October 29, 2012

Operation #YouveBeenOwned

Greetings. It is Sunday, October 28th.
#Anonymous and Suicide Girls present,

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Binary: 0101100011011101110100010011011101101100101 01000010110010011001001101110 010011101110110110111011001001100100

English: "Operation: You've Been Owned."

From the website, YouveBeenOwned.org:

"Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether you have the right to sell your stuff on eBay. Do you really own the smartphone or computer you’re using to read this? If you sold your books, would you be breaking the law? A federal court in New York says you would be, even if you legally paid for and bought them."

Today, Sunday Oct. 28th, beginning at 3pm EST/2pm Central in the United States, members of Anonymous and internet activists alike, will begin a supplemental support of @demandprogress's actions, by attempting the following:

1) Trend the hashtag: #YouveBeenOwned for over 1 hour throughout the United States, worldwide if possible.

2) Attempt to gather support for YouveBeenOwned.org's petition and ribbon campaign.

3) Widely disseminate informational articles about the U.S. Supreme Court case. See various articles below, already formatted for tweeting.

IMPORTANT: Read some of the information below and familiarize yourself with the issue so that you can quickly generate your own tweets. As usual, RTing will not force a trend, so you should open up a tab that displays #YouveBeenOwned and copy and paste other's Tweets. May the force be with you.


If You've Ever Sold a Used iPod, You May Have Violated Copyright Law: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/06/if-youve-ever-sold-a-used-ipod-you-may-have-violated-copyright-law/258276/ #YouveBeenOwned Go to youvebeenowned.org!

This Week, U.S. Supreme Court May Outlaw Your Right to Resell Your Own Property!!! Learn More: http://www.youvebeenowned.org/ #YouveBeenOwned

Big Business Trying to Undermine Your Right to Resell Stuff You Own: http://my.firedoglake.com/demandprogress/2012/10/24/day-of-action-monday-big-business-trying-to-undermine-your-right-to-resell-stuff-you-own/ #YouveBeenOwned

Court Decision May Make It Illegal To Resell Stuff You Own: http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2012/10/23/kirtsaeng_v_john_wiley_sons_case_may_upend_international_copyright_law.html #YouveBeenOwned

It could become illegal to resell your iPhone 4, car or family antiques http://articles.marketwatch.com/2012-10-12/finance/34240922_1_copyright-iphone-consumer-groups #YouveBeenOwned

We Are Anonymous.
We Are Legion.
The Corrupt Fear Us.
The Honest Support Us.
The Heroic Join Us.

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