” was indeed fact but how does one explain this?
Pinging undp.org [] with 32 bytes of data:
( Now here is the funny part :) )
ping *.undp.org ( hide the subdomain due to stuff we have on it )
Pinging webapp3.bim.undp.org [] with 32 bytes of data:
Funny thing is yesterday it was hosted on the same ip address as
But now all the sudden its on webapp3?
So if we done a Reverse IP check on the server on ip address 130 ( which Webapp is forwarded to undp.org )
the following sites are hosted on the server
Okay so now lets do a reverse ip check on the 161.* ip
If you notice Some of the Domains names are both on the same IP
So what does this mean?
Well 1 theories come into mind
1. They Switched the site of which we attacked yesterday to the Web3 Server ( Why? possibly to make it seem as if that statement from the old server makes it look as if its tru, But yout can play a player )
So with that said i would just like to say to the United Nations your tactics on Speaking to the press and hoping to make sure your backing your asses up in the best way you think you can is very very very pathetic
United Nations Is supposed to make this world a better place, security , Helping but yet they cant secure there own shit?
United Nations IT Staff is by far the worst ever and they need to get fired so such stupidity
The mere fact of them stating everything will be okay now is a lie if i wanted to i could leak over 30+ databases which is owned by United Nations now
with that said
United Nations you have 2 choices
1. Tell the media that the statement was false and it was indeed on the server
2. Or we will show the world our self
Make your Decision you have until next friday to make such statement
TeaMp0ison – Hex00010 – For Life Bitches
P.S ( What will you say this time United Nations? )
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTOR 404 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ESTRENANDO CUENTA ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SECTORLEAKS 404 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ACNUR ONU OBAMA :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BY SECTOR 404 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
ssssssssssss eeeeeeee cccccccc ttttttttt oooooooooo rrrrrrrr 444 0000000 444
s e c t 0 0 r r 4 4 0 0 4 4
s e c t 0 0 r r 4 4 0 0 4 4
ssssssssssss eeee c t 0 0 r r 444444 0 0 444444
s e c t 0 0 r r 4 0 0 4
s e c t 0 0 r r 4 0 0 4
ssssssssssss eeeeeeee cccccccc t oooooooooo r r 4 0000000 4
Target: http://www.acnur.org/t3/index.php?id=166&tx_refugiadosamericas_pi1%5Buid%5D=%Inject_Here%COL
DB Detection: MySQL >=5 (Auto Detected)
Method: GET
Type: String (Auto Detected)
Data Base: acnur_typo3Otros
Table: fe_users
Total Rows: 23
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DATOS DEL PRESIDENTE BARACK OBAMA:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CORREO, PASS, USERS, CEL PHONE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+ Obama Barack WEB http://www.whitehouse.gov/ barack.obama@whitehouse.gov Barack USER: Obama
PASS: 6289c5975815012768aefbf9a8d2fd3e
LOGIN: bobama
PHONE PERSONAL: ++1 202-456-1111
+ Wildt Dirk http://wildt.at.die-netzmacher.de/ wildt@die-netzmacher.de
PHONE PERSONAL ++49 361 21655226
USER: Dirk Wildt
PASS: d366439459635989af8f8ff68bb960de
LOGIN: dwildt
Schaffstein http://association.typo3.org/press/press-contact/ soeren@typo3.org
PHONE PERSONAL: ++49 69 2475218 0
USER: Schaffstein
PASS: 58f15d88af9a6fa455b02a553ce5e860
LOGIN: sschaffstein
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ADMIN Y USERS ACNUR ONU ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
PASS:40393643f344ccb59081d6f1e574a419 admin
PASS:925b4c68435d1c1feaf05f526578ab16 federico
PASS: 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 pamx0
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TABLAS DE LA ACNUR ONU :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Table Name Columns
fe_users tx_org_imageseo tx_org_imagecaption tx_org_vita tx_org_department tx_org_news tx_extbase_type middle_name cnum module_sys_dmail_newsletter module_sys_dmail_category module_sys_dmail_html by_invitation comments date_of_birth status last_name first_name gender language zone static_info_country is_online lastlogin fe_cruser_id TSconfig image company www country city zip title uc deleted lockToDomain cruser_id crdate email fax telephone address name endtime starttime disable usergroup password username tstamp pid uid
:::::::::::::::::::: SOMOS ANONYMOUS SECTOR 404 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
CabinCr3w March : "CabinGr00v3" by @glitchgore : #OWS
CabinCr3w March : “CabinGr00v3” by @glitchgore : #OWS
#follow @CabinCr3w: http://ampedstatus.org/network/members/fss34/activity/48150/
best .be defacing joke of the year :)
best .be defacing joke of the year :)
some of these hackers or defacers whatever you want to call themspeak just a little english (and make mistakes like me – too little time to control everything)
I am not sure what maximum penetration of our brothers means and if it is really that what he meant to say
Defaced by TeaM MosTa
Algeria Hacker
I will not forget the maximum penetration of our brothers in Palestine
TeaM MosTa = BoualeM team_mosta@hotmail.fr
Band electronic jihad
To : indoushka Jago-dz +++=[ Dz Offenders Cr3w ]=+++ Dz-Ghost Team Over-X MalicPc Cat-Dz(Nono) :) And All My friends.
#OpRobinHood Bulletin #2
_ \ _ \ __| _ \ \__ __|_ _| _ \ \ | _ \ _ \ _ )_ _| \ |
( | __/ _| / _ \ | | ( | . | / ( | _ \ | . |
\___/ _| ___|_|_\_/ _\_| ___|\___/ _|\_| _|_\\___/ ___/___|_|\_|
| | _ \ _ \ _ \
__ | ( | ( | | |
_| _|\___/ \___/ ___/
- Hello Media & Followers, we thank you dearly for following us. We are “so glad” to have your attention along with you pigs (because we now know we got your attention). me get a few things straight with the Operation. ]
- Follow @_f0rsaken – @_TeaMp0isoN – @_OpCensorThis ]
- #OpCensorThis #OpRobinHood ]
1) Chargebacks – Yes. There will be chargebacks but very minimal. Now which Charities/Shelters do we plan on donating this money to? Of course the ones that keep 15% for themselves and are un-honest. Do you really think we’d do this to ones who are non profit? Not at all. So get off your high horses and listen up.
2) Cards – We are NOT targeting Debit cards and nothing below the (Corporate/Amex) level of BoFA/CitiBank/Chase cards. Does this mean we target Classic Cards? No. Other banks? No. We have no intentions of even selling the data we have unlike others who would have profit intentions of using it to make BANK (MILLIONS) in for themselves. We are only doing under $1,000 at a time which helps quite a lot of people in that area. You banks: Need to stop fucking whining and start to up your security.
3) You are _NOT_ secure. There are tons of E-Commerce websites that still remain vulnerable, if it was such a big issue why don’t you go and offer your security services and stop charging a service? You are supposed to be a HELPFUL BANK, not PROFITEERING GLUTEN’S. There are also TON of corrupt bankers who work in your banks who have intentions of frauding your business for PROFIT. Chargebacks won’t stop us.
– So what is your solution? Apologize to all of your Corporate Customers for lying to them about Security. Verified by Visa also does not secure worth of shit seeing…I see foreigners offering the information to bypass that just for $5. That’s sad, that’s even from the Poor. We have intentions for the Corporations. And I know you won’t do this: Give yourselves up, sell your companies to the Credit Unions and never show your businesses in the United States ever again.
We’re glad to give you headaches you pigs, now it’s time to start squeelin’ because the annihilation has started way before you even know about.
GNY Zine, Issue #6
GNY Zine, Issue #6
` ` ` ` `
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``./sdMMMMMMmy+-` .+dy .oNMMMh. `omMMMmo``:y- `/dMMMMm: `/dMMMm.
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-dMy.``` `+NMMMMN. `dh.
`sNMNmmmmmmmdyo/::yMMMd` +M: `.
/mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNmmy/` Go Null Yourself E-Zine :Md:` `omN+
yNNdhyso++oosyhmNNho-` :yhhyssoshdh+`
...` ``..` Issue #6 - Fall/November 2011 ``......`
...` ``..` Issue #6 - Fall/November 2011 ``......`
0x01 Introduction
0x02 Editorials
0x03 Floating Point Numbers Suck dan
0x04 duper's Code Corner duper
0x05 How Skynet Works: An Intro to Neural Networks elchupathingy
0x06 Defeating NX/DEP With return-to-libc and ROP storm
0x07 A New Kind of Google Mining Shadytel, Inc
0x08 Stupid Shell Tricks teh crew
0x09 An Introduction to Number Theory dan
0x0a Information Security Careers Cheatsheet Dan Guido
0x0b Interview with Dan Rosenberg (bliss) teh crew
0x0c Et Cetera, Etc. teh crew
-=[ 0x01 Introduction
I wanted to write a dark and emotionally-provocative introduction for this issue. You know, like
the one in Phrack #67.
It's 2.00 a.m., nobody hits this machine at this time of the day.
Logs track me, but I'll clean them. I know this road, I know this feeling,
I recognize the shivering. Turn on the music, the game is on. I'm sure
someone else is around here, someone else has seen this # before.
"I'll fuck you if you don't fuck me first, sir". Fair enough, this
is the rule. I'll go to sleep afterwards. I'm meeting some friends and I've
to take a train tomorrow. I'll sleep on the couch of someone I've never
seen before, yet I know him well.
Yeah, something like that. Too bad I realized I suck at it. Oh well, screw it.
In its place, let's take a look at some of the gems over the past few months from the Twattersphere:
@TeaMp0isoN_ TriCk
u cant say shit to #TeaMp0isoN unless uv read phrack.org & gonullyourself.org/ezines
if u read them, u will then understand #TeaMp0isoN
6 Sep via web
@GregoryDEvans Gregory D. Evans
I can't hear my haters from up here in the Penthouse!
23 Aug via Twitterrific
@attritionorg attrition.org
[19:09] lyger: pro tip: putting chunks of bacon in coffee does not make bacon coffee.
it makes coffee with chunks of fat in it
9 Sep via TweetDeck
@shadytel Shady Tel
For a 35% discount, switch your Shadytel Internet service to Facebook-only today!
21 Sep via TweetDeck
There have also been many lolz to be had over at the Calibre project as of late:
If there's one thing we've learned from this experience, it's that broken designs are okay because
designed to be broken. And humbleness.
Kovid Goyal (kovid) wrote on 2011-11-02: #9
Sarcasm doesn't make me right, being right makes me right. The sarcasm was
just a bonus earned by the sanctimoniusness of the post I was responding to.
Additionally, much was learned about Jon Oberheide being a filthy, filthy troll:
Jon Oberheide (jon-oberheide) wrote 9 hours ago: #33
I'm not sure this is actually exploitable...the posted exploit fails on my GNU/kFreeBSD box:
$ gcc 70calibrerassaultmount.sh -o full-nelson
70calibrerassaultmount.sh: file not recognized: File format not recognized
$ ./full-nelson
-bash: ./full-nelson: No such file or directory
Is there different compiler (icc?) or architecture (maybe needs a RISC arch?) requirement?
Context, people. Context.
Moving on, it seems that one of the more prevalent themes in conference media coverage this year has
certainly been the recruiting of hackers by the federal government. This is most likely due to
presentations given by Mudge (of l0pht fame) promoting Cyber Fast Track, a DARPA initiative that
offers funding and resources for individuals' security projects.
Of course, the average dumbfuck always has something to say about dem h4xx0rs in our g0v3rnm3ntz.
by Americank17 August 6, 2011 8:48 PM EDT
it shows how backward they are in internet technology! and how desperate they are to
become players in the hackers(idiots)game! These hackers go about scamming and spamming
and dropping viruses all over the internet! This is the most absurd action that these
Feds have taken!
by train99 August 7, 2011 5:47 PM EDT
How are you ever going to eliminate hacking as an illegal activity if you give awards
and jobs to people who do it best?
What a sick, sick country.
by Harden_Tar August 7, 2011 6:14 AM EDT
We are the country that invented the nerd and we should get the best and brightest of
them to go kick China's butt back to the Pentium I days. I don't care if they have blue
and orange hair and a couple dozen facial piercings. Pay them, give them the best gear,
unlimited Skittles, and turn them loose.
Not sure what to say to that... I like Skittles...
Anyways, we've got a good issue this quarter. But don't let us tell you about it.
Just go fucking read it.
Notable Events
July 17, 2011 - Boris Sverdlik publicly burns his CISSP certification
August 4, 2011 - Cyber Fast Track program announced at Blackhat USA 2011
August 28, 2011 - Realization of rogue certificates issued by CA DigiNotar
August 31, 2011 - kernel.org compromised
September 13, 2011 - Microsoft unveils Windows 8
September 21, 2011 - Windows 8 ROP exploit mitigation is defeated
October 5, 2011 - Steve Jobs dies
Now, on to formalities...
If you are interested in submitting content for future issues of GNY Zine, we would be happy to
review it for publication. Content may take many forms, whether it be a paper, review, scan, or
first-hand account of an event. Submissions of ASCII cover art that display the GNY logo in some
way are also appreciated. Well-received topics include computer hacking and exploitation methods,
programming, telephone phreaking (both analog and digital), system and network exploration, hardware
hacking, reverse engineering, amateur radio, cryptography and steganography, and social engineering.
We are also receptive to content relating to concrete subjects such as science and mathematics,
along with more abstract subjects such as psychology and culture. Both technical and non-technical
material is accepted.
Submissions of content, suggestions for and criticisms of the zine, and death threats may be sent
- IRC private message (storm or elchupathingy @ irc.gonullyourself.org #gny)
- Reddit (stormehh @ reddit.com/r/gny)
- Email (zine@gonullyourself.org)
If there is enough feedback, we will publish some of the messages in future issues. Our PGP key is
available for use below.
We have devoted a lot of effort into this publication and hope that you learn something from reading
it. Abiding by our beliefs, any information within this e-zine may be freely re-distributed,
utilized, and referenced elsewhere, but we do ask that you keep the articles fully intact (unless
citing certain passages) and give credit to the original authors when and where necessary.
Go Null Yourself, its staff members, and the authors of GNY Zine are not responsible for any harm or
damage that may result from the information presented within this publication. Although people will
be people and act in idiotic fashions, we do not condone, promote, or participate in illegal
behavior in any way.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
-=[ 0x02 Editorials
We're going to try something different this issue. If you have an opinion and the ability to
coherently piece together nouns and verbs into sentences, then the Editorials section may be for
you. Please consult your doctor before exercising your right to free speech, as this may cause
adverse side-effects.
We may be contacted at: zine@gonullyourself.org
(PGP key is available in the Introduction)
Please note that emails we like will be published in future issues, so specify if you wish for your
message to remain private or if you wish for us to redact certain personal information from it.
[[ Author: dan
[[ IRC: irc.gonullyourself.org #gny
>> Note from GNY Staff:
>> To provide context to this editorial, dan has submitted two mathematics-based articles to this
>> zine issue.
Let's talk:
The number theory article in this issue covers several things you'd learn in the first chapter of a
number theory book. I didn't feel the need to write it because I thought I understood it better
than those books, or because I didn't think you poor starving Internet kids couldn't find access to
this information. Although it is kinda cool to say I'm going to get an article in GNY, I didn't do
it for that reason either. Look here kids, including mathematics articles in this zine (or any
other) is an awesome idea, but we need to be honest with ourselves. We're not going to be
publishing any original research here, so pretty much anything we write will be derivative. So, if
math is a good thing to publish in GNY, but there won't be any new math published, then what's the
point? The point is we can do it differently. We don't have to teach it like old stuffy professors
who bored us to death in school. We can actually attempt to make intuitive sense of things that
otherwise look like gibberish.
Look at Wikipedia's RSA article, or the article on RSA from the last issue. Both, of course, are
very formal. On Wikipedia in their worked RSA example, they compute Phi(p*q) = (p - 1)*(q - 1).
Now that we know what the Phi function is after reading the number theory article, does the above
line make any sense to us? It's using a special trick, p and q are both prime, and there's a
theorem that says the above is true. But we never see that Phi just means all the numbers less than
p*q that are relatively prime to it. This is cool since Wikipedia is supposed to be formal.
Similarly, in the last RSA article we didn't even get an explanation of Euler's Phi function, just a
convoluted (but efficient) way of finding the answer.
The only way we can include mathematics without adding pointlessness to zines is to start trying to
give intuitive, human understandable explanations. The advantage we have over textbooks and working
mathematicians is we don't have to be rigorous, we don't have to be formal. Yeah, those things are
needed, but don't worry, the professionals got that covered. Let's just have fun with it, and try
to actually comprehend what's going on.
So, I threw in an explanation of Inverses in Modular Arithmetic randomly at the very end. That's
because that was the only thing that was missing in explaining to you every mathematical concept you
need to know to see what is going on in RSA.
Of course, actually writing an implementation would require much more efficient algorithms than the
naive ones we'd probably implement after reading this article. Also, notice I said the concepts
going on "in" RSA, not the concepts needed to understand RSA. For that you'd need to learn more
There's some old folklore about being a better programmer that involves hitting "s" instead of "n"
while in a debugger. Similarly, to be a better mathematician it's good to step into the theorems
and see what's going on. How deep you want to go depends mainly on your interest. Don't feel bad
if you enjoy learning mathematics without the proofs. Understanding with higher levels of
abstraction is how we advance.
Make math fun, that's original content.
-=[ 0x03 Floating Point Numbers Suck
-=[ Author: dan
-=[ IRC: irc.gonullyourself.org #gny
On the fact that floating point numbers are stupid, and I hate them.
If you've been a computer programmer for more than a month, chances are you've been bitten by some
sort of error you weren't expecting when using floating point numbers. You probably chalked this up
to rounding error, or took the time to read one of those exceptionally boring articles about things
you should know about floating point numbers. The interesting thing is there is a very theoretical
reason based on pure mathematics that explains why floating point numbers are so stupid, and why we
can't do any better.
Before we can explain why floating point numbers are stupid using math, we first need to learn a few
basic mathematical concepts.
Set: a set is a collection of objects, where each object must be unique. Usually members or
elements of a set are written inside of curly braces.
{1,2,3} is a set, it contains distinct objects.
The integers also form a set, as they contain every positive and negative whole number, as well as
Sets don't really have to have anything to do with numbers. The collection of every dog on the
planet can also represent a set.
Function: In mathematics, a function, sometimes called a mapping, is a list of rules that associates
an element of one set to another set (or to itself), satisfying the following property: for every
input, there can be only one output.
Here's an example of a function, written in standard mathematical notation.
Let A = {1,2,3}
Let B = {4,5,6}
Let f:A->B such that f(1) = 4, f(2) = 5, f(3) = 6
The notation f:A->B means "f is a function (or mapping) that takes an element of the set A and
associates it with an element of a set B." We then define the rules to tell us which element of A
goes to which element of B. f(1) = 4 means that the element 1 of set A gets mapped to the element 4
of set B.
Mapping, as mentioned above can also be from a set onto itself.
Consider the following:
Let A = {1,2,3}
g:A->A such that g(1) = 3, g(2) = 2, g(3) = 1
This can be interpreted as "g is a mapping that takes an element of the set A and associates it with
an element of the set A." Although we won't discuss it here, the above function is actually a
permutation, a concept used quite a bit in higher mathematics.
Let's do just a few more examples.
Let A = {1,2,3}
Let f:A->A such that f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 1.
Let g:A->A such that g(1) = 1, g(1) = 2, g(2) = 2, g(3) = 3.
In the above example, f is a function, while g is not. Remember above we said that for something to
be a function, then for every input there must be only one output. Well, look at g, g(1) = 1, and
g(1) = 2. That's two different outputs for one input, so not a function. f is a valid function
since it meets the properties that every input goes to only one output, even thought the output is
the same.
Ok, one final function:
Let N be the set of natural numbers. The natural numbers are sometimes called the counting numbers,
because they contain only the numbers you normally count with. 1,2,3,...
Let f:N->N such that, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 2, f(3) = 3, ...
Another way to write the rules for the above function would be f(x) = x. This function definition
should be understandable to you if you have any experience programming. This function actually has
a special name; it's called the identity function, because it maps each element to itself.
Now, we just need to learn about one special type of function, often called injective functions, or
one-to-one functions. A function is injective if each input goes to a different output. Let's go
back to a previous example.
Let A = {1,2,3}
Let f:A->A such that f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 1.
While f is a function, with every input going to only one output, it is not an injective function
since each input does not go to a different output.
Let A = {1,2,3}
g:A->A such that g(1) = 3, g(2) = 2, g(3) = 1
This (along with several of our previous examples) would be an injective function.
We're almost ready to learn why floating point numbers are stupid. We just have one more concept we
need to cover.
Countable sets: a set is countable... if you can count the elements inside of it.
The above is the non-mathematical notion of a countable set, and while it's intuitive, it can make
us think about things incorrectly when dealing with infinite sets. So now we're going to talk about
the mathematical definition of a countable set.
Countable sets: a set S is countable if there exist an injective function f:S->N, where N is the
natural numbers. Take a few minutes to think about this. This basically says a set is countable if
there is a function that takes each elements of that set and maps it to the natural numbers (the
counting numbers). It's pretty much a fancy way of saying a set is countable if you can count the
elements inside of it.
The reason the function has to be injective is because, otherwise, you're not really counting
anything. Consider f:A->A, where A = {1,2,3}, such that f(x) = 1.
Then f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 1. This is a function from a set to the natural numbers, but you
haven't really counted anything. Now if you force the functions to be injective, each output is
unique, so once the output of 1 is used up, it can never appear again.
We can prove that A = {1,2,3} is a countable set by defining an injective function from A to the
natural numbers. Here we go:
Let g:A->N such that g(x) = x.
Then g(1) = 1, g(2) = 2, g(3) = 3. Notice how it seems we actually counted the elements of the set
A. We've also proved that A is a countable set.
Now let's use the same strategy to come up with some mind-bending results about countable sets.
Let N be the set of natural numbers.
Let f:N->N, such that f(x) = x.
So f(1) = 1, f(2) = 2, f(3) = 3,...
So there we have it. Probably not surprising that we can map the natural numbers to the set of
natural numbers easily. The interesting thing here is that this is the first countable set we've
seen that's infinite, often referred to as countably infinite. Yep, we just counted an infinite set
(this is the reason why the intuitive non-mathematical definition can start to fall apart).
Now let's look at the set of integers which we'll call Z. Surely, the integers can't be countable -
I mean there's totally like twice as many of them as there are natural numbers!... Let's find out:
Let f:Z->N, such that
f(0) = 1
f(-1) = 2
f(1) = 3
f(-2) = 4
f(2) = 5
We can see from this that it's possible to make a function that maps the integers to the natural
numbers, meaning the integers are in fact countably infinite. A similar example can be given to
show that the set of rational numbers are countably infinite. This will be omitted since the
description is best described pictorially.
Before we go any further, lets talk about cardinality.
Cardinality: fancy math term to say how big something is, usually described in notation as |A|,
which means "cardinality of a set A." The choice of the same symbols as absolute value is fitting,
since absolute values tell us how big something is. The idea of cardinality is fairly simple for
finite sets.
Let A = {1,2,3}
|A| = 3
Let B = {4,5,6}
|B| = 3
Let C = {1,5,7,9}
|C| = 4
Things get a bit weirder when talking about infinite sets. You see, the mind-bending thing that
happens when you talk about countability is that when you've shown a set is countably infinite,
you've show it is exactly as big as the natural numbers. So, believe it or not, this means from
what we've seen above that there are exactly as many integers as there are natural numbers (and
rationals). Basically, |N| = |Z|. To describe the size (cardinality) of a countably infinite sets,
we say |N| = aleph-null (written in original Hebrew lettering). Some GNY readers might recognize
the name aleph-null as similar to the handle of an author of a very well-known paper in computer
I'll stop with the countable sets now, but just to bend your mind a bit more, you can show that the
even numbers, odd numbers, primes, and many other things are countably infinite, which means they're
exactly the same cardinality as the natural numbers.
So, we're finally getting close to talking about those pesky floating points. Let's begin by
talking about real numbers. The set of real numbers is usually denoted as the set R.
Real numbers are slightly harder to define, but a good basic understanding can be had by saying that
it's the set of all numbers that can be written using decimal notation. 0, 1, 1.1, 2.1234123412341,
-50000.13412341341, 2000, 78 are all examples of real numbers. Floating point numbers are designed
to emulate these numbers; unfortunately, they have some problems with this.
Let's see what the big problem is by trying to count the real numbers.
For them to be countable, we need to find an injective function: f:R->N. Well, let's give it a
f(0) = 1 ; woo!
f(0.1) = 2, wait or maybe it should be f(.001) = 2, or maybe f(.0001) = 2,
or maybe f(.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) = 2.
Maybe you're starting to see the problem here: real numbers have a property that says if you're
given any two real numbers, there's an infinite number of real numbers between them. No matter how
close you pick two real numbers to be, there's always going to be stuff in the middle. We didn't
have this problem with natural numbers or integers. Pick any two integers or natural numbers, and
there's only a finite number of numbers between them. What we have discovered here with real
numbers is our first uncountable set.
Uncountable sets can even make a bit of sense when talking about cardinality. Uncountable sets are
bigger than countably infinite sets. Therefore, |N| < |R|, which is easier for us to wrap our heads
Now, let's talk about some fun facts about uncountable and countable sets. We saw earlier that we
couldn't map the real numbers to the natural numbers; more generally, we can say it's impossible to
create an injective map of a uncountably infinite set to a countably infinite set.
That, in a nutshell, is what's wrong with floating point numbers.
You see, computers represent all of their data using the binary numbering system. You can think of
these binary numbers as integers, or natural numbers - it doesn't really matter. What matters is
that the binary numbers we use to represent things are countable. So, in order for a computer to
represent real numbers, it must come up with a way of mapping real numbers to binary numbers, which
is equivalent to mapping an uncountable set to a countable set: it simply can't be done. For this
reason, it's impossible for us to ever have a completely accurate way of representing real numbers,
so long as we're using binary inside of computers.
Now, think about this. Floating point numbers are mapping some real numbers to the binary digits
our computer uses, which are countable. If one set can map to a countable set, then it is in fact
countable. The only way we could even begin to try and use real numbers on a computer is to limit
ourselves to a subset of the real numbers, and to deal with the "problem" real numbers have. That
problem being that for any two real numbers, there's an infinite number of real numbers between
them. That isn't true for floating point numbers used on computers. Computers have what's referred
to as "machine epsilon," which is the smallest change between two real numbers a computer can
represent using floating points. So, the first floating point could be 0, and the second floating
point could be 2.22045*10^-16, and third floating point could be -2.22045*10^-16, ...
Everything else is ignored.
One solution to the floating point numbers problem would be the use of analog computers (or "real
computers"). Wikipedia briefly explains this concept:
Computer theorists often refer to idealized analog computers as real computers (because they
operate on the set of real numbers). Digital computers, by contrast, must first quantize the
signal into a finite number of values, and so can only work with the rational number set (or,
with an approximation of irrational numbers).
These idealized analog computers may in theory solve problems that are intractable on digital
computers; however as mentioned, in reality, analog computers are far from attaining this ideal,
largely because of noise minimization problems. In theory, ambient noise is limited by quantum
noise (caused by the quantum movements of ions). Ambient noise may be severely reduced - but
never to zero - by using cryogenically cooled parametric amplifiers. Moreover, given unlimited
time and memory, the (ideal) digital computer may also solve real number problems.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog_computer
N, Z, and R are usually represented using blackboard style text. You can
see examples of this in Wikipedia or with LaTeX by using \mathbb{N},
\mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{R}. Similarly, the Hebrew letter Aleph is usually
represent in its original form with a subscript of 0 to represent the
"null" part.
-=[ 0x04 duper's Code Corner
-=[ Author: duper
-=[ Website: http://projects.ext.haxnet.org/~super/
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ISO/IEC 14882:2011 (a.k.a. C++11) is PUBLISHED!! || Can't speak? Identify to NickServ || http:
16:48 -!- killerboy [~mateusz@users69.kollegienet.dk] has joined ##c++
16:48 < Cecen> Yeah, I know VS offers name() and raw_name()
16:49 -!- artiintell [~artiintel@host86-144-19-6.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined ##c++
16:49 < Cecen> I figured raw_name was an extension
16:49 < V-ille> raw_name is an ext.. yep
16:49 < notNicolas> How do you get typeid?
16:49 < Cecen> typeid(something)
16:49 -!- jhunold [~hunold@pD9FD714A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the
16:49 < V-ille> { struct X {}; cout << typeid(X).name() ; }
16:49 < geordi> main::X
16:49 -!- Neptu [~Neptu@195-67-240-87-no53.tbcn.telia.com] has joined ##c++
16:49 < notNicolas> Cool.
16:50 < notNicolas> Is it a sibling of typeof?
16:50 < V-ille> { struct X {}; X x; cout << typeid(x).name() ; } // alternatively, from a
16:50 < geordi> main::X
16:50 < V-ille> there is no typeof
16:51 -!- mgaunard_ [~mgaunard@2a01:e35:8a4f:ffa0:56e6:fcff:fe93:6b6a] has quit [Ping timeout:
240 seconds]
16:51 < notNicolas> Hmm I thought I saw it at one point.
16:51 < V-ille> typeof is an extension
16:51 < V-ille> found in gcc at least
16:51 -!- MrSassyPants [~DURR@80-218-127-234.dclient.hispeed.ch] has quit [Remote host closed
the connection]
16:51 -!- Blahh_ [Blahh_@86-42-78-19-dynamic.b-ras1.blp.dublin.eircom.net] has joined ##c++
16:52 -!- borisbn [~borisbn@] has quit [Quit: QIP Infium IRC
16:52 -!- FrameFever [~Miranda@ppp-93-104-60-55.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has quit [Quit: Miranda
[17:06] [duper`(+Zi)] [2:net/##c++(+CPcflnpt #overflow 777)] [Act: 1] -- more --
// C++/CLI Type Attribute Examiner by duper for GNY
// Tested in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate on Windows 7 Home Premium SP1
#include"stdafx.h" // empty
#include #include
using namespace std;
using namespace System;
This is the prototype declaration for the primary type examination class which
/// does most of the work for this program; particularly the definition of the constructor method:
/// TypeExamine::TypeExamine
/// Since the code is written in C++/CLI, it has the ability to examine characteristics of
/// both unmanaged C++0x types and managed type data within the Microsoft .NET Framework's Common
/// Language Runtime.
template< class T >
class TypeExamine {
public ref struct CodeConfig {
literal int num_width = 20;
literal int bool_width = 8;
template< class T >
TypeExamine::TypeExamine() {
T a;
string typeName = string(typeid(a).name());
CodeConfig codeConfig;
cout << typeName << endl;
cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield);
cout << "min: " << setw(codeConfig.num_width) << numeric_limits::min() << ' ';
cout << "max: " << setw(codeConfig.num_width) << numeric_limits::max() << ' ';
cout << "digits: " << setw(codeConfig.num_width) << numeric_limits::digits << endl;
cout << "is_signed: " << setw(codeConfig.bool_width) << numeric_limits::is_signed << ' ';
cout << "is_integer: " << setw(codeConfig.bool_width) << numeric_limits::is_integer << ' ';
cout << "is_exact: " << setw(codeConfig.bool_width) << numeric_limits::is_exact << ' ';
cout << "is_specialized: " << setw(codeConfig.bool_width) << numeric_limits::is_specialized;
cout << endl << endl;
template< class T >
TypeExamine::~TypeExamine() {
static int main(array ^args)
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