March 22, 2012

AnonAustria Press Release - FarewellPrivacy, OpPitdog, OpFAP

  2. Dear citizens,

  3. For months we have, countless activists and privacy advocates, as well as the AK stocks with a citizens' initiative, but struggled to save you the retention and the resulting interference with our privacy. In Austria, the government does, however, as increasingly in recent shows, not to the voice of the people, but chooses randomly and over the heads of all other, what happens in this state. We have contributed a huge part in ensuring that the subject is fed to "retention" of a broad, public debate and we have also done everything in our power to combat the VDS.Nevertheless, with this first April introduced. In other words, from this day you will, we and all other monitors without any occasion around the clock. It will be stored for six months, who, when, where calls from who, texting or e-mails and when you look from where the Internet goes. This data is already on pure suspicions - and without anyone of them would realize something - to be called at any time by the authorities. The Home Office and in particular the Federal Agency for State Protection and Terrorismusbekämfpung (BAT), sees the retention of a fundamental basis in terms of security in Austria. That neither the VDS for targeted prevention of terrorism or contributing to crime, has been shown in the majority of the states in which the retention and implemented because of inadequate results now abolished or suspended because of unconstitutionality was. The massive intervention, the data retention in the privacy of all citizens is, we can not accept. For this reason, it will give us three more major actions against data retention:

  1. First On 3/31/2012 will be held in Vienna, Linz and Salzburg, funeral marches, in which our privacy is taken symbolically buried. Particular highlights include our "Femanons" who give up their privacy completely and accompany the march naked in Vienna are. All this runs under the motto "Farewell Privacy". More information can be found at or on the Facebook event.

  2. Second To show you what we think of methods such as the VDS, we are guilty of "Operation Pitdog" our own data retention carried out over months and monitored during this time dozens of e-mail accounts of politicians. This action has shown to be currently in the corruption investigation committee treated cases just the tip of the iceberg and most of the illegal activity is still not revealed. Coinciding with the start of the retention on 04.01.2012 in this regard will result in a number of publications that will shake the Austria! We also have original documents of evidence to the surveillance operations of the BAT-government journalists, we will also publish-mentioned date. In this context, we encourage all concerned citizens to exercise their rights and obtain a copy of any BMI held on them just there to ask for free (sample letter of Consortium data:

  3. Third As part of "Operation Free All Pwnies" We have the IT systems of the Austrian Internet Service Providers, especially those of Telekom, a closer look. After all, they are responsible for ensuring that our store data - as is always claimed - to be kept safe. Even on these results it will be interesting, but again we do not want to reveal at this point.

  4. Finally, we want to call to set a sign against the retention and - as it did already have 74 000 Austrians - the citizens' initiative of the AK stock at www. to sign

  1. We are Anonymous.
  2. We are legion.
  3. We do not forgive.
  4. We do not go there.
  5. Expect us!

  1. Links to the main event on 31.3.

  2. Vienna:
  3. Linz:
  4. Salzburg:

original in german:

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